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ZetaTalk: Minneapolis Bridge

written Aug 2, 2007

7 Dead, Dozens Injured In I-35W Bridge Collapse [Aug 2]

Interstate 35W bridge spanning the Mississippi River in

Minneapolis collapsed, sending cars, people and debris into

the river below. The collapse was likely structural in nature.

It was not an act of terrorism. The bridge was undergoing

repair work when it collapsed. Of the eight lanes on the

roadway, four were closed for repair to the 40-year-old

bridge's deck, joints, guardrails and lights. None of it would

be related to the structure. The bridge was inspected by the

Minnesota Department of Transportation in 2005 and 2006

and that no structural problems were noted. [and from

another] Bridge Collapse Probe Focuses on Unexplained

Shift [Aug 3]

http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/08/03/bridge.structure/ Investigators trying to figure out what caused

Wednesday's massive bridge collapse are focusing on the southern end of the span. The NTSB says one

part of the bridge shifted 50 feet as it fell, while other sections collapsed in place. What's getting

investigators' attention is the way the southern part of the bridge fell in a video they've already examined -

- recorded by a security camera near the bridge's north end -- and the way the section settled after the

collapse. It appears that it has shifted approximately 50 feet to the east and when we compare that to what

we've seen in the rest of the bridge -- the rest of the bridge appears to have collapsed in place. [and from

another] I live in a suburb of Minneapolis and nothing has ever happened like this before. There were

reports in the news of a 'rotten egg smell' and an outbreak of of algae just a few days prior to this. I also

felt, or heard, a strange frequency a couple of hours before this happened. [and from another] VIDEO:

YouTube at Moment of Collapse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osocGiofdvc

We have predicted that bridges crossing the Mississippi will be affected when the New Madrid and related fault lines

adjust, going into the pole shift. Was this bridge collapse which crossed the Mississippi in Minnesota caused by such

an adjustment, the footings on one side of the bridge moving in an opposite direction from the footings on the other

side, or perhaps the bridge being pulled apart? The Mississippi River is born in Minnesota, tumbling out of the

headwaters in the highlands of Minnesota over a series of natural falls. This is a clue that adjustments in the rock strata

could be involved. The highlands of Minnesota come to a point at Minneapolis, with lower land lying to the East along

this point. What caused the land to the East to drop, unless this land was stretched in the past?

We have stated that the ripping apart of the St. Lawrence Seaway ends in the rumpled Black Hills of SD. Run a line

from Montreal, at the mouth of the seaway, to Rapid City, SD and the line runs through Minneapolis. Why would an

adjustment be made in the middle of this stretch zone while the seaway itself did not part? When we described the

diagonal pull the N American continent is enduring, and just how this will snap when adjustments are made, we did

not intend that this process would occur smoothly, all at once as described. Weak points along the rip lines give way

one by one, each such adjustment placing stress on other points in a domino manner. The I35W bridge, being the

larger of the bridges crossing the Mississippi at this point, was less able to adapt to a change in position vis-a-vis its

footings on either side of the river, as it was an interstate bridge supporting several lanes, and thus had massive and

thus rigid supports. Smaller bridges have more flexibility as they are built to withstand uneven loads on either end,

thus are more springy by design.

Will there be more such disasters along the Mississippi and in the cities that will be affected by the New Madrid and

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta389.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:27 AM]

ZetaTalk: Minneapolis Bridge

seaway rip? This is just the start, and when the pace picks up, there will be no question that something other than

Global Warming is the cause.

This creates a diagonal stress on the N American continent

What does this do to the N.

where New England is pulled to the east while Mexico is

American plate? It pulls it at a

pulled to the West, so the New Madrid is put under slip-

diagonal, ripping the rock fingers

slide stress where one half, east of the Mississippi, will

along the New Madrid fault such

move toward the NE while the other, west of the Mississippi, that the land to the East of the

moves toward the SW. A widening seaway also does not

Mississippi moves up and to the

affect just those land masses bordering the seaway, as

East, toward New England, and

buckling occurs inland and afar. What does man assume

the land to the West of the

caused the Black Hills to be so rumpled, with the

Mississippi moves down and to

appearance of a recent buckling and heaving? This is the

the West. This does more than

center of a land plate! The tearing of the seaway does not

tear most of the bridges along the

end at Duluth, Minnesota, it travels underground to S



ZetaTalk N American Rip, written Feb 10, 2006

ZetaTalk Water Tree,

written Aug 16, 2006

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta389.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:27 AM]

ZetaTalk: Christmas Hammer

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ZetaTalk: Christmas Hammer

written December 21, 2007

The live seismos are showing a global quake each day at the same time (8:00 UTC)! This occurred on the

last [four] consecutive days from December 19-[22] like clockwork. We're being hammered!

[and from another]

I note that in measurements from Madrid, Spain the placement of the Sun at

sunrise seems on target but at sunset the Sun appears to be way North! This

is the European lean with a vengeance! As the N Pole of Earth leans to the

left, those gazing at the sunset from Europe see the Sun in a more northerly

position because the equator has dipped down to point toward the south.