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returning to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems. [and from

another] http://www.crystalinks.com/maitreya.html Maitreya, in Buddhism, the future Buddha, a Buddha who will be reborn in a period of decline to renew the doctrine of the founder of Buddhism,

the Buddha. [and from another] http://www.irshad.org/islam/prophecy/mahdi.htm The Holy Prophet Muhammad has prophesied about several events that will occur just before the advent of the day of

judgment. Al Mahdi will materialize when the believers are severely oppressed in every corner of

the world. He will fight the oppressors, unite the Muslims, bring peace and justice to the world, rule

over the Arabs, and lead a prayer in Mekkah at which Jesus will be present.

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ZetaTalk: Taoism

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ZetaTalk: Taoism

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

Among the philosophies from the Orient is one that espouses education through observation, specifically observation of nature. Where other philosophies from the Orient espouse either meditation, removing oneself from the environment

and closing off what the sense perceive, or seeking a balance between the attention to self needed for self preservation and cohesiveness and concern for others in the community, Taoism states that nature itself is the teacher and that each man must attend to his lessons alone. Taoism has an obscure beginning, as it was not brought to the attention of man

by the normal means, by the hand of a great and popular philosopher. Taoism developed as a result of discussion

among men, and was passed through many generations as a spoken work long before being put into print. Thus there is

no author, and this was by intent. Without an author, there is less of a target, so the philosophy is less subject to attack by those who would control the minds of men. Thus the Tao philosophy has remained pure, simple statements passed

along by so many routes that the message has not become corrupt.

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ZetaTalk: Sai Baba

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ZetaTalk: Sai Baba

Note: written on Jun 15, 1997

Mystics claiming special qualities are nothing new, in any age, but at the current time are given more credence than

usual due to the approach of the millennium. The millennium has been wrapped for ages in a double message -

salvation and peace on the one hand, death and destruction on the other. People confused and frightened by the

legends, which permeate all human cultures in some manner, will be increasingly inclined to grasp at any explanation

that promises security and takes away the worry. How much better than the promise of a returning messiah is the

reality of one living and among the anxious! Such is the promise that Sai Baba attempts to deliver, and for those

willing to put aside skepticism or scrutiny of the many claims about the man, comfort at least is delivered. Is he the messiah, the spirit who was Jesus, returned? Hardly!

Sai Baba is reputed to have said that all his followers will be protected during the coming Earth changes. Of course this is not true, and is elitism at its worst. Those who state that their followers will be saved are of course trying to secure for themselves increased advantage that they have enjoyed, because the more desperation there is the more faithful and slavish will be their following. Of course, the disappointment will be severe, but by that time the leaders who have

duped people will have secured what they wish to and squirreled away their own safety and will not be around to be

questioned afterwards.

Due to the fact that this world has chosen, by vote of the souls on Earth, to be a Service-to-Other planet, those

individuals currently incarnated by Service-to-Other souls can maintain their current incarnation should they wish it in order to help their fellow man struggle through these trying times after the Pole Shift. This has been misinterpreted in the past as being ascendance up into the heavens of the faithful. Of course it's not that, it's not faithfulness to any set of rules and regulations such as Christianity. Less than a third of humanity is truly Service-to-Other, and qualify, the rest still undecided or leaning to self centeredness. And most of those who qualify, the vast majority, close to 85% perhaps, refuse this assistance.

They wish to be with those who depend on them at their most trying time, when fear may overtake them, when they

may turn, in hopelessness, to thoughts of saving themselves at the expense of others. They wish to continue to be, as

they often are, the mainstay for others, the strong person who supports and is calm in times of crisis, even if that puts themselves at personal risk of death or injury. Most often, therefore, the lift is declined. When Sai Baba or any other states that their followers will be protected, they are therefore not speaking to such individuals. This in and of itself is an indication of the true nature of this group.

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ZetaTalk: Miracles

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ZetaTalk: Miracles

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Many stories about Jesus are based on true incidences with untrue distortions. How and why did this occur? Based on

the stories being spread about Jesus, a simple statement made in error by a single person can spread and grow in

details as it does. Think of the rumors you have today, and how easily disinformation can catch on and continue. He

seemed to them to be consistently so much more than a man, and indeed he was. And as he face the terrors they faced

with such equanimity, his faithful concluded he must be a god. Why else would the threat of torture and death leave

his face serene?

Did Jesus walk on water? Desert sands, particularly in flat areas, produce mirages, and a common mirage is

water. A human walking at a distance can be seen as walking on water.

Did Jesus raise the dead? As Jesus was well connected to entities from higher densities, he was able and not

reluctant to give The Call for help in many situations. Thus he on occasion was instrumental in curing people

who had been stricken and at the point of death. It is well known that severely ill people can appear to be dead,

and have on occasion even been buried alive because of this confusion. Such a person, recovering suddenly

because of intervention, would be rumored to have been raised from the dead.

Did Jesus mold a bird from clay? He found and rescued a bird caught and caked in dried clay so that flight or

even motion was impossible. This was subsequently explained as creating a bird from the clay.

Did Jesus make many loaves of bread from one or wine from water? A few of the faithful seated close to Jesus

as he lectured, having brought their own lunch, would conclude that their lunch had been multiplied on

observing the following: Jesus notes that new comers are without food, and asks those who had brought lunch to