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grasp? We have spoken of the mutual attraction and repulsion of matter, which is, of course, what causes the planets

and moons to go into orbit around each other and their suns. Normally this goes into balance, not by accident but by a

series of maneuvers until the attraction and repulsion are equally strong, one not affecting the regularity of motion

more than the other. Balance is assumed when the motion takes on a regularity. Imagine what would happen if the

repulsion were eliminated, in a given interchange, and the attraction had no counterbalance? How fast is fast?

Should we be asked to explain, in formulas that humans could potentially understand, how repulsion could be

eliminated so that attraction is the only force in effect - we cannot. This is not to evade scrutiny, but to prevent humans

from getting about in the Universe in their present spiritually immature state. In 4th Density there are rules in force

that allow you to have this knowledge, and use it, while abiding by the rules. In 3rd Density you are allowed to mess

around without rules, guided only by your free will. This is why entities of higher densities cannot interfere with you,

unless you give The Call. Your world is essentially a play pen. Children are not allowed into the computer room, nor

into the Air Traffic Control tower. We trust you will understand, though we expect you will be resentful.

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ZetaTalk: Hover

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ZetaTalk: Hover

Note: written during the 2001 sci.astro debates.

How do we hover, in our spacecraft, without whirling blades or blasting jets? How do we negate the downdraft of

gravity particles toward the surface of the planet we are hovering upon, while at the same time negating the upblast of

gravity particles which would send us upward in a wink unless also countered? We control both directional flows,

creating a gravity barrier around the ship. Likewise space travel, our irresistible kiss, creates a tube through space

composed of this same barrier. Gravity particles exist in the space within this barrier or tube, but only create their own

gravity dance among themselves - not enough time or quantity to coalesce a gravitational giant. And what is this

barrier? It is composed of gravity particles themselves, glued with an overabundance of another particle it does interact with, unlike the majority of sub-atomic particles which interact with gravity particles only in a mechanical manner.

Does this not produce a situation where the space or tube might become permanent? There is a time factor, such that

we must continually reproduce a space for our craft to hover, and quickly use the tube arranged for instant space travel.

The barrier degrades, in a wink, equalizing into the surrounding area where it was gathered to be the glue. You can

equate this to your use of electricity, where it dissipates quickly into becoming electrons behaving normally in the

surrounding matter as soon as interference by man in making them stream ceases.

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ZetaTalk: Super Conductors

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ZetaTalk: Super Conductors

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

Are we aware of super conducting material that can operate at room temperature? Of course, but it would do mankind

little good as the materials exist on worlds not compatible with Earth. The substances would either not remain in a

pure state here, or explode or rapidly burn, or poison the Earth when they escaped their bounds as they inevitably

would. The answer to mankind's energy needs do not lie in superconductors, however seductive they may be. There are

energy sources known to your government, developed and operational, which dwarf by their operation the goal of

super conductor developers. There is no need. The problems that should be addressed lie not in science but in politics

and the corporate decisions that force archaic energy sources to continue. We are speaking here of coal, oil, natural

gas, and nuclear energy. This is the issue that should be addressed!

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ZetaTalk: Crystals

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ZetaTalk: Crystals

Note: written on Sep 15, 1995.

Crystals do have what humans would call magical properties, as they don't know how else to explain the results.

Crystals capture and focus energies that mankind is not aware of as yet. These energies cannot be seen and measured,

yet their presence leaves its mark. Like most myth makers, crystals have given life to stories that bear no relationship

to the truth. It has been reported that crystals can prevent disease, grow sturdier plants, and affect the passage of time.

Only the latter is true, but this cannot be put to any practical use. Not all crystals have this effect, and a certain size

must be attained before any effect at all occurs. A synergy is in process.

It has been reputed that the lost city of Atlantis used large crystals, and that such a crystal lying under the waves in the

Bermuda Triangle is causing havoc. None of this is true. Crystals of any size or shape or of whatever nature are not

having any significant effect on mankind or on the Earth at the present time, and any reports to the contrary are false.

Crystals have at times been used as a communication booster by various alien groups, but for no other reason. These

crystals, left on the surface of Mars or the Moon or even here and there on Earth, are not being activated at the current

time and thus have no more influence on their surroundings than other inanimate objects. These crystals are immense,

as large as a pick-up truck, and flawless. Humans are incapable of building them, and should they uncover one on

Earth would be incapable of activating it. This would be a toy the Council of Worlds would not allow to be placed in

the hands of 3rd Density entities. The rules do not allow it.

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ZetaTalk: Cold Fusion

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ZetaTalk: Cold Fusion

Note: written on May 15, 1996.

Cold fusion is a myth, the dream of those who would have endless cheap energy readily available. Energy is released

from fusion or fission, but in both cases this is a barely controlled explosion. Nuclear bombs are the extremes that man

is aware of, and when trying to harness this energy they sit on the virtual nuclear bombs called nuclear power stations,

tinkering with the controls. How would it be that cold fusion would be possible, among the molecular components on