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share, helping in the distribution. Later more new comers arrive, with various foods which they share among

themselves. The original arrivals look over their shoulders, noting the masses and the sharing of food, and make

an erroneous conclusion based on their heartfelt admiration for Jesus.

Did Jesus resurrect from the dead? The supposed resurrection of Jesus from the dead was, of course, a story

based on the widespread human custom of carrying beloved deceased to what the bearers considered a proper

burial. As Jesus had relayed that death is not the end, that his faithful could expect to meet him again, the

disappearance of his corpse, a true occurrence, was supplemented with supposition. Where did he go? He

resurrected, was the supposition.

How do we know these things about Jesus? Where we, the individual Zetas speaking to you, were not necessarily

there, or reading from some sort of written record, we are consulting with Jesus himself and the group of entities he

works with, his team. We go to the source for this information.

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ZetaTalk: Messiah

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ZetaTalk: Messiah

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The Christians claim that Jesus was the Messiah but the Muslims claim he was the wrong man, and the Jews say the

Messiah hasn't arrived as yet. The problem here, of course, is that there isn't any Messiah, so any such attribute

ascribed to any human just won't stick. Mankind must save itself, and in particular, each human must save him or

herself. The desire to be saved is not something that springs from humans, but an idea that has been put forth by the

religious elite. If mankind can be made nervous about their future chances, then they will be all the more likely to seek assistance from the religious elite, and pay well for it we might add. Each human makes their own path, and earns their own reward, and payment of money or goods and services to the religious elite has no effect whatsoever other than to

make the religious elite happy.

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ZetaTalk: Virgin Birth

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ZetaTalk: Virgin Birth

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The mother of Jesus did indeed have a Virgin Birth, and correctly ascribed this to a visit from an entity not of the

Earth, an entity she called an angel. We would direct the reader to what has been documented extensively about the

ability of extraterrestrials to manipulate human births. Jesus was the product of the union between Mary's egg and a

man's sperm. Her husband Joseph, an old man, was impotent with old age. She required a donor, but was not the type

of woman to be unfaithful to her husband, no matter what the mission. She was assisted in her desire to bear a child, to bear this special child, as both she and Joseph had given The Call to Service-to-Other entities strongly and repeatedly and understood full well the hardships their life might bear because of it. As artificial insemination was an unknown

science in those days, the Virgin Birth was explained as best the people knew how. Thus, the story as told is essentially correct.

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ZetaTalk: Crucifixion

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ZetaTalk: Crucifixion

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Jesus did not die on the cross for all of mankind, and this was the last thought in his mind at the time. Jesus incited the wrath of the establishment because he preached that man was free and encouraged free thought. He disliked money

changers, seeing them as usurious and parasitic on the hard work of the people, and didn't hesitate to say so. He

suggested that the wealthy class should share their profits more equitably with the people who made these profits

possible, the workers. None of this rested well with the established, the rulers, who were well connected to the

bankers, merchants, and wealthy of that day. They considered Jesus a threat to their comfortable life, a rabble rouser.

He was crucified as the result of a death sentence, just as innumerable other people were crucified at that time. Did

they all die so that mankind would not have to suffer?

Many legends have sprung up surrounding the death of Jesus by crucifixion. Jesus, being at ease with the telepathic

nature that humans normally posses, had tapped into the fact that his enemies were arranging the circumstances of his

crucifixion. Because he commented on this outcome his followers have endlessly speculated as to what was meant by

his comments. He simply meant that what he expected had come to pass. As Jesus had an avid following convinced he

was no ordinary man, his followers sought to recover his body and give it what they deemed a proper burial. In their

fervor they disturbed more than one grave, and this has resulted in the tale that many graves opened and the dead arose and walked forth. Of course, this never happened! The heart wishes it to be so, especially as the heart wishes the

beloved Jesus to live still, so the heart drives the legend.

Stories about the crucifixion of Jesus abound, as much to promote the Christian faith as to discredit it. Rival faiths, such as the Islamic faith, have purported stories to counter Christian stories. Thus, as Christians state that Jesus died on the cross for all of mankind, essentially creating a martyrdom situation where all of mankind might feel obliged

somehow to Jesus and therefore the religious elite who claim to represent him, the Islamic religious elite sought to

counter this. What greater blow to a supposed martyr than to cast aspersions on their dedication and state, as they have, that Jesus did not take the crucifixion but required a double for this painful situation? The problem with this story

telling game is that neither story is correct and is therefore an utter waste of time on all sides.

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ZetaTalk: Shroud of Turin

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ZetaTalk: Shroud of Turin

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The current shroud of Turin is a well concocted fake, done by chemists in the late 1950's. These individuals were

interested in increased activity in their local area, to increase business in general. They lacked an attraction, so created one. The method used to create the fake left no residuals, as most chemical reactions do not after a time. Thus this fake cannot be proved or disproved, and the controversy only incites interest, so the promoters get the desired outcome,

either way.

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