type of karma occurs because it is written in the conscience of those who enact it, not because it is imposed from without. A type of karma between intelligent species from different worlds may reflect this kind of regret or concern, but may also be imposed by the Council of Worlds.
An example is ourselves, who ruined our home planet, making it unlivable for surface habitation, and who are now
here trying to prevent the same situation from occurring on Earth. We do this voluntarily, but were selected to
participate as genetic engineers on the hybrid program in part because we mourn for our planet and thus are expected to be highly motivated to assist our human contacts in their efforts to prevent a similar tragedy on Earth.
However, beyond this type of voluntary karmic justice, there is no karma enforcement. Alien groups that harm each other, purposefully or accidentally, proceed based on their orientation, not because they are ordered to do so or in essence cursed in some way by some court on high. If of the Service-to-Other orientation, their regret may take many forms but will surely be expressed, in all likelihood as assistance. If of the Service-to-Self orientation not a backwards glance will be cast. We should point out that in these interactions the Service-to-Others and Service-to-Self groups are affecting each other, unless they have engaged within the strictures imposed by the Rules of Engagement. Karma,
therefore, exists as a voluntary action only, from the heart.
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ZetaTalk: On the Record
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ZetaTalk: On the Record
Note: written Nov 15, 1995.
In human society graduation or status is often based on earned credits, and for this a written record is important. The record substitutes for insight, as two men standing before a third may look and talk the same, but have vastly different capabilities and accomplishments. As any employer knows, resumes can lie and the breezy, confident applicant can be well rehearsed. As any hospital knows, the intern who performs best in an emergency because of hands-on experience
during school lab assignments may not be the talkative and knowledgeable intern the administrator expected to be the star. Thus, the written record in human society allows those sitting in judgment to make an appropriate decision, and for important decisions this record is well researched. Should the judge send the surly prisoner to jail for life and let the quiet, well-groomed prisoner off on probation? The judge will look at the record - how many arrests, how many
convictions, the severity of the crimes, behavior and progress during incarceration, or extenuating circumstances.
Is not such a record kept on entities, on their many incarnations, on their behavior during incarnations and the choices made when the chips were down? Yes, but this record is recorded within the entity itself, as memory, and cannot be
erased. Where human society cannot read such a record recorded in another's memory, and can be fooled by the visage and actions of the other, higher spiritual densities are not so fooled. As you say, we can read you like a book.
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ZetaTalk: Orientation Lesson
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ZetaTalk: Orientation Lesson
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Regarding the purpose of the 3rd Density lesson, to determine one's orientation, either Service-to-Self or Service-toOther. This may seem like a choice, rather than a lesson, but this is in fact the first lesson an entity learns. Without making this choice, or learning this lesson, the entity cannot proceed on the path of knowledge and growth. Why is
this so?
Step into the early grades of school, and watch what happens when the teacher steps out of the room for a moment.
Chaos. Just so, 3rd Density entities find that they spend all their time in petty squabbles. Higher education proceeds only when one of several situations are in place. The rules can become unduly rigid, where any pupil looking up or
speaking is beaten. This is the solution that the Service-to-Self impose on those of this orientation. Another solution is to separate the students, so that those intent on learning, rather than wresting control from the teacher, are set aside.
This is the solution that the Transformation takes, where the Service-to-Others, as intent on learning rather than
gaining control, are separated from those not content until they attain total control over others.
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Document Outline
ZetaTalk: Rules
ZetaTalk: Council of Worlds
ZetaTalk: Secession
ZetaTalk: Council Charter
ZetaTalk: Pace of Change
ZetaTalk: Earth is a Member
ZetaTalk: Vote Count
ZetaTalk: Minority Votes
ZetaTalk: Voting Population
ZetaTalk: Mixed Setting
ZetaTalk: Mixed Goals
ZetaTalk: Enron
ZetaTalk: Interfering
ZetaTalk: Chernobyl
ZetaTalk: Contour Probe
ZetaTalk: Protection/Healings
ZetaTalk: Moving Planets
ZetaTalk: Apparent Precision
ZetaTalk: Things vs People
ZetaTalk: No Delay
ZetaTalk: Engagement Rules
ZetaTalk: Star Child Engagements
ZetaTalk: Reusable Worlds
ZetaTalk: Travel Protocols
ZetaTalk: Time Travel
ZetaTalk: Theories
ZetaTalk: Politics
ZetaTalk: Declaring War
ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars
ZetaTalk: Death Sentence
ZetaTalk: Slavery Practices
ZetaTalk: Collision Course
ZetaTalk: Shuttles
ZetaTalk: Exploration Limits
ZetaTalk: Service-to-Self
ZetaTalk: Keep In Line
ZetaTalk: Service-to-Other
ZetaTalk: Friendly Disagreements
ZetaTalk: Interference
ZetaTalk: Unconditional Love
ZetaTalk: Without Money
ZetaTalk: Implants
ZetaTalk: Healings
ZetaTalk: Free Will
ZetaTalk: Intervention
ZetaTalk: Exceptions
ZetaTalk: While Unaware
ZetaTalk: Sight or Sound
ZetaTalk: Alien Technology
ZetaTalk: Escape Routes
ZetaTalk: Avoided
ZetaTalk: Rescue Demands
ZetaTalk: 12 Planet Shuttle
ZetaTalk: What is God
ZetaTalk: Playing God
ZetaTalk: Planetary Souls
ZetaTalk: Animals Souls
ZetaTalk: Thinking Machines
ZetaTalk: Robots
ZetaTalk: Lack of Choice
ZetaTalk: Bounded Robots
ZetaTalk: Rule of Forgetfulness
ZetaTalk: Karmic Justice
ZetaTalk: On the Record
ZetaTalk: Orientation Lesson