given to the common man. To allay the press from this faction, which wants the common man warned in some way,
the establishment had to do something. Of course, the something they did was well connected to the establishment, old
faithful that could be relied upon to spout the line and not waver. This can be seen in the key team members chosen to
deploy the Horizon Project, a military industrial contractor and a scientist working with NASA and JPL. This in and of
itself stamps it as a disinformation ploy from the establishment. Does NASA lie? Are we getting the Face on Mars
back when hundreds of images are taken on an overflight of Mars? We are getting anything but the Face on Mars. Are
we getting the truth about troop deaths and Forward Operating Base Falcon, where 300 US casualties were taken in a
single day? Does the DOD lie?
How does the establishment broach the subject? They are catatonic on the subject because they know the taxpayer will
demand the same protections and support that the elite will be providing for themselves. If the elite are going into well
stocked bunkers, and know what is about to occur, why not the taxpayer? Since there won't be enough supplies,
enough food, to go around, the common man is to be told they are on their own, but in the meantime, pay their taxes[2/5/2012 9:57:29 AM]
ZetaTalk: Horizon Project
so the bunkers can continue to be stocked! The establishment wants the common man at their jobs, keeping the wheels
of society going. Martial law will not solve this problem, as society will grind to a halt. Those who have been living in
a democracy do not tolerate a matter like martial law for more than a few days, before rebellion and resistance break
out. So how to satisfy those participating in the cover-up who are insisting that the common man must be warned?
Can't point to a passing planet, Planet X, as the culprit, as people will start looking to the skies and discover a Second
Sun next to Sol and that the Moon's orbit is awry and the constellations often not where expected. So invent something abstract like a Galactic Gravitational Pull, something that cannot be proven or disproved, something merely a theory,
but put forth by prestigious men. And by all means, even if you plagiarize the ZetaTalk description of what will be
coming soon, never, never mention ZetaTalk![2/5/2012 9:57:29 AM]
ZetaTalk: Peru Meteor Sickness
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ZetaTalk: Peru Meteor Sickness
written September 20, 2007
We have explained that the tail of Planet X, when it wafts the Earth during the pole shift, drops the components of
petrochemicals onto the Earth, sometimes while aflame. These petrochemical components have been gathered into the
tail during the many passages by Planet X through the Asteroid Belt in the past. These petrochemicals are also the basis
of oil deposits on Earth. The Asteroid Belt was once about two dozen planets, most of them water planets, which were pelted to pieces during these times. The water from these water planets was slung about and became the dirty
snowballs humans call comets that sling past the Sun periodically. The magma from these shattered planets of course
became the Asteroid Belt. But there was more than water and rock that was disbursed. There was life, components of
life, as these water planets were life bearing planets. Out in space, such components cannot rot, as the bacteria that
cause decomposition have no oxygen. But as recently falling orange snow in Siberia has shown, when deposited in an
environment where bacteria and oxygen exist, these petrochemicals soon rot! How can these petrochemicals survive
the fall to Earth, when solid objects and the meteor itself is set ablaze? Certainly meteors survive the fall, and are
located and considered prized objects for museums or private collectors. If the meteor is small, it may burn completely
upon entry, but if large, survives. Upon impact, the meteor can explode, releasing petrochemicals encased within.
This is what occurred in Peru when a large meteor from the tail of Planet X exploded on impact, releasing a soup of
biological elements into the atmosphere. These did not contain life, such as bacterium or viruses, but were not the
harmless components of rotting life one finds in cesspools or during soil formation. It was not merely stinky -- it was
irritating. The components picked up in the past during periodic passages of Planet X through the Asteroid Belt are not
simply representative of the life on a water planet, which might be assumed to be vegetative and lower life forms such
worms or protozoan. This soup includes the results of decomposition, in various stages. What adheres to the tail of
Planet X varies according to chemical attraction, so some material is gathered while other material is ignored. Thus, an
exploding meteor does not spew forth what one might find in rotting material, as some irritating chemicals are there in
excess. Can these chemicals kill? The report of the bull dropping dead should not be unexpected, as the vapors
released when the superheated meteor exploded replaced the normally available oxygen in air. The bull simply
Mystery Illness Strikes After Meteorite Hits Peruvian Village
Sep 17, 2007
Villagers in southern Peru were struck by a mysterious illness after a meteorite made a fiery crash
to Earth in their area. Residents complained of headaches and vomiting brought on by a strange
odor. Seven policemen who went to check on the reports also became ill and had to be given oxygen
before being hospitalized. Rescue teams and experts were dispatched to the scene, where the
meteorite left a 100-foot-wide and 20-foot-deep crater. Boiling water started coming out of the
crater and particles of rock and cinders were found nearby.
Scientist Confirms Meteorite in Puno, Peru is a Chondrite
Sep 18, 2007
Peru's official government news agency reported this afternoon that scientists who went to the town
of Carancas in the Region of Puno, Peru, have confirmed that the glowing object which fell from[2/5/2012 9:57:30 AM]
ZetaTalk: Peru Meteor Sickness
the sky on Saturday afternoon was indeed a meteorite. The chondrite was not radioactive and did
not have any toxic gases or substances which could be harmful to peoples health. National
University of Altiplano, Peru's Nuclear Energy Institute, the National Institute of Natural Resources,
the Ministry of Health and a Bolivian university are all taking part in the analysis of the area.
Russia Probes Smelly Orange Snow
Feb 2, 2007
Russia has flown a team of chemical experts to a Siberian region to find out why smelly, coloured
snow has been falling over several towns. Oily yellow and orange snowflakes fell over an area of