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2003 show. LASCO also suffers from proton bombardment, but the object with tail captured on December

23 does not look like a proton bombardment either, as this example from October 28, 2003 shows. Packet

loss, which is caused by light overload, also has a distinct pattern on LASCO, as these examples from

June 23, 2003 and May 27, 2003 show.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta422.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:29 AM]

ZetaTalk: Planet X Right

We have mentioned that as Planet X begins to turn the hose of magnetic particles from its N Pole toward Earth, that

Earth would try to escape by moving as far to the left as possible, putting Planet X to the right of the Sun in the view

from Earth. Earth is trapped in an eddy flow of particles that come from the Sun, come around from behind the

monster Planet X, and flowing rapidly around the sides of Planet X form a backwash of particles that prevent the Earth

from escaping. Just as a stick stuck in the middle of a river might have water rushing past on either side, preventing a

seed bobbling about in front of the stick from moving on downstream, the Earth is trapped in this eddy flow.

The Christmas hammer that occurred on December 19 through December 22 seemed to disappear on December 23, for

days. What happened? Faced with an increasingly aggressive hose of magnetic particles from the N Pole of Planet X,

the Earth was pushed away, and for a time this will ease the intensity of the hosing. But the Earth can only move so

far, as she cannot escape the cup created by the eddy flow. Planet X has been in the process of doing a 270° roll,

turning its N Pole outward during this roll. This will eventually result in the Earth having the hose of magnetic

particles from Planet X hosing directly at the Earth, resulting in the 3 days of darkness foretold in the Bible as the N

Pole of Earth tips away. Earlier in the year, fairly rapid progress was made in this 270° roll, but at the point where this

roll had progressed to 150°, we stopped reporting on its progress. We did so to prevent the establishment from being

able to judge when to declare martial law or take other steps that would harm the common man.

Planet X seemed to slow in its progress, thereafter, as had it kept up the rate of progress the time of 3 days of darkness

would already have occurred. What slowed the progress? Even though the Earth is a minor magnet, compared to the

monster Planet X, it nevertheless has an influence on Planet X. The Earth, with its magnetic N Pole presenting during

Earth's rotation and hosing toward Planet X on a daily basis, was pushing back. But the imperatives that drive Planet X

in its sling orbit prevailed, and Planet X continued in its roll despite the resistance Earth represented. Now Earth has

moved back, been pushed back itself in fact by the force of magnetic particles coming from Planet X, and has scuttled

back as far as she can go. This places Planet X to the right of the Sun, in the view from Earth, where the angle is

optimal for sunlight to reflect off the imposing Planet X complex - the corpus of Planet X surrounded by its close

hugging dust cloud and moon swirls.

Do you suppose Planet X remained in place, unaware of this bit of breathing room? Of course it turned, filling the gap

and progressing along its 270° roll, so now Planet X is once again poised to point its N Pole toward Earth and the

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta422.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:29 AM]

ZetaTalk: Planet X Right

hammer will return! This is a dance that will not end until Planet X has passed the Earth, outbound, leaving the Earth

twisted and shaken behind it. The Earth cannot escape, and the progress of Planet X will not halt.

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ZetaTalk: Horizon Project

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ZetaTalk: Horizon Project

written Feb 1, 2007 on the live GodlikeProduction live chat.

I've just watched the DVD entitled "The Horizon Project, Bracing for Tomorrow". The scenarios proposed

in episode 01 closely parallel all the predictions that the Zetas have made to date. Their timing for the pole

shift, however, is predicted to be later by several years. They claim that the ecliptic of the milky way

galaxy, being highly magnetic and very thin, will be the cause of the tribulations and that this happens

periodically to our entire solar system as it travels up and down in reference to the galactic ecliptic on a

sign wave type course. I would very much like to hear all that the Zetas have to say about this particular

project and ongoing DVD series. The idea of disinformation came to mind. Many truths and some

misdirection. [and from another] I have heard a scientist by the name of Brent Miller talk about the

entrance of the Earth through the Galactic Gravitational pull which he and a group of scientists believe

happens periodically to Earth and will cause the Earth to tilt. He also talks about Planet X coming into

the orbit of the Earth and adding to the chaos. He was on Coast to Coast recently. [and from another]

http://www.thehorizonproject.com/team.cfm Brent Miller - Military contracted organizations utilized Mr.

Miller for advancing the capability of modern warfare - often assigning him to classified engagements. Dr

Brooks Agnew - Has over 30 years of combined research in advanced spectroscopy and space exploration,

providing invaluable contributions to several organizations including NASA and Jet Propulsion


We have detailed, in the past, the many ploys the establishment was using to avoid talking about the coming

cataclysms. Blame the melting poles and glaciers and weather extremes on Global Warming, but this ploy is failing

now that the changes are outside of any Global Warming model, moving so much faster than projected. Blame it on the

Sun, a ploy that stated we would have an extraordinarily active solar cycle, even though no evidence for such a

projection was laid before the public. The public got the conclusion, but not the data, as the data is missing. Since the

Sun is showing surface activity, but the activity does not follow with the disruptions on Earth that real CMEs produce,

this excuse has faltered. Blackouts, and satellite disruption, occur at other times, an embarrassment to this debunking

team, and this excuse has fallen out of favor. Frantic attempts to include the rising quakes and volcanic eruptions into either of these scenarios were so absurd on their face that they never took off. Faced with what seems to be a delayed

passage of Planet X, where the public is becoming alarmed and the establishment has no certainty on a date of passage,

what to do?

We have mentioned that the number of individuals who perforce had to be included in the cover-up has grown, as

weathermen, media hosts, and key politicians had been included in addition to astronomers, geologists, top military brass, and heads of state. Not all these people, certainly, are evil and unconcerned about the lack of warning being