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System, as the Earth, are in motion. The tug and push begins again, and the Earth begins to rotate. But the core has not

yet settled, being more fluid than the crust, and takes awhile to settle down to align with the magnetic influences of the

Universe round about. Thus, the magnetic pole may finally settle into a position other than the geographic pole, which

has preceding it in being established. This changes during every pole shift, at times the poles lining up, at times a


In general, the rotation versus the magnetic tilt is closely in alignment, the present 23 degree being an aberration. The

last pole shift, during the Jewish Exodus, was violent and quick, the passage so close and rapid that the ocean rifts

were ripped wide enough to drop the ocean 16-20', as has been measured, as the shift no sooner started than stopped.

This was a lurching, ramming effect to the plates, which bumped into each other and ricocheted and ripped. Therefore,

because of the quick and violent nature of the last pole shift, there is a difference between the geographic and magnetic

poles, which usually tend to be closer than 10 degrees. We anticipate this next passage to be more in alignment,

although it will be many decades before the survivors can determine where the magnetic north and south poles are, due

to the period of time the core takes to settle down and demonstrate its regular resonance.

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ZetaTalk: Wandering Poles

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ZetaTalk: Wandering Poles

Note: written on Jun 15, 1996.

The wandering poles attest to prior pole shifts but don't give a true picture, as many times poles situate over oceans or

land that subsequently submerges, areas unexplored by modern man. Humans measure the significance of pole shifts

by their variance from today's poles, where in fact the measure should be from the pole's placement prior to the shift.

What is termed a wandering pole is mankind's best efforts to trace the placement of the poles, dating the record in

hardened magma which captures the moment's magnetic alignment. The Ice Ages, occurring over northern Europe and

America, are also written records of when poles were situated over those spots. Pole shifts can be as slight as a few

degrees or close to 180 degrees, the most extreme case.

Where the Earth is close to the point of passage, as it will be during the coming pole shift, the Earth's core drags

her crust into opposition to the 12th Planet's magnetic alignment, her North Pole heading directly south, and

there the crust stays while the core gradually rights itself.

Where pole shifts are so slight as to be nonexistent the Sun stands between the Earth and her larger brother, the

12th Planet.

Where the Earth is a quarter way around the elliptic a different drama takes place, as rather than move into

opposition to the 12th Planet, the move is to come into alignment.

Distance makes some difference, but more influential is whether the two planets are lined up pole to pole or side to side

on the approach. In a pole to pole confrontation the 12th Planet's North Pole essentially grips the Earth's South Pole

and drags it with it as it passes, pushing away the North Pole. In a side to side confrontation, the Earth is only nudged

to line up with her brother, just as small magnetic particles in ore attempt to align with each other. The position of the

Earth or the 12th Planet during any passage is strictly by chance, governed by the various influences that affect the

arrival of the 12th Planet, which can meet with any number of delaying influences on its journey. Thus, there is no

regularity to dramatic pole shifts, where the Earth is essentially turned upside down.

Dramatic reversals happen rarely, as the 12th Planet must virtually come between the Earth and the Sun to have this

much influence. This happens in only 15% of the pole shifts, as where this vulnerable position constitutes perhaps

30% of the possible arc, the range of possibility is such that the Earth may be on the opposite side of the Sun just as

often as not, cutting these odds in half. When the Sun stands between the Earth and the 12th Planet there is, in essence,

no pole shift but simple tension and compression in the crust, expressed as increased earthquakes and volcanism. This

safety zone constitutes another 40% of the possible arc. The remaining 45% of the arc experiences alignment shifts,

rather than opposition shifts. Thus, the wandering Poles reflect 15% massive opposition movement, where the North

Pole is tipped backwards away from the 12th Planet, balanced by 45% minor alignment movement, where the North

Pole is tipped forward slightly to line up with the 12th Planet's magnetic alignment.

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ZetaTalk: Wandering Poles

This finds the records of where the North and South Poles have been, in the main, essentially close to their position at

present. Mankind is missing at least half the record, those former poles which are now under water, but the pattern

would not look much different with these missing pieces added. Human written and verbal history will not serve man

well in preparation for the forthcoming pole shift, as a shift as devastating as this one will be has not occurred even

within the past 50,000 years. Even The Flood was merely the result of two minor shifts, back to back - one to displace

the South Pole so that partial melting and softening started, and the second to break and drop the suspended ice into

the ocean.

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ZetaTalk: Chance of Collision

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ZetaTalk: Chance of Collision

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

In the past, the 12th Planet's orbit was farther out in your Solar System, but over the eons your Sun has lost mass, and

the orbit now comes between the Earth and the Sun. What is the risk of collision between the comet and the other

planets in the Solar System? Where the Earth and the comet were in each other's path in the past, there was more than

the element of chance involved. You, on your highways, have hurtling missiles on a collision course with each other

by the millions, yet you have very few collisions. There is an additional factor in place in planetary collisions, as they

are no more without drivers than your hurtling automobiles. All planetary bodies have attraction/repulsion factors at

play, and when they come close to each other they in fact push each other away. This in almost all cases suffices to

prevent collision, although for any inhabitants it is a shaky experience.

Where actual collisions occur there is a difference in body size, with the smaller object traveling at great speed. The

speed overcomes the repulsion, and the smaller object also becomes caught in the gravitational pull of the larger