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If the Council's charter for 3rd and 4th Density is to act like a school yard monitor and keep the children from

interfering with each other during their lessons, their guiding principles appear to be gentle restraint, and their goals providing an unfettered environment for spiritual growth. In this the Council does not act as a teacher, but rather allows the children full access to their environment - a stimulating classroom. If any teaching is to be done, the

children teach each other, but primarily this is all a self education process. Even tasks such as those done by the Birthing Envoys, who are primarily in 4th Density but are overseen by entities in higher densities, are not monitored by the Council. Are there other such Councils in other parts of the Universe? We can only assume so, having never been outside the range of the Council.

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ZetaTalk: Pace of Change

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ZetaTalk: Pace of Change

Note: written Sep 15, 1995.

During Transformations, several issues are paramount in importance. The Council of Worlds, who oversees the

Awakening, must first determine the spiritual orientation of the transforming world. This is determined based on

polling the entities that emerged on the world scheduled for harvest. Next, having made this determination, the Council decides what type of intelligent species will serve as physical bodies during incarnations. This determination waits on the determination as to orientation, as entities in the Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other have different requirements.

For instance, the Service-to-Self want little telepathy and the Service-to-Others can't get enough. Next, and last, the schedule is determined.

The Transformation, and the Awakening that precede it, is paced to be in sync and accordance with the prior two

determinations. For the Earth, this means that the Awakening cannot proceed too fast, so as to tilt the spiritual

orientation mix toward the Service-to-Self. Fear and anxiety so tilt this mix, as the fearful and anxious seldom think of others, so the Awakening is paced so as not to heighten these emotions. The Transformation is not dependent on the

Awakening, however, but is rather dependent on the spiritual mix of the entities incarnated or awaiting incarnation on Earth. When this reaches approximately 89% operating in the Service-to-Others orientation, the Transformation to 4th Density, in the physical sense, will occur. The Transformation to spiritual 4th Density, in effect, has already occurred by that time.

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ZetaTalk: Earth is a Member

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ZetaTalk: Earth is a Member

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

The Earth is already in the Council of Worlds, and some humans are already participating. As with the Earth's

awakening to the presence of intelligent entities from elsewhere in the Universe, the Earth is moving forward

piecemeal. The humans who are already representing the Earth at the Council of Worlds are not known to the

governments of the Earth. The governments of the Earth, in the main, do not represent the people they govern. The

governments primarily represent special interests, those who rule, or those who are power hungry. The humans who

represent Earth, or the human point of view, are those who are spiritually mature, either in Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others.

Not all humans who are now spiritually mature enough to be considered operating in the 4th Density are involved in

conversations with the Council of Worlds. This is a decision made by them, the humans, not by us, the Zetas or any

other alien group. These personal decisions made by humans may not be ones they are consciously aware of. Needless

to say, as the Earth is destined to become a home for Service-to-Other entities quite soon, the Service-to-Self entities, of which there are few, have no say in determinations about the future of the Earth. The Service-to-Self entities

represent themselves, only, and in essence make complaints and pleas that fall upon deaf ears.

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ZetaTalk: Vote Count

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ZetaTalk: Vote Count

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

As stated in the Oahspe, a channeled book we can vouch for, the Constitution of the United States was assisted in its birth by we and others in the Service-to-Others. This was not an easy birth. The reason for the support was not idle.

The Constitution is a forerunner of what you can expect from the Council of Worlds. The individual counts.

In practical matters, how does this work? Where is the ballot box? In a physical world, as humans are used to thinking the world is, one expects a physical ballot box. In human society, the verbal promise is often forgotten or skewered, so important promises and agreements are put into writing, and the verbiage precise. Words can trap, and words can

assure. How does this work without words? Within the Service-to-Others entities, the equivalent of verbal

communications is not something to be used against the individual. The essence of the vote is not skewered, either due to ignorance or deceit. The essence of the question under vote is faithfully relayed to the individual who has a right to vote, and the true intent of the voter is relayed to the ballot box, which in this case is not a box at all but a type of mental computer. In the Service-to-Self orientation, where a small minority of human souls are headed, voting does

not occur. Decisions are made based on the pecking order. This is a familiar enough concept to humans reading this

dialog for us to skip further explanation.

When do humans get to vote in the Council of Worlds? And are there intermediate representatives, such as the

Constitution allows for? The answer to the latter question is no. Where under human affairs the physical impossibility of having millions and even billions of humans at any given representation requires a supra level of representation, in densities above 3rd, we in fact can manage the large crowd. And when do you become eligible to vote? In matters of

the Earth, as residents of Earth, you already have a vote. It is one-to-one. Your vote is polled frequently, as amazing as that may seem. Your soul was polled, but as the soul considers the physical body not on a level with itself, the soul no more updates the body on all it experiences than it does on past lives. It considers the curiosity of the body, which is a temporary home, an annoyance. Unless the soul considers the body in a need-to-know position, it does not bother.

Thus, your soul has been polled, and voted, whether you are aware of this or not.