sometime after the cataclysms are past.
Yet another sign is a slowing in the rate of rotation, a forerunner of the actual stop in rotation that occurs at the
moment of passage. As with weather and warming trends, this is at first so gradual and slight as to be arguable.
Humans in denial do not argue with the current data drawn, they argue with the comparison to past data. The past data
was invalid in some way, was recorded with imprecise instruments, or perhaps was not measured at all. Precise
weather data has only been gathered for the past few decades, a hundred years at most, and prior to that was only
recorded at times of extreme weather like hurricanes and this in the form of tales. There was no mechanism to
measure, for instance, the wind velocity of a hurricane, so the estimated height of a tidal wave or size of buildings
flattened was recorded. Likewise with major earthquakes, which in the past have flattened cities. Without the ability to
capture Richter scale, earthquakes in the past were either termed a trembler, small, or big.
The best way to counter arguments is not to point to the past but to start recording the present. All the trends and signs
will only acerbate, with the oceans warmer still, the weather more erratic and unpredictable still, and the Earth
gradually slowing in her rotation more and more measurably. If one gathers these statistics now, and gathers them
yearly, the trends will become a clear pattern. Thus, the arguments will be with people now living, and with statistics
gathered by the same methods. As the trends and signs will increase more rapidly, exponentially, as the 12th Planet
enters the Solar System, this comparison can be used as a signal to many who plan to move to safety that the time has[2/5/2012 9:55:09 AM]
ZetaTalk: Heralding
arrived. Where weather and warmer oceans will be arguable up to the end, a Slowing Rotation is not arguable.
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ZetaTalk: Green Meteors
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ZetaTalk: Green Meteors
Note: written on Jun 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
All the nervous talk by the government about asteroids as we approach the millennium is not just talk. Star Wars
started the theme, NASA has never dropped it, and disaster movies hammer the theme home to the public - worry
about asteroids.
More than just the 12th Planet comes through on its periodic passages. The 12th Planet’s moons travel like a string of
pearls behind the monster traveling planet because they have been caught in its gravitational field. And a great deal of
trash has also been caught, from boulders to gravel to dust that drags long behind as the giant comet’s tail. But outside
of the 12th Planet’s gravitational grip, yet influenced more by the 12th Planet than any other object, is other trash that
makes the rounds with the 12th Planet. Like rogue asteroid or meteor dust, this trash could conceivably impact the
Earth, as its orbit is not like the orbit of the trash in the Asteroid Belt, orbiting the Sun always a distance away from
the Earth, its orbit crosses the Solar System at an angle, just as the 12th Planet itself does.
Early harbingers of this trash have begun arriving, and have announced their arrival in dramatic ways. Unlike the
familiar shooting stars, these harbingers are green, not white, when they burn up in the atmosphere. Like the other
signs on the increase, these harbingers will increase in numbers and be joined by other dramas in the skies, all of which
will remain unexplained by the authorities.
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ZetaTalk: Space Trash
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ZetaTalk: Space Trash
Note: written on Oct 15, 1998. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The increasing meteor showers are in fact harbingers of the approach of the 12th Planet which is about to reenter your
Solar System and pass through in its inevitable march around its two suns. The approach of the 12th Planet is
accompanied by a great deal more than just the planet and its moons, which are trailing like so many ducklings behind
their mother. There is an immense amount of trash, that also makes this route, loosely connected but not tightly joined
so as to become clutter in the 12th Planet's atmosphere. Like the sweeping motion of the ecliptic plane of the planets
and the asteroid belt around the Sun, the 12th Planet draws with it trash which has a tendency to trail behind it. When
the 12th Planet leaves your Sun and goes back toward the Sun's dead twin, out some 18 steps from your Sun to Pluto
and beyond, this trash lingers back and does not travel in front of the 12th Planet. It tends to have less impetus. But
when the 12th Planet returns, there is pressure to move back into the Solar System and sling through.
Why does this trash precede the traveling planet itself? It is brushed forward, as gravity attraction is matched by
various gravity repulsions, and any motion created affects all in the vicinity. The repulsion force, which keeps large
objects apart and prevents collision, is in play with more than just gravity particles, as there are many subatomic
particles mankind is unaware of which are also affected. One has only to look at the ecliptic to see that there is an
influence upon the planets from the sun such that they all line up along a plane, as though there were a wash inward or
outward from the sun. Likewise, when a large body is in motion through space, the reach of this object is broad, out
into space, and sets in motion stagnant objects. Something similar to a swimmers paddling foot in water. Something
may be bobbling up and down on top of the foot, or on the bottom of the foot, but it may never leave and go entirely
around the foot but just bobble back and forth. Thus, meteor and space trash activity will increase, going into the
passage, far ahead of the actual passage itself. This trash is unsettled and plunges into the Earth's atmosphere. There
will be increasing activity of this nature - larger meteors, more than just dramatic fireballs or green streaks. The recent
occurrence of a large rock falling onto Greenland is not going to be unusual. There will be more dramatic shows, but
at the same time less talk of it in the media.
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ZetaTalk: New Moon
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ZetaTalk: New Moon
Note: written during the September 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
New Moon Found around Earth
BBC, September 2002
Experts aren't sure what the object is.