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Eastern position during these hours, then quickly traveling toward the West again. If the Sun's rays are beaming down,

how many people bother to note the exact position of the Sun in its arc across the sky during the mid-morning hours?

What of the temporary or intermittent aspect of this lean? Nancy noted no aberrant constellation alignment when she

checked on Mar 10 in the same time frame that Chili and Cincinnati had noted an extreme lean. How is this possible?

We mentioned when the topic of the 270° roll was raised during the live chats on Jan 13 and Feb 3 that Planet X is simultaneously rising to the Ecliptic and turning in place to point it's N Pole outward from the Sun. We mentioned that

rising to the Ecliptic, for Planet X, means that the hose of magnetic particles streaming out of its N Pole encounters a

blast of backwash of particles returning to the Sun's middle at the Ecliptic. If Planet X can envelope the Earth in its

magnetic field when the Earth's magnetic hot spots are hidden from view, but not when they present, then this grip, at

its present distance from Earth and its present progress in its 270° roll, is tenuous. Rising a bit more toward the

Ecliptic, and encountering a stronger headwind in the backwash of returning particles, is all it takes to trip the balance

back to where the Earth aligns with the Sun's magnetic field instead. What this intermittent lean to the West is

showing is the type of gyrations the Earth will undergo as Planet X continues its steady path in the direction of Earth.

Things will not be normal, and sudden adjustments will occur.

What does this new intermittent phenomena, replacing the former Figure 8 wobble, tell mankind? That Planet X has

progressed in its 270° roll or it would not be in a position to demand a temporary side-by-side alignment. That Planet

X has moved closer or it would not have the strength to demand a side-by-side alignment. That Planet X is steadily

rising toward the Ecliptic or the phenomena would not be countered by the backwash of particles at the Ecliptic. Given

these points, that Planet X will be able to impose the 3 days of darkness on Earth when it turns its N Pole hose directly

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta360.htm[2/5/2012 11:55:10 AM]

ZetaTalk: Intermittent Lurch

at Earth. For those wanting to know how much time we have before the press of the last weeks are upon them, we

repeat. No date will be given until the establishment shares with the populace what they know about the approaching

monster. If they, in their elite perch, are privy to information from the Hubble and probes and observatories, then the

least of those among the citizenry deserves the same information. Information is power, and the establishment plans to

use their privy information to harm the common man, not help them as is their obligation. Thus, no date will be given

until the establishment places the common man on their level, and they themselves are on the level of the common


ZetaTalk: Live Chat, written Jan 13, 2007

ZetaTalk: Live Chat, written Feb 3, 2007

The speed of movement through the 270°

roll is not linear. … Another aspect is

We reported recently that Planet X was

the elevation to the Ecliptic, as when

at the 135 degree point. This is not a

slightly below the Ecliptic it can point its

lineal process, as is it also lifting up to

N Pole out into space, but when at the

encounter the Ecliptic backwash. This

Ecliptic, it must hose at an inbound

does not mean it will not move rapidly

particle flow (that man is unaware of in

at times, forcing an adjustment in Earth

the main) and this pushes back against

at the same time. These are matters we

Planet X. Thus, a linear rate cannot be

will not detail at present, as the

assumed. By the same token, rapid

establishment is to stay off kilter, true

movement can happen.

karma for the lack of knowledge they

give the common man about what is


ZetaTalk: What Magnets Do, written Feb 8, 2004 ZetaTalk: Lean to the Left, written Dec 7, 2005

Earth and Mercury, both with magnetic

Where the 270° roll ends with the N

cores and in close proximity to the Sun,

Pole of Earth pushed away such that the

align alongside of the Sun attempting to

northern hemisphere experiences 3 days

form one large magnet. Bar magnets,

of darkness, one can assume an

free to move, will snap together side by

increased falling of Earth to its side, to

side to form one large magnet, but

the left. The Earth will be basking,

planets held apart from each other or

North to South, in the light of the Sun

their Sun by the gravity Repulsion Force

before this falling to its side rolls into

cannot actually touch.

the 3 days of darkness.

ZetaTalk: Drunken Lurch, written Nov 19, 2004

ZetaTalk: Hell Unleashed, written Jan 2, 2005

The Earth is rotating around geographic

The Figure 8 will become more extreme

poles, which are offset from the

and vicious as the N. Pole of Planet X

magnetic poles by approximately 15

swings into view as it turns in place in a

degrees, loosely up from the S. Pole

clockwise motion, the slow 270° Roll we

toward Tasmania and down from the N.

described in June, 2004. Earth will lay

Pole toward the center of the Canadian

on her side, her magnetic N. Pole

NW Territories. The drunken lurch back

pushed to the [side], a predecessor to

and forth will become more accentuated

the 3 Days of Darkness and Sunrise

as the slow 270° Roll of Planet X

West, laying her hemispheres out for an

continues, with the tilt of the Earth's N

equal basking under the Sun but putting

Pole steadily moving away from the Sun,

the Sun and Moon and especially the

until the 3 Days of Darkness is evident.