in the crust, and not the direction of the magnetic North Pole. Between pole shifts, however, there are slight
movements of the magnetic North Pole, especially during the time just before and after a pole shift - approximately a
hundred years on either side. The giant comet speaks to the Earth from afar. Scientists who do not buy into the pole
shift will argue endlessly that it is the poles that move and reverse, and any discussion with such scientists should
begin by first clarifying the pole shift premise. Sometimes, during a pole shift, the movement is slight, and sometimes
literal reversals take place, where the crust does, as you say, a 180. The coming shift will come close to that, being
better than a quarter turn. Having only the Earth's crust to examine, and being in denial or unaware of pole shifts, a
human could only assume that the poles had moved, rather than the crust.
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ZetaTalk: Rotation Reversals
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ZetaTalk: Rotation Reversals
Note: written on Apr 15, 1999. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Great variance can exist, from one passage of the 12th Planet to another. In some cases, as has been recorded by Plato,
the Earth in fact rotates in a different direction from its current rotation. There are many factors that influence rotation,
and those that dominate the scene immediately after a shift will determine the direction of rotation. If the core of the
Earth is highly confused after a pole shift, swirling about under the dictates of many influences so that the normal
dominance of the core in determining rotation has been muted or silenced, then the rotation of the Earth can be
dictated by its immediate surroundings. The direction of rotation tends to perpetuate itself, so if rotation starts in other
than the normal direction, it may be slower and arguing with itself, so to speak. These rotations are slower than the 24
hour day that you are recording now. If rotation is in accordance with many influences, lining up so that the motion
chases and then departs from these influences quickly, then rotation can be slightly faster than the 24 hour day that you
are recording now.
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ZetaTalk: Shift Threshold
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ZetaTalk: Shift Threshold
Note: written on Dec 15, 2000. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
If the 12th Planet causes a pole shift in the Earth as it passes, being the larger body between the two, how is it that the
12th Planet itself does not experience a pole shift as it passes the Sun, which is a larger body than the 12th Planet.
Magnetic fields clash with one another when a certain closeness creates a particle press. When there is room for a
particle flow, magnetic fields can exist side-by-side with the only effect being an increased speed of flow where the
fields brush one another. Side-by-side fields find their particle flows moving in the same direction - South to North in
the interior of the mass and then arching around from North to South on the periphery. The North to South flow on
side-to-side fields is thus moving in the same direction. End-to-end fields likewise do not have a conflict, but link up
to have a longer flow through the interior of both masses, and a longer flow back down along the periphery.
What happens during a passage is that the flows clash, and the density of particles pushes the magnetic bodies about.
Think of the North pole as a water hose, a force of water coming from it capable of pushing solid objects aside. When
this force cannot go up and through the center of another magnetic object in front of it, it must have someplace to go.
Two magnets placed side-by-side on a table will co-exist if placed far enough away from each other. Two or more
magnets placed end-to-end will snap together forming a larger magnet, North pole to South. Two magnets prevented
from snapping together when one passes the other, coming from the south, will have a particle flow force coming from
the North pole of the passing object - a South to North flow. This particle flow meets the peripheral or returning
particle flow of the stationary object - a North to South flow. The clash pushes against the weaker flow, which in the
case of the Earth and the 12th Planet is the Earth's particle flow. In essence, the Earth is pushed so that it's magnetic
flow during the passage lines up with the 12th Planet's flow, as this relieves the particle pressure.
Now, does the 12th Planet not experience such a clash with the Sun as it passes between the Earth and the Sun? It does
not, because it has placed itself away from the Sun due to the Repulsion Force - an adjustment caused by the flow of
gravity particles. This is the stronger flow, and one that has a larger reach, so the trajectory of the 12th Planet as it
zooms through the solar system is guided by gravity matters, primarily. The 12th Planet and the Sun have a parallel
field, a side-by-side situation, during the passage. The hapless Earth, being too small a voice in this matter, does not
dominate any placement or trajectory. It is treated, during the passage, like litter along the highway to be blown about
by passing traffic.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:54:18 AM]
ZetaTalk: Weakest Link
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ZetaTalk: Weakest Link
Note: written during the 2001 sci.astro debates.
That the entire earth can tilt in space is a confusing point to humans in understanding pole shifts. Humans are drenched
in Newtonian theory, which explains the planets maintained in their orbits based on centrifugal force and momentum.
All of this falls apart when Newton's math is applied to your Moon, so very close at hand yet too large and slow
moving to even stay up there, per Newton. Nevertheless, Newton is force-fed to humans in school so they contemplate
pole shifts in this venue, and boggle. Per Newton, both the Earth and another passing planet would plod on, just
passing but not affecting each other except for gravity, a tug in this or that direction.
But this is wrong, on several points.
Human's measure their magnetic field on the surface of the crust, which is composed of hardened lava which points in
the direction of the magnetic field at the time the lava hardened, and thus sends many signals to dilute any given
compass measurement. The crust moved, after lava hardened, and this is a buffer for the true magnetic field coming
from the core. This is far stronger, and reaches further into space, than most humans imagine. As we have explained,
magnetism is a particle flow, as is gravity. Additionally, rotation is not caused by some initial momentum long ago
instituted but by the various components of a liquid core in motion, attracted and repulsed by this or that in the