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ZetaTalk: Air France 447

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ZetaTalk: Air France 447

written June 3, 2009

Ocean Search for Air France Jet Continues [Jun 2]

http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE5501PB20090602?sp=true The Air France plane flew

into turbulent weather four hours after taking off from Rio and 15 minutes later sent an automatic message

reporting electrical faults. A lightning strike could be to blame and that several of the mechanisms on the

Airbus 330-200, which has a good safety record, had malfunctioned. But aviation experts said lightning

strikes on planes were common and could not alone explain a disaster. They also said the plane could

have suffered an electrical failure, effectively leaving the pilots "blind" and making the plane vulnerable in

an area notorious for bad weather. [and from another] What Happened to Flight 447? [Jun 1]

http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5505BF20090602? Four hours into the flight the plane

encountered heavy turbulence. Fifteen minutes later, now a long way out to sea, it transmitted an

automated signal indicating the plane was in serious trouble. A succession of a dozen technical messages

showed that several electrical systems had broken down, most ominously the pressurization system - a

totally unprecedented situation in the plane.

The airliner did not fly into a hurricane, as none was reported, though wind shear can happen unexpectedly. Wind

shear on a plane at high altitudes would not likely drive it to the ground or into the water, nor does wind shear tear off

a wing or engine. Airliners anticipate lightning strikes and are guarded against them, such that for several decades no

disaster has been caused by lightning strikes alone. What then caused the loss of the Air France airliner over the

Atlantic? The sequence of events is clear. The pilot announced air turbulence. Then 15 minutes later an automatic

message from the plane's computer announced that several electrical systems had failed. Thereafter, no more messages

were received, so the pilots were either too busy or unable to transmit. On the face of it, a massive failure in the

electrical systems caused the plane to go down, and prevented a last minute transmission from the pilot as to their

likely location. What would cause such a failure?

We have repeatedly warned that electromagnetic disturbances could be anticipated as the charged tail of Planet X

turned toward the Earth. There is increasing evidence of this, the latest unmistakable piece of evidence a blast to the

Earth's magnetosphere. The number of subatomic particles in the electromagnetic spectrum, as we have noted, is

beyond what mankind imagines. When failure happens on the ground, there is an outage. The lights go out, but nothing

crashes to the ground. When a massive failure, however temporary, occurs in an airliner time catches up with those

affected as the airliner is temporarily out of control, and in turbulent weather this can prove disastrous. Will such

failure happen again? We have stressed, repeatedly, that man can expect problems with their satellites and electrical

grids due to the charged tail of Planet X wafting increasingly in the direction of Earth. Air France 447 hit a tripple

whammy, however, in that it was in a storm and over the Atlantic Rift, which as we have stated is a surface magnet,

responsible for the twice-a-day global shudders that appear on the live seismographs.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta514.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:35 AM]

ZetaTalk: Air France 447

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta514.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:35 AM]

ZetaTalk: Second Sun Returns

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ZetaTalk: Second Sun Returns

written August 29, 2009 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

A Triple Sunrise

Over Gdansk

Bay [Aug 4]

http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap090804.html Explanation: How can the same Sun rise three times? Last

month on Friday, 2009 July 10, a spectacular triple sunrise was photographed at about 4:30 am over

Gdansk Bay in Gdansk, Poland. Clearly, our Sun rises only once. Some optical effect is creating at least

two mirages of the Sun -- but which effect? In the vast majority of similarly reported cases, mirages of the

brightest object in the frame can be traced to reflections internal to the camera taking the images. Still,

the above image is intriguing because a sincere photographer claims the effect was visible to the unaided

eye, and because the photographer took several other frames that show variants of the same effect.

The photos from Poland seem at first glance to be a Second Sun which is a window reflection of the Sun, though there

are two reflections, above and below, which would not be the case in a window reflection. In an additional photo from

Poland, these Second Suns seems to merge together into the upper left hand side. This is neither a window reflection

nor a direct capture of Planet X at sundown, which we have been terming Second Sun sightings. NASA is featuring

this photo in an attempt to confuse what they anticipate to be a rash of future Second Sun sightings, the genuine

variety caused by Planet X. They are hoping to confuse both the term, "Second Sun" and the placement of the Second

Sun in genuine sightings. What was actually captured in these photos from Poland?

This is an atmospheric phenomena caused indirectly by the presence of Planet X, what we have in the past called the

Monster Sun phenomena. When genuine Second Sun sightings occur light is bouncing off the immense dust cloud that

shrouds Planet X, bouncing at an angle such that the light goes from the Sun to the cloud thence to Earth. A double

reflection can occur during such times where the light going to Earth would not be directly into the viewers eyes, but

hit water and ice in the atmosphere bouncing yet again at a tangental angle into a viewers eyes. This is what was

occurring in the Poland snaps, and yes the photographer saw this naked eye as reported.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta528.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:35 AM]

ZetaTalk: Second Sun Returns

A Video


v=97vfBoJLaB8 made in Padua, Italy,

on August 24, 2009, at dusk.



sole-24-agosto-2009.html [and from

another] Hello everyone fom Fabrizio

creator of the video in Padua! I've said

previously for my other videos and I