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encounters other roiling, all of which causes movement to from side to side as well as the forward motion

toward the Sun, a delaying action, slowing the speed.

Thus, when moving from the mid-point of its orbit between its two foci, the Sun and its dark twin some 18.74 Sun-

Pluto distances away, the speed of passage is:

at first slow as the gravity particles pulling it toward the Sun are scarcely more than the gravity particles pulling

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ZetaTalk: Slowing Influences

it toward the dark twin

exponentially faster as the gravity particles increase at this rate the closer Planet X gets to the Sun

without impediment when afar from the solar system as represented by the planets orbiting the Sun, alone

increasing in essence at an exponential speed when approaching this solar system complex but the speed

increase somewhat reduced in the 6 months before passage by the start of the Repulsion Force influence and

particle flows or other crowding and buffeting influences

decreased dramatically at about the orbit of Mars by the braking action of the Repulsion Force, at last strong

enough to counter the inbound plunge toward the Sun

slow to a floating rate so that it floats past the Earth during the week of rotation stoppage, which is the point it is

also floating past the Sun, rather than zoom past

increase in speed to leave the inner solar system as the laser blasts of gravity particles coming from the Sun

added to the momentum past the Sun already in place combine to speed it on its way.

The speed at which Planet X floats past the Earth is much faster than the rate the Earth travels in her orbit. Planet X

will be millions of miles from the Earth, not quite halfway between the Earth and Sun. Where the speed of Planet X is

suffient to move it from one side of Saturn's orbit to the other in 3 short months, it slows while close to the Sun. This is

akin to the braking action a large truck barreling down the highway would have to do to maneuver a curve.

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ZetaTalk: Esape Velocity

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ZetaTalk: Escape Velosity

Note: written during the 2001 sci.astro debates. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Mankind is not oriented with how fast objects can travel in space. They are held to the concept of speed on the surface

of Earth, where friction is a factor. When traveling on the surface, there is drag from the atmosphere or from water, so

there is a finite speed attainable. When leaving the surface, an object is fighting gravity, a struggle. And when trying

to get to Mars or the other planets, for a peek, a probe is propelled by jets and a limited amount of fuel, so does not

attain speed. But in all these cases there is either:

1. friction or drag,

2. lack of impetus.

Mankind sees the planets floating about in their orbits and think this the speed that planets attain. But space does not

offer friction or drag, so this element is utterly missing. And when there are large objects gravitationally attracted to

each other, no jets or fuel supplies need be a limiting factor. Thus, when approaching the Sun, in a direct line that has

not had the Repulsion Force invoked as yet, Planet X has no brakes. How fast is fast? During the passage, it has not achieved the maximum speed that such a traveling world might. It has just started to step on the gas.

Planet X likewise escapes the Sun's gravity to overshoot the solar system to the point of turnaround and return not by

great speed, as in what is termed Escape Velocity, but because of the Repulsion Force. The Replusion Force comes

into place during the approach when Planet X turns to upsweep through the solar system. It is dropping now from 11

degrees to 32 degrees to avoid the outer planets, and this is to some degree a Repulsion Force event. But this

interchange with the Sun does not occur until it reaches Saturn's orbit, and really charges through. At that time, it is in

a straight line through the solar system, this path chosen as a compromise between the atraction and repulsion,

essentially. So one could say during the 3 month dash through the solar system that Repulsion Force with the Sun is in

play. This does not slow the passage, but hurries it past.

Strong effects of Planet X are felt for some decades prior to the passage, reaching an extreme point at passage, and

remain troubling during the turnaround and return, and then dimminish. The Jewish Exodus described a 7 year period

of weather and crop problems, and this is now. Then the passage. Then there is a 7 year turnaround and return. Then

another 7 years as the planet is outbound. In all of this, humans have a rough estimate of the attraction force of gravity,

but don't deal with speed. This is where the concept is new to mankind. Unless this Repulsion Force, which has been

proven to exist with the Moon, on sci.astro debates, is taken into consideration, it boggles mankind. But if this is

considered, our description makes sense. We would suggest that those who find this a puzzling spend less time trying

to reconcile mankinds theories of how things work and more time applying them to the Moon issue, which gets

evaded. Once they have faced the fact that the Moon is too large, and moving too slowly, to be up there per Newton,

then they will have cleared their minds for some real thinking.

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ZetaTalk: Second Pass

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ZetaTalk: Second Pass

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The return passage of the 12th Planet is dictated by a combination of forces - momentum, attraction, and (for want of a

more scientific term to describe this process) the call of the wild. The 12th Planet has stopped, and hovers for some

years before beginning its return passage. The rate of startup essentially mirrors the rate of stoppage, so movement is

slow at first, almost imperceptible.

During its first passage the 12th Planet had been moving already, and the factor of momentum allowed it to accelerate

an already existing rate of speed when boring in on the Solar System. Where space does not have much matter to

create resistance to motion, momentum is in and of itself a factor. Why does a ball in a track on a straight-away

continue to roll after the initial push? What keeps it rolling? Momentum, which in fact is an interplay between the

attraction and repulsion forces of bodies around the object in motion, is a factor in its own right. Momentum is what

causes the planets to orbit, perpetually, and the Earth to rotate, perpetually. Thus, the 12th Planet's return requires that