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Thus, the Dark Twin field could be much to the side of

the Earth. [and from another] About Real-Time

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ZetaTalk: Blue Clues

Magnetosphere Simulation

http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/research_e.html#aboutRealTimeM The real -time

magnetosphere simulation is carried out using the MHD code developed by Prof. Tanaka. Input

parameters are taken from the real-time solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field data observed

routinely by the ACE satellite. Simulation results are visualized in real time. Note all of the plots here are

based on the preliminary data (ACE Real Time Data), which have not been processed yet. (Press right

panel to get the explanation of real-time magnetosphere simulation results (LatestImage))[and from

another] From Satellites: ACE Satellite http://son.nasa.gov/tass/magnetosphere/sat_ace.htm The ACE

satellite is positioned about 1 million miles from Earth, and is always directly between Earth and the Sun.

All planetary bodies of whatever size will have some magnetic field, because magnetons are everywhere and a very

restless particle. The Dark Twin does not have a liquid core, but at one time did have this, as all planets coalescing

from a Big Bang are first gaseous, then liquid, and then finally solidifying as they cool down. Is the magnetosphere

simulator reflecting this slight field from the Dark Twin, which is as large as the Earth? Yes. Yet more proof on how

very close to the Earth this twin is, as the ACE satellites is taking an Earth perspective on measuring space weather,

and does not go all that broad. It is right next door!

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta579.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:46 AM]

ZetaTalk: 7 of 10 Sequence

ZetaTalk: 7 of 10 Sequence

written October 16, 2010

The 7 of 10 scenarios describe plate movements, and for this to occur something has to release the deadlock, the

current stalemate where the plates are locked against each other. Once the deadlock is broken and the plates start

moving, sliding past each other, new points where the plates are locked against each other develop, but these are

weaker locks than the one at present. The current lock, as we have so often stated, is the Indo-Australian Plate which

is being driven under the Himalayans. This is no small lock, as the height of the Himalayans attests. Nevertheless, the

activity in this region shows this likely to be the first of the 7 of 10 scenarios to manifest. Bangladesh is sinking and

the Coral Sea is rising, showing the overall tipping of the Indo-Australian Plate. Now Pakistan is sinking and not

draining its floods as it should, while Jakarta on the tongue of Indonesia is also sinking rapidly, showing that the tilt

that will allow Indonesia to sink has already started.

Meanwhile, S America is showing signs of a roll to the west. Explosions on islands just to the north of the S American

Plate occurred recently, on Bonaire and Trinidad-Tobago, and the Andes are regularly being pummeled. There is a

relationship. As the Indo-Australia Plate lifts and slides, this allows the Pacific plates to shift west, which allows S

America to shift west also. This is greatly increased by the folding of the Mariana Trench and the Philippine Plate. But

it is the Indo-Australian Plate that gives way to incite change in these other plates, and this is what is manifesting now

to those closely following the changes. Once the folding of the Pacific has occurred, Japan has been destabilized. We

are not allowed to give a time frame for any of these plate movements, but would point out that it is not until the North

Island of Japan experiences its strong quakes that a tsunami causing sloshing near Victoria occurs. There are clues that

the New Madrid will be next.

Where the N American continent is under great stress, it has not slipped because it is held in place on both sides. The

Pacific side holds due to subduction friction along the San Andreas, and the Atlantic side holds due to the Atlantic

Rift's reluctance to rip open. What changes this dynamic? When S America rolls, almost in step with the folding

Pacific, it tears the Atlantic Rift on the southern side. This allows Africa freedom to move and it rolls too, dropping the

Mediterranean floor above Algeria. What is holding the N American continent together has thus eased, so that when

the Japan adjustments are made, there is less holding the N American continent in place than before, and the New

Madrid gives way. We are also not allowed to provide the time frame between the Japan quakes and New Madrid.

Other than the relationship in time between the New Madrid and the European tsunami, no time frame can be given.

The sequence of events is, thus:

a tipping Indo-Australia Plate with Indonesia sinking,

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta584.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:46 AM]

ZetaTalk: 7 of 10 Sequence

a folding Pacific allowing S America to roll,

a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift allowing Africa to roll and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,

great quakes in Japan followed by the New Madrid adjustment,

which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta584.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:46 AM]

ZetaTalk: Pisgah Panic

ZetaTalk: Pisgah Panic

written July 31, 2011

The spout/plume thing stays in one location for at least 45 min. It was definitely raining in those spots. We

drove through it. The weird thing was those spots stayed in the same location for 45 min to an hour

without moving. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2RBQiDlD_k

Is something other than rain causing what appears to be a plume on weather satellite images, over the Pisgah volcano?

Trips to the region by more than one curious observer have shown that no ash seems to be emerging from the group,

no obvious steam vents, and the USGS has even issued a denial. This volcano is in the inactive region we have stated

should be watched for activity, during the New Madrid adjustment. Unlikely to erupt then or during the pole shift, but

having potential to do so. Why was there clearly a plume over this volcano, though only composed of water vapor. It

had the appearance of something new in the vicinity on the satellite image, a new cloud formation, though nothing to

generate such a cloud was in the vicinity. It also arose from a pinpoint area, not the general area, as though something

on the ground were the source.

Was this some kind of interaction between the heat in the ground and the water laden air above, causing the

appearance of a volcanic plume? Hot spots, hot springs, geysers, all have their basis in lava near the surface, and even

though the Mojave Desert is very dry, there are water sources below ground that vent upward through the fractures in

the ground always present when past volcanic activity has laced mazes through the rock. Yes, the plume came from the

ground, but is nothing more than harmless water vapor.