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a solid old plate, always remaining above sea level, it is probable and likely that their shape would be the same over the eons, for Earth. Is this a true map, and who would have drawn this? It is indeed real, although the age is not quite as estimated but more recent. The map makers were not Homo Sapiens, or even hominoid. As we have stated, Homo Sapiens is not the first intelligent creature on Earth to be capable of forming souls. Prior to the dieoff of the dinosaurs, there was another race, reptilian, that had been engineered to this level. These reptilians were peers of man. What you might term their hands were dexterous, as are lizards on your Earth today. It was the handiwork of these creatures that was discovered.

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ZetaTalk: Mummies

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ZetaTalk: Mummies

Note: written on Jan 15, 1997

Where many preserve the remains of loved ones, wishing to linger in their presence a while longer, the ancient

Egyptians carried the practice to the point of being a religion. The dead were not only preserved, to the best of the skill that morticians in those days held, they were preserved with the intent that they should return to life. Such practices and hopes are held even in modern society, where the beloved is flash frozen in the hopes that future societies will be able to cure them of the disease that today marched on into a death grip.

Beyond the belief that a mummified body or one freshly dead from a fatal disease might spring back to a life that

would be worth living is a fear of offending the recently dead. Many human cultures carry the belief that the recently dead linger about to see whether their wishes have been carried out, and with good reason. Spirits indeed do often hang back until they feel their past life has been settled, ghosts by whatever name they might be called. Thus beyond

preserving a body, those wishing to be rid of an after-death visitation did all in their power to meet the demands of an autocrat known to be savage in his or her demands.

If the king or queen demanded it, servants were buried alive within the burial chambers, often tricked into thinking

they were simply delivering last minute packages of valuables. Life as a servant was cruel in ancient Egypt, and the

servants were tempted with wealth, gold and jewels, that they were to carry at the last minute through the maze into

the burial chambers. These chambers were constructed such that a domino effect would occur, sealing the chambers

from the outside in. Thus the horrified servants would discover that their attempt to rush to the various entrances were not only blocked, they were in fact being chased by closing chambers back into the burial chamber itself. If the servants were leery, then they were drugged and delivered to their masters, who considered that they owned them body

and soul during life, and were expected to be resentful of any other outcome in an afterlife.

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ZetaTalk: Sodom and Gomorra

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ZetaTalk: Sodom and Gomorra

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Prior to recorded history there were many dramas that earned their place in history by their impact. They so impressed those who lived through them that the story was repeated, endlessly, until the era of recorded history arrived. As these dramas occurred before clocks and calendars were in use, no one is sure of the date, but the circumstances, often told in allegory fashion, generally arrived intact. Such is the case with the tale of Sodom and Gomorra, the city of sin

destroyed, so the story goes, by the hand of God. This story has a basis in fact, but like most stories repeated over time has changed to fit the viewpoint of the audience. The ear hears what the heart and mind expect. The story gets slanted, as you say.

Sodom and Gomorra were two rather smallish cities in the arid lands of the middle east. In those days sodomy was a

common practice among males without a mate. Young boys were sent out to mind the herds, and learned from the

older boys how to use the sheep and goats they tended to relieve sexual tension. From there it was a short step to use each other when in the cities, and no one thought much of it. A favor among friends. However, as with most aspects of

the human drama, this took on other overtones. The dominant males wanted to do unto, not be done unto, and those

leaning toward the Service-to-Self orientation rather enjoyed the role of being top cock, and insisted not only on this position but on being able to demand service from whomever they choose.

Such was the situation in Sodom and Gomorra, during the era when the 3rd Density visitors from the 12th Planet

walked the Earth. These visitors, as we have reported, are strapping handsome hominoids, who themselves choose their sexual partners as they saw fit, and were in no way subservient to the puny humans they generally considered their

servants and slaves. However, in Sodom and Gomorra, the practice of sodomy accompanied by domination games, had

gotten rowdy, with several toughs thinking they had no match. A single 12th Planet hominoid, traveling with his

entourage, was raped near these cities by a gang that wouldn't take no for an answer, and the repercussions were

brutal. The visitors from the 12th Planet had the bomb, as we have reported, and used it.

Business partners were warned ahead of time but were given scarcely enough time to leave. No time for good-byes or

even a lingering last look, yet the wife of one business associate did just that. She lingered, not wanting to leave the home she loved and not truly understanding the circumstances. When the bomb exploded she was gazing down on the

city and was in line of the blast rather than over the hill, and was essentially vaporized where she stood. Legend

explained her burned and hardened remains, gray with the fine dust of the fallout, as a pillar of salt.

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ZetaTalk: El Dorado

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ZetaTalk: El Dorado

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The obsession with Gold is not natural to man, it is a habit mankind picked up from the visitors from the 12th Planet.

What about Gold makes it so cherished? Platinum is as tarnish free, silver and copper as malleable, and yet Gold is

accepted as a metal more precious than others, more desirable, a metal to die for. This attitude toward Gold, passed as a heritage from generation to generation, was impressed on mankind from those who had to have Gold, and did not hesitate to kill for it.

Where mankind uses Gold for adornment or as a medium of exchange, the visitors from the 12th Planet were