ZetaTalk: Millennium Denial
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
The Earth will go through physical cataclysms in the near future. This is related to the millennium, but is not precisely
what the Bible, or Nostradamus, or the various seers of this time are predicting. There is truth in the rumors of what is
called the 12th Planet, a giant comet. There is truth in what has been reported about violent geological changes,
renting continents apart and heaving mountains high. The deluge occurred during just such a time. Pole shifts are
common during these times. The Earth's crust slides over the soft molten core, the crust pulled in one direction and the
core, which is more magnetically inclined, in another. Such a time of violent geological upheaval is pending for
There will be much death. Most of the people on Earth at this time will be unaware. They may be aware of drought, of
a reddish glow during the heat of the day, perhaps even a reddish dust coloring their water and giving a bitter taste to
their drinking water. Most of the people on Earth have so many problems existing, day-to-day, that they will scarcely
take notice. Even those who might take notice can scarce do anything about it. Can a man who can barely feed his
family take flight? What would they live on, should they even manage to get to a safe place? And what would such a
safe place be? This is an unknown experience. There is no precedence in memory. Denial is high. The authorities will
not encourage the propagation of information, wishing calm and for the status quo to continue.
Even where there is awareness, there will be little action. Many will look about them, and debate their lifestyle should
they take action. Leave the home, the comforts of familiar places and people who represent a support structure? How
would they live? Should they be forced to become beggars, they may stay in their own, familiar, surroundings. Then
there are those who will cling to their material goods. Even with choices, where a place would be made for them in
safer surroundings, they will find they are bonded to their material goods and unable to divorce them whatever the risk.
They will die with their material items, clinging to these things as lovers. Most faced with these grim choices will deal
with the situation by denial.
Between the unaware, the unfortunate, and the reluctant, lie most of humanity. Those who survive the massive
earthquakes, which will level cities to dust, and the massive tidal waves, which will inundate coast lines for hundreds
of miles inland, will be either fortunate or assisted. Since the Earth is to become a home for Service-to-Other entities,
those humans operating in this orientation will have a choice to remain in their human form or reincarnate later. If the
human form is chosen, then these humans will be assisted during the hours of calamities. They will be unaware of the
assist, but will find themselves, clinging to floating material after the flood has passed, or regaining consciousness after
the earthquakes. Many will move to safe areas and set up communes, operating in the Service-to-Others mode of the
future. These areas will be rural, essentially primitive, and they will not rely on civilization as they now know it either
before or after the cataclysms.
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ZetaTalk: Millennium Fever
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ZetaTalk: Millennium Fever
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995.
There will be many debates within the scientific communities as the changes we and others have predicted steadily
take place. Millennium fever would take place in any case because of the prophetic warnings that have piled up from
many sources, even if no actual physical or spiritual Earth changes were to take place. The millennium fever will get
white hot as the Earth's climate becomes universally hot, droughty, or endlessly soaked by rains in turn, and reports of
a faintly glowing star that seems to be moving and drawing nigh abound. Where the establishment will issue
reassurances that the climatic changes are periodic in the Earth's history, just a normal cycle, or that this is the
Greenhouse effect and can be reversed, many will not be subdued. Discussions will be lively, and the debates never
resolved. This will surely be much in the news, as it effects everyone on a daily basis, and for many worry and concern
will be their daily companions.
One issue hotly discussed will be prophesied dates, and as they come and go, there will be relief for some. In
particular, as the millennium date itself passes, there will be many who feel the discussions should be put to an end, as
continued discussion only seems to feed panic. However, the debates and news reports will only acerbate.
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ZetaTalk: Sound the Alarm
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ZetaTalk: Sound the Alarm
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
How the populace will respond is, in fact, less a burning question than a hypothetical question, as the governments will
not tell the people they govern. They will dither, and argue, and agonize, but they will not speak. It is up to people, in
networks such as the Internet, to spread the word. Those who wish to hear will listen. Those who cannot deal with the
issue will deny. Those who would be unable to adjust, in any case, will also not listen, but will resign themselves. We
will get specific.
Talk of the end of the world, the millennium and what it means, has been about for centuries. For at least the past two
hundred years, men have been predicting that the end is to arrive at such or such a date. The dates have come and
gone. People are inured of such talk, and in general just smile when they hear it. Therefore, regardless of by whom or
how loudly the announcement is made, the vast majority of humanity will ignore the announcement. Even when the
12th Planet is visible, and drawing nigh, people will brush off such talk as yet another alarmist.
There is not much that any individual human could do to change this. Better your efforts are turned to establishing a
place for you and your friends, for your families and loved ones. Better you devote yourself to preserving the
technology of today, and preparing to feed your small group, so that something can survive, than trying to ignite the
masses. Else, your time will be wasted.
We are telling you, that even if the governments of the world were to shrill the alarm, starting today, that the people
they govern would brush off the truth. How does one prove the proposition? By pointing to geological changes?
Scientists have done this, over the centuries and decades coming to the present, with little effect. In fact, as with all
bearers of unpleasant facts, they are ridiculed. Those who can listen, do so, and those (who are in the vast majority)
who refuse to do so, close their minds. Even as the 12th Planet is becoming visible in the sky, by day or night,