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USGS Rules Out Volcanic Origin of


Plume Feature NEXRAD Mojave Desert Pisgah Volcano is the youngest vent, of

http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/lvo/ USGS

four cinder cones, in the Lavic Lake

rules out volcanic origin of plume-like

volcanic field. There may have been

feature seen in NEXRAD in Mojave

activity at this site as recent as 2,000

Desert (California). Inquiries have come years ago, though more likely 20,000 to

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta585.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:47 AM]

ZetaTalk: Pisgah Panic

to the USGS regarding a potential

50,000 years ago.

eruption in the vicinity of Lavic Lake

Volcanic Field (LLVF) in Southern

ZetaTalk Analysis 7/16/2011:

California. The inquiries stem from a

In southern California the Amboy and

citizen report noting a plume-like

Salton volcanoes appear relatively

feature on NEXRAD radar imagery from inactive, with 10,000 and 14,000 years

July 23, 2011. USGS volcanologists

respectively since last activity per the

evaluating the situation find nothing to

USGS. But note their close proximity to

indicate that the NEXRAD feature

many fault lines and the San Andreas

results from volcanic activity. Satellite

itself. Though the San Andreas is

images from the same period do not

considered a slip-slide fault, devastating

show the steam or ash clouds that

only on the fault line itself, the New

accompany volcanic activity, and there

Madrid adjustment will do more than

is no seismicity in the vicinity indicative move the land up or down along the San

of volcanic unrest/eruption. No

Andreas. It will create pressure in the

earthquakes were located within 20

region jumping west during the diagonal

miles of LLVF during the last week

adjustment, and this includes all lands to

(USGS-Caltech Seismic Net update

the south of Mammoth Lake. Thus Amboy

14:10 PDT July 27, 2011 ). No reports

and Salton should be watched, during the

of eruptive activity have come in from

New Madrid adjustment, with evacuation

ground observers (LLVF is within 2

of the immediate area upon any signs of

miles of Interstate 40) or from regional


pilots (Barstow Daggett County Airport

is within 10 miles of LLVF).

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta585.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:47 AM]

ZetaTalk: Kiev Trumpets / Florida Howl

ZetaTalk: Trumpets and Howls

written August 20 and August 28, 2011

Kiev Trumpets, written August 20, 2011

Recorded in Kiev, Ukraine 11.08.11 and earlier on 11.03.11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcUDYBIrWio

Sound intensity was very strong, even windows shivered in buildings . This is very scary, and Bible prophecy is

coming the truth (Archangel's horn). It was recorded on 5 floor of building. Civil work are really spent in

several the next houses, and it is audible on video. But these civil work - as if a mosquito peep in this awful

rumble. Neither force, nor power of a building sound doesn't come within miles that was audible.

AUDIO (Kiev)

These trumpets clearly involved air movement as the tones were so distinct. The trumpet sound was multi-tonal,

almost harmonic at times with more than one tone heard at once. Trumpets, musical instruments, attain their

tones by a focused vibration, a higher pitch where the vibrating material is a small surface, a deeper or baso

pitch where the vibrating material is a large surface. Thus, the trumpets of Kiev were a vibration on a particular

surface that did not change between August 3 and August 8, 2011, the two dates that the trumpet sound was

recorded. Man-made structures have at times hummed in the wind, as anyone living near a wire in high winds

can attest. But whatever was causing the trumpets of Kiev was more than wind, as the windows in buildings

"shivered", per reports. The ground was also moving.

Kiev lies just south of a dam on the Kiev Reservoir, a damming of the Dnieper River. A vibration of the dam

itself, like the strings of a violin, would resonate in the water, thus not only creating a vibration in the ground

but a vibration in the air. There are musical instruments that use a water filled container to increase the vibration,

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta587.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:48 AM]

ZetaTalk: Kiev Trumpets / Florida Howl

so the vibration affects the air and sends a tone forth. Glasses of water filled to different heights, when tapped,

create a vibrating tone due to the water surface affecting the air. The glass alone, when tapped, is barely audible.

Where trumpets will be heard, worldwide, prior to the pole shift, the Kiev trumpets are not due to upper

atmosphere clapping caused by lightning. They are caused by the stretch zone above the Black Sea, which will

be pulling apart continuously until the hour of the pole shift. Thus, the people of Kiev should become

accustomed to the music their dam is producing, as it is likely to be with them for the duration.

Florida Howl, written August 28, 2011

There are two similar videos, one in Belarus and the other in the domed stadium in Tampa Bay during a

baseball game. Belarus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zJaGOLL_41g Tampa

Bay Stadium: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=v5YjbQFIIVs [and from another]

This was in Colorado just before the earthquake (not as melodic but equally interesting)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JArPkrS4LYQ&feature=player_embedded Sweden (the last clip sounds like

the horns) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joD-DGmqo9w&feature=player_embedded Odessa, Ukraine (not

as loud, but the trumpets are there) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBFSN8Mb-

yY&feature=player_embedded Florida (no trumpets, but unnerving just the same)