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The Bible Code does not exist. This is nonsense. The Bible Code is something that people have pieced together. They

have stated that periodically, every third beat or according to some pattern, that something appears in the text. Why

would Jesus, who spoke very simply to the common man, who stated his message over and over so it would not get

garbled, speak in such codes and then bury them so that only certain individuals could find them? If one took

snowflakes landing on the edge of a razor and analyzed them in an attempt to find a pattern, and tried hard enough,

one could make them say almost anything. This has been done with Nostradamus. He was quite telepathic and aware

of what was going on in his own world and had a great success rate. But he did not predict the future in his quatrains, which can be interpreted in millions of ways. Just because someone interprets it this way or that way does not make it so. The Bible Code does not exist. Anyone who has the capacity to challenge this assertion will find it to be a bunch of nonsense.

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ZetaTalk: St. Germain

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ZetaTalk: St. Germain

Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

The Masons, being one of the most widely known secret societies, have generated less gossip than those secret

societies which are less visible. The Masons have lodges and members, all out in the open. That a group could survive

on a premise that secrets are being shared, when none are, shows how strong the desire to be elitist, to have one up on others, can be. Founded by St. Germain, who claimed to have alchemy secrets, the Masons became simply an

organization of rituals and rules, not unlike the Boy Scouts.

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ZetaTalk: Knights Templar

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ZetaTalk: Knights Templar

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

Many situations fraught with injustice take a turn for the better due to reactions, where those injured and those in

sympathy are impelled to action where they would otherwise be passive. Such a situation occurred during the era of

inquisitions and the political marriage of church and state in Europe centuries ago. Integrity is one of the first

casualties when those living by lies come into power, and thus the Knights Templar came under attack. As with most

casualties of the inquisitions, they were blameless and set up with all manner of accusations that were totally

unfounded. Those offended by this injustice live on today, by proxy, as an organization that has lost all semblance to the original group, becoming, as most groups do over time, simply a group fraught with procedures and rules and

hierarchies to be honored.

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ZetaTalk: Mary's Message

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ZetaTalk: Mary's Message

Note: written on Jul 15, 1995

Much has been made of the supposed miracle at Fatima, where the image of Mary, mother of Jesus, appears, floating

overhead. Crowds form in awe, whispering to one another, and the local merchants clean up. When one does not see

the image of Mary, one is told their faith is not strong enough. Since the vast majority coming to the site have their lives wrapped in Catholic doctrine, they come prepared to see something, and see something they do. Was it in the shape of Mary? They believe so, and chalk up any distortions in the image to the angle, their tired eyes, the weather, or whatever. Since so many others are rapt, would one complain about the image being out of focus? Any explanation

but lack of faith is preferable.

The eyes see what the heart hopes to see. Seeing what is anticipated is so common that it is almost a daily occurrence experienced by all. Individual described as having a closed mind will only see what they anticipate or expect to see,

feel comfortable with. This phenomenon is very much with you. The mind supersedes what the eye sees, colors it, and

filters out certain things that will contradict the expectation. This occurs for future anticipation as well as for memories that are disturbing. For instance, if someone sees something that is upsetting to them, they will rapidly forget it, distort it, and selectively have amnesia. The same kind of screening works on future events.

Beyond the visions induced by suggestibility or a desire to see what one is expected to see, there is fraud. Just as UFO

sightings and contactee status are faked for the attention and financial side benefits such claims bring, visits from Mary are on occasion frankly faked. Just as UFO fakes involve altered photos and videos and witnesses backing each other

up and presenting scars or other marks supporting their claims, fraudulent visits from Mary use these physical props.

We are also told that a Pope, now deceased, wrote a diary of predictions delivered by Mary. The now deceased Pope's

diary, whom one cannot ask the Pope about, is a colossal fraud. No such conversations took place, not even in the

Pope's mind. Can this be disproved? No. What would one do, go to the grave and ask? It's a safe bet for those

perpetrating the fraud. Who are these perpetrators, and what do they hope to gain? Inspect the message carefully, and

you will find, repeatedly, two elements.

First, the promise that the Earth will be led to safety by saviors of a religious nature. The second coming, or

variations on that theme. Why would this be important to the perpetrators, who are, as one might expect, in the

church, and what do they stand to gain? The church fears that other gods will replace the ones they promote, and

hopes to gain increasing converts as millennium fever increases.

Second, the reference to large cities as the focus of rescue. The opposite is in fact the case, as during the

cataclysms cities will be leveled and be death traps. Nor can one grow beans and rice and maintain fish tanks

effectively in large cities, sustaining oneself when the grocery stores go out of business, permanently.

Why this message? Check out where the large, lucrative churches are located. It is not in rural areas, where the parish is hard pressed to feed the priest. Cash flow wise, it is the big city parish, sustained by the wealthy suburbs, the

enclaves of estates, the city home and condominiums kept by the rich and comfortable - that are solidly in the black.

Those perpetrating this fraud do not intend to be with the faithful when the cataclysms strike. They will be long gone to safely, bought and paid for by the faithful who have remained, as instructed, in the death traps that big cities will become.

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ZetaTalk: Stigmata

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ZetaTalk: Stigmata