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staring contest when it happened to be on that side of its orbit when Planet X was passing through, and thus when a

cataclysmic pole shift is reported, it can be assumed that the Earth went into a halted orbit and tilted and leaning

stance, as it is today.

When the Earth in on the safe side of the Sun during a passage, Planet X zooms past, with no Repulsion Force conflicts

to cause it to creep along, and if the Earth comes near an encounter at the Summer Solstice, is slows there, staying out

of the traffic lane, while Planet X passes. During the Jewish Exodus, when the last pole shift occurred, the Earth

arrived late to the posture it is in now, and thus Planet X had already risen up to the Ecliptic, had gained momentum,

and passed quickly and at close proximity to the Earth, thus causing a quick jerk to and fro, as we have described, and not the long standoff that has occurred this time, though a slowed orbit and tilted inclination simulating a move into

Spring did occur. Passover, thus, was assumed to be in the spring, with the first grain crop having set grain heads but

others yet to do so, when the hail cut them down. On this current passage, the Earth was blocking the road as Planet X

was rising to the Ecliptic, Venus and Mars were rounding the corner to crowd the roadway shortly thereafter, and

Earth’s dark twin will have time to bring up the rear, all intensifying the Repulsion Force conflicts creating the staring

contest ongoing.

Just when this ends, we will not say, as the establishment, despite plans for corrective action, have still not informed

the public of what they know, nor do they have any plans for regular updates when the public has become informed. If

the common man cannot hear the news we have to bring, simultaneously, then the elite will continue to be denied too.

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ZetaTalk: Passover

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ZetaTalk: Mastodons

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ZetaTalk: Mastodons

Note: written on Jul 15, 2001 during the sci.astro debates.

The Mastodon is a species that went extinct during the past few pole shifts, primarily when the grasslands they

browsed in Siberia were drawn rapidly into the new polar circle. But where drawn into water and drown, and then far

enough north, the Mastodons were flash frozen. If the Mastodons were not flash frozen, they would be in some sort of

state of decay - perhaps the skin preserved, but the internal organs a mush. This is not the case, as your recent

documentaries on the frozen state of these preserved beasts shows! So if flash frozen, and frozen steadily since that

date, then how did the Mastodons get green grass and buttercups in their stomachs? A fast trot to the Arctic Circle?

Does anyone presume they ate snow? These were herbivors! Their grasslands were moved during poles shifts. The

remains of Mastodons that were not far enough into the polar circle to be completely frozen are bones and the ivory

that has been harvested from the Ivory Islands for centuries. The bodies rotted, the Ivory did not. A wealth of ivory,

with no flesh to disturb those shipping the tusks off to become piano keys. The permafrost only goes so deep, and just

as in temperate areas, frost goes only so many inches of at most feet deep. There is soil, and mud, and decaying matter

where decay proceeded with or without oxygen, just as it does in your gut where methane gas is generated daily.

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ZetaTalk: Asteroid Traffic

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ZetaTalk: Asteroid Traffic

Note: written on Jul 15, 2001 during the sci.astro debates.

What happens after a major earthquake? Aftershocks, and some of these not mild. Can you imagine life after a

wrenching pole shift, where the ocean rifts have been ripped apart to the extent that the oceans of the world dropped in

sea level some 16-20 feet, worldwide? What happens to cause aftershocks, which we are still experiencing from the

last pole shift? After a pole shift, the plates come to rest, but there are inequities where pressure is constant against

this or that point, the weight of one plate pressing against another, or pressing to move in a direction. They are restless

in this regard, a long way from quiescence. They are held together by friction along the plate edged, or where they lay

atop one another in the case of subducting plates. As any engineer will tell you, bridges and skyscrapers and that

expensive new car you purchased will last only so long. There is wear and tear, stress fractures, changes in the

chemistry of supporting structures over time, and finally - snap! When a snap, or earthquake, occurs, the plates move

to a new position, and once again the process starts.

Beyond aftershocks, there is the effect of what is termed Near Earth Asteroids, dragged into the vicinity of Earth by a

close passage of Planet X, where they follow the planet as it comes through the Asteroid Belt and then get pulled into

some sort of orbit that includes Earth. Objects, viewed form Earth, are relative in size, in that a distant Mars can appear

tiny but a close asteroid can loom large. Meteors are described as shooting stars, or flaming objects streaking across

the skies on their way to a thud on the ground, somewhere. It is not in the recent documentation of man that larger

objects have fallen to Earth, but those events were recorded after the last pole shift, as Velikovsky has documented.

Since the greater part of Earth is water, and many places are virtually uninhabited in vast deserts or the frozen

wastelands of the poles, the likelihood of a large object dropping near a civilized and populated area is slight. Such a

disaster happening even in a slightly populated locale would wipe out all witnesses close by, leaving only those at

some distance as witnesses.

Space shuttles and satellites put up by man regularly flame upon re-entry, so heat from the friction against increasing

atmospheric pressure is obviously a factor. Lightning occurs during simple thundershowers due likewise to friction,

where the electronic charge between air masses becomes different and is adjusted. Why would such lightning not

occur during the fall of a minor asteroid to Earth? Is friction and heat and all the electronic repercussions that come

from that in the atmosphere not present, as they are during thunderstorms? What are the plate impacts that occur when

a minor asteroid does not burn up completely, upon falling to Earth? If an earthquake can result in many aftershocks,

is this not a shock? Are nearby volcanoes subject to pressure on the lava beneath them not activated? A thud on a plate

results in immediate pressure from above on the plate, which has an immediate effect upon any volcanoes subject to

lava pressure from below on that plate. The pressure on the plate likewise changes the dynamics on the tenuous plate