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In that pyramids were a burial site for Egyptian rulers, the Giant Pyramids were first assumed to be mega-burial sites.

This theory flew until astronomical sighting tunnels were discovered, but the original theory still circulates. Folklore states that the Giant Pyramids were a sighting device pointing toward Orion, originally, and this is correct. Now, due to movement of the continents during pole shift, it no longer points there, but the Giant Pyramids seem to align North and South in a precise manner. So new theories emerge. Why would the ancients need such a device to locate north

and south, when a simple sundial marked with the seasons would have sufficed? Had the Giant Pyramids not lined up

in this manner, at present, then whatever the alignment happened to be would find a theory emerging to explain the

purpose of the Giant Pyramids.

Passing Stonehenge through the astronomical sighting theory, all manner of peeping in this or that direction occurred

until some correlation with an astronomical body emerged. Ahah! It lines up with the Moon, at present, so was a

planting guide for ancient farmers, who in any case hardly needed a device such as Stonehenge to observe the Moon

and it’s phases. Stonehenge is very ancient, and was a structure constructed by aliens in the Service-to-Self to strike fear into the primitive hearts that observed it. It looks like a site of satanic worship, for human sacrifices, and this reminder of such horrors was to be ever there, which it is in the main, today.

The Sphinx stands as a massif staring out over the sand, like a guard. What is it guarding? Is it looking at or away

from what it is guarding? Theories abound. The Sphinx was a burial chamber for a giant hominoid of great renown as

a hunter of lions, though his body never made it to the burial chamber. However, since those who could stand witness

to its purpose are long dead and left no written explanation, they cannot be proved or disproved. Therefore, our

explanation, like all other theories, remains unproved yet not disproved, and therefore will circulate along with the

other theories endlessly.

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ZetaTalk: Endless Debate

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ZetaTalk: Endless Debate

Note: written during the March 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

In answering the question recently on Wandering Poles, where they were for the several shifts back and what occurred on Earth during those times, it should be apparent to the readership that overlapping changes have occurred. Where one might be pointed due north at one time, pointed north-east after a shift, then moved again to be pointed due north again, this does not mean that all lines up as before! Continents change position vs a vs each other during such time, so where one spot may be, again, due north, a spot on another continent may not have adjusted back. Thus, is not simply pointing out that one must revisit the past few pole shifts, and what direction a spot or object on Earth may

have found itself pointing in, it is building one shift upon another to determine the overall effect.

In the case of the Giant Pyramids, rumored to be pointing or aligned exactly north and south but in fact not that

precise at all, one must consider what the builders were after. They were wishing to allow their offspring, on earth so long after they had died, to sight the inbound 12th Planet in time to get into space in a ship and moving into position to join and land this passing planet as it floated past. This is not pointing to Orion, as the approach close to the passage is 32 degrees below the ecliptic, the planet having dropped during its approach. Thus, one must not only reverse-engineer the Great Pyramids through the past pole shift, but also bear in mind just where the sighting down the long tubes of a reddish light from the inbound planet might be. All of this makes for an exercise that would not resolve readily, and is pointless in view of the near at hand passage in a year or so.

We would suggest that those obsessed with the past put this aside, and focus on the future. As Nancy is fond of saying,

"Are you prepared to help all the orphans that will be gathered around your knees after the shift? No? Then why are you focusing on trivia!"

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ZetaTalk: Dinosaurs

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ZetaTalk: Dinosaurs

Note: from the Feb 2, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC session.

Dinosaurs were related, and when a virus mutated, this affected them all. The dinosaur survived to become the current reptiles because, as with any infection, there are some who have resistance. All became sickly, and the smaller ones needed less to eat than the larger, and thus prevailed. There has been an intense discussion on tt-watch about this

matter, based on our statements, where it has been determined that the dinosaurs died out gradually, not suddenly as a meteor winter would have caused. At the same time, the discussion questioned how many species of dinosaurs could be similarly afflicted by a single virus. Specialization in species is a concept understood by man, as he sees frog

populations worldwide affected by the recent earth changes, such that they appear to be dying out. Coral reefs likewise appear fragile, subject to pollution damage. The issue is not so much how hale a creature is, as how vulnerable. The TRex was huge, had evolved to a large size, as had the herbivores of those days.

Today, large whales migrate around the world in the oceans, and elephants rumble through the jungles, so this size

should not be that surprising. Yet the mammoth is extinct, in spite of living in great herds only millennia ago. Mankind likewise could be wiped out by the AIDS virus, as it is routinely fatal with few proving to be immune. A virus mutates, as the AIDS virus has such that a vaccine cannot be developed effectively against it. Ebola has likewise mutated and

migrated, afflicting mankind now increasingly. One might look back and say, in a hypothetical future, that man

numbered 6 billion, had technology, but they all died out! Those large dinosaurs that had immunity to the virus were

nonetheless weakened, and struggled for food in this condition. Smaller creatures who reached a bit of food made this

go further, and struggled forward to reproduce and pass on their immunity. Thus, just as the last of the mammoth died

because they were weakened from having to migrate back to the grasslands, and the young among them failed this

migration, just so the large dinosaurs passed.

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ZetaTalk: Ural Map

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ZetaTalk: Ural Map

Note: written on Jun 15, 2002

Reputedly an ancient map of the Ural Mountains were discovered, estimated age to be 120 millions years. We estimate, based on when the makers were present, more akin to 90 million years ago. In that the Ural Mountains are on