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ZetaTalk: Mayan Calendar

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ZetaTalk: Mayan Calendar

Note: written on Dec 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The Mayan calendar is not so much incorrect as misunderstood. The calendar is derived from calendars and plotting

methods left behind by the hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet. There are and were many calendars in operation,

the western calendar of 365 days with an occasional leap year is only one such method. Dates, when plotted according

to one calendar method, do not always line up exactly when translated to another calendar. However, the primary

difficulty in interpreting the Mayan calendar is determining the correct starting point. One may be accurate in

calculating the number of days, months, and years between events, but unless the starting point is precisely known, the

end point is questionable. Thus there are various interpretations on when the Mayan calendar ends, albeit this rather

obviously coincides with the coming millennium. We have given the correct dates for the return of the 12th Planet as

the year 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] for the devastating first pass. All other dates are incorrect.

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ZetaTalk: May 5, 2000

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ZetaTalk: May 5, 2000

Note: written on Aug 15, 1996.

Periodically the planets in orbit around the Earth's Sun near each other during their sojourns, and at rare times they

appear to stretch in a line out from the Sun, gravitationally pulling on the Earth, some humans suspect, from both

sides. Does this affect the Earth? Well of course it does, and if the influence had left much of an impression on

mankind this would be recorded as a regular event. Tides are a little stronger, and the Earth's orbit is a tad more

pronounced on one side, but except for astronomers, mankind is blissfully unaware. Will the coming alignment cause a

pole shift, the weight of the ice laden poles pulling toward the lineup of outer planets? This silly argument is not even

logical, and is given weight only because the true cause of pole shifts, the 12th Planet, is out of view between

cataclysms and generally forgotten. Survivors, picking up the pieces and trying not to starve to death, had more on

their minds than recording the event in more than verbal horror stories told to one another when seeking solace.

The gravity pull of the giant gaseous planets, even when they line up and all pull like so many men along a rope in a

tug-of-war, is a fraction of a fraction of the gravity pull of the Sun. During half the year an ice laden pole on one side

of the Earth or the other is leaning toward the Sun, and if inclined to move the crust of the Earth toward a gravity pull,

this is when that would occur. Do not the ice laden poles continue to increase in weight until the Earth is out of

balance? A simple calculation on the structure of the surface of the Earth would show that land masses such as the

combined mass of Russia and China or such major continents as Africa or the Americas, made of thick rock and

soaring mountains in places, far outweigh the majority of the Earth's surface where waters pool in low-lying areas. Do

these inequities cause pole shifts?

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ZetaTalk: Precision

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ZetaTalk: Precision

Note: written on Feb 15, 2000. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Precision is difficult in these matters, as all is in motion and affects the exact outcome. This is similar to an inbound

hurricane, where one can state the path and wind speed, but there are uncertainties as to whether a dam will break or

an ocean going vessel will decides to move into or out of a port in the hurricane's path. A city may be safe or

devastated based on these occurrences. For the pole shift, what is in motion is:

1. the 12th Planet, which will stick to the path computed as the factors involved are based on astronomy and not

subject to change.

2. the location of the earth at the time, which can vary slightly as to what part of the Earth is facing the 12th Planet.

Where this will be the Atlantic rift, the exact point of stoppage depends upon the speed of rotation as it

approaches the stoppage, and this speed is dependent upon swirling in the core, what parts of the core are near or

far from the Atlantic rifts as the moment of stoppage approaches.

3. the shift itself, which will start at an uncertain moment due to the exact part of the Atlantic rift facing the 12th

Planet not being known. Thus, it may start a tad earlier or later, based on the strength of magnetism on the

earth's surface facing the approaching 12th.

4. the shift stoppage, which will vary according to the speed of the shift. This will be forceful or more gentle

depending upon the magnetic influences not only on what part of the earth is facing the 12th as it approaches, but

also on what magnetic components in the swirling core are facing or afar from the 12th as it approaches.

Thus, the exact placement of the new North and South poles is difficult to pinpoint, but the general placement can be


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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Timeline

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Timeline

written September 12, 2009

Where descriptions of the geological changes that accompany a pole shift are often used as proof that prior pole shifts

have occurred, other than the time line of occurring approximately every 3,600 years there is no inherent timeline

record for the last weeks in such geological record. The pole shift rents rock and rearranges the landscape and is

accompanied by huge tidal waves and exploding volcanoes. This is clear. Just how large or frequent the earthquakes

were, weeks ahead of time, is not of record. Then there is the issue of folklore, as almost every culture has a story

stemming from a prior pole shift. Where there is a written record, such as the Egyptian record in the Kolbrin, many

details are carried in the report, but most cultures simply have a few statements indicating the horror of the hour of the

pole shift or the days of rotation stoppage or perhaps a severe wobble leading into the horror. As this is clearly a

description of the last weeks, no larger timeline is inherent. Where other phenomena are included, such as snow in

summer or women so tense that they abort or do not conceive or intractable droughts, there is no sense of how many