as foodstuffs. Humans have but to return to their recent past and relearn these lessons. Except for those few who have
prepared, humans surviving the cataclysms will find themselves without food. In the cities this will happen quickly, as
fresh or frozen foods will spoil due to total power failure, and canned and dried goods will only go so far. Then what?
Rural areas, where one would presume to find gardens put in and livestock in abundance, will not be much better off.
The drought and irregular weather will have taken their toll, to say nothing of the cataclysms themselves. How long
will a hungry farmer hand grain to his livestock? He will eat the grain himself and the livestock, and when he gets
hungry enough will eat his last breeding pair and his seed stock. Gone.
Should the reader think that planting and harvesting will go on as before, they should realize that the gloom that
follows a cataclysm is devastating to vegetation. If vegetation survives the droughts that precede the cataclysms and the
hail and firestorms and high winds that occur during the cataclysms then it must next survive an almost continual
deluge and lack of sunlight. The comeback after a cataclysm is not, in the main, from domesticated plants and animals,
although some dedicated farmers will bring their breeding pairs and seed stock through. The comeback is from
wilderness areas, from sturdy roots that keep on trying and scattered seed that keeps on sprouting. In the meantime,
humans starve.
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ZetaTalk: Crop Adjustments
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ZetaTalk: Crop Adjustments
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
To a very great extent, adjusting to crop failure depends on the personality of the individual forced to make an
adjustment. We will get specific.
Take, for example, a farm in the Midwest. Prosperous. Several farm hands. Occasional crop failures but in the
main they can smooth their profits to cover these. Now come the crop failures. First year, the usual fallbacks are
relied upon, although with the talk in the news about weather problems all over, they will be nervous. Second
year, everyone gets brittle. Tempers flare. Long-time farm hands are laid off, with much guilt and regret. Plans
are changed, and arguments ensue. However, there are still savings, and perhaps bank credit, and the expectation
is that the next year will bring sky-high prices, even if the crop is only fair-to-middling. Third year. Shock.
Depression, and we're not just talking financial. Personal gardens are producing enough to feed the family, but
the bank would foreclose if they could find a buyer. Everyone thinks of the dust bowl, the depression, and goes
to the movies a lot!
Now, need this be the scenario? Are there no alternatives? Let us say there is a prosperous Midwest farmer who
listens to the news, eyeballs the Internet, and isn't a stick-in-the-mud. He hears, perhaps rarely but nevertheless
on occasion, about pole shift predictions, and notices that some of these predictions are connecting with his
reality. He decides to prepare for all contingencies. Since the drought is increasing, he stores and recycles water.
Since cattle are dying, he moves to indoor fish tanks to fill his empty barn and prevent evaporation of the water.
Lo and behold, there is a market for the fish! He makes money. He already has a Windmill, and with the winds
increasing, takes more and more advantage of this. Now he has the electricity to irrigate hydroponics, as this guy
is no dummy and he isn't pouring precious water into the ground.
After the cataclysms livestock will die for lack of feed or be eaten. Seeds sown will fail to thrive after germination
from lack of sunlight and the excessive drenching rains. What will the survivors eat? Those who have prepared by
establishing intensive indoor gardening such as Hydroponics and the most protein efficient animal husbandry, Fish
tanks and ponds, will find themselves not only subsisting but subsisting well. Such arrangements require indoor
lighting. Hydroponics can be grown around the clock and fish eat either this produce or water plants that feed off the
community's Sewage Effluent, but the base of this food chain is the hydroponic vegetation. For plants, light is life, for
without it plants die. Such indoor farming, in place prior to the cataclysms, should not rely on lighting from either the
Sun or the utility companies. Both will in essence go out during the decades immediately following the cataclysms.
Power for indoor lighting should rely on harnessing wind, or water flows, or other such mechanical generation that can
be counted upon to be present after the cataclysms.
Food stuffs that can be grown without artificial light and will do quite nicely on the gloomy light supplied by the Sun
are mushrooms, earthworms, and various insects that feed on dead tissue. After the cataclysms bugs will be in
abundance, as dead tissue from both plants and animals is everywhere. This trend can be taken advantage of, as
distasteful as that concept might be to humans who have never eaten a bug. Larva, grown in humus, can be turned into
pureed and creamed soups, puddings, or omelets by skilled cooks. Those eating the fare would never guess that the
base was not cream, milk, and eggs. For those humans who do not prepare, they will find themselves Eating Bugs in
any case, as meals from what they can catch or find growing will be few and far between.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:55:00 AM]
ZetaTalk: Diet Adjustments
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ZetaTalk: Diet Adjustments
Note: written on May 15, 1997.
Beyond sculpting the public’s attitude toward starvation, with an eye to hardening hearts and saving the plenty of the
American heartland, the bread-basket of the world, for themselves, the CIA will begin to attempt to sculpt the public’s
habits. The public will be told to eat different foods, to adjust their diets, and most especially to tie themselves in a
dependent manner to those who feed them. Alliances with grocery chains with guaranteed delivery of food stuffs will
be put into place, so that nervous families find themselves financially and emotionally dependent. With their money
committed, they cannot go elsewhere or establish other ways of feeding themselves. Thus, as the time for enslavement
of the populace approaches, when camps of desperate people are formed, drawn by the strings that have already been
attached to them, their escape is less and less likely.
The answer to food shortages is not dependence on exclusive grocery clubs, but home and in particular indoor
gardening. Should this practice become widespread, there would be no shortages to speak of. neighbors can help
neighbors, sharing produce and seed and know-how, and after the coming cataclysms recovery would be quick. This
route, the self-help route, will not be advocated by those who seek to establish kingdoms in the Aftertime. Be on guard