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Originally all species on the planet Earth were reptilian, and this is a common form throughout the Universe. Mammals and the hominoid form are relatively rare, but are desired due to their capacity for intense empathy, their caring emotions. On worlds where mammals have evolved, they are the genetic engineering species of choice, even where reptiles may in fact be more intelligent at the time. This was the case on the Earth, and genetic engineering of mammals proceeded at an early age. However, because the majority of genetic engineering is done by reptilian species, being in the majority in the Universe, at some points the genetic engineering to be done on Earth was done by reptilians. They naturally inserted what they deemed important.

The ability to repress emotions comes from the fact that humans have several brains - the forebrain, which is mammalian, the midbrain, which is a mixture of the mammal and reptile, and the early brain, which is reptilian. When humans wish to remember all, they record the information in all their brains, although the information may vary in the different data banks. When humans wish to forget, they disconnect the memory chains between their forebrain and the other brains, and amnesia ensues. The midbrain, being the go-between, is responsible for keeping it all straight, and does so responsibly. Were this not so, humans would not have functioned well enough to have survived and flourished.

The memory or awareness of various emotions is not crucial to survival, and in fact has assisted only somewhat during civilized times. Blind rage erupting during the day can get one fired or exiled, and thus the ability to repress emotions has been, if anything, selected for propagation. Those who could not repress appropriately were repelled from the tribe or city, and did not fare well enough to propagate their genes. However, in the future, during 4th Density Service-to-Others, this propensity will be genetically engineered out. There are no secrets in 4th Density Service-to-Others, not even from oneself.

ZetaTalk: Stress Diseases

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Worry is the greatest drain, as the body is fighting the issues endlessly, with no end. Your body was not designed for this. It was designed for fight or flight, not endless battle. In your primitive past, when presented with challenges, you either fought off the threat or were eaten or destroyed. The matter was over quickly. Modern society presents situations that are neither over quickly nor destroy quickly. Thus the battle stage is drawn out endlessly, and the soldiers grow weary. Put the battle to an end somehow, if only by deciding not to engage. If there is nothing you can do at the moment, and you can have no effect on the outcome, then put your weapons down. Be at peace. Smell the roses.

ZetaTalk: Soul Personalities

written July 16, 2004

Souls often have a personality stamp, just as the humans or other life forms they incarnate, as their early experiences and reactions to these experiences shapes the pool of quick responses from which they grab in emergencies. If a soul has reacted by running and hiding, and this has been successful, they consider this at first, in the future. Likewise, if standing and fighting has proved to eliminate the problem most effectively for the tribe as a whole, even though the entity may suffer injury and death, if a similar situation arises, the soul who has taken the stand-and-fight posture will take this with little hesitation. Souls thus may work behind the scenes, backfilling others who are more vocal and visible, depending upon their success in the past, or may be a loud mouth, assertive and probing danger on the path ahead in this manner, if in their experience they do this more effectively than others and if in the past they found the others in the tribe coming to their rescue when they flushed out what was laying for them ahead along the path. Thus, in analyzing past lives, it is important to recognize early experiences and reactions to these early experiences from a long term growth of the entity, which smoothes out.

Most developing souls, still on their birth planet and yet to experience a solidly Service-to-Other world, have leaned toward being one sex or the other, by preference, as their skills and developed talents lay mostly in that realm, and all is new and the more comfort a young soul can garner during their adventures, the more confident they feel about sallying forth. Thus, often the partner in a bond who has ideas, is articulate, innovative, and exploratory is the male. This fits with the hominoid concept of a male, but in other worlds where the female is large and aggressive, the entity would have reincarnated as a female most often. Likewise, the partner in a bond who empathizes with the missions assumed by the more adventurous one often forms that bond because they wish this role, and want to go those places, but lack talents or experience. They then assume the support role, which helps both.

Relationships between souls, particularly on a developing world where souls are unbalanced in their development, are often strong bonds. When in strange territory, as young souls feel they are often, one seeks friends, as their alliances are known, their reactions predictable, and the relationship thus comforting when walking into unknown territory. Developing worlds, where souls are sparked and learn their first lesson, the orientation lesson, have endless surprises for newly reincarnating souls. The soul does not have the wealth of previous experiences to rely upon that old souls do, and thus being incarnated in a new culture, a new climate, a new setting or sex, all engender the need for a friend at hand.

ZetaTalk: Self Respect

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Self respect is the forerunner of respect for others, and in this regard respect for one's parents and origin is important. Unless one views the self as worthwhile, with potential, deserving of admiration and concern and on an equal footing overall with others, one cannot truly give the same treatment to others. Why is this so? Why is the adage to love oneself important?

Throughout the life-span of an entity, and we are speaking here of the indestructible soul, the entity weighs itself against others. Consciousness begins this way, but as the others in the vicinity are also young and struggling, self respect or viewing the self to be as worthy as others is rather natural. Time passes, and on a 3rd Density world growth rates differ. Some entities advance in their spiritual lessons, take leadership, gain wisdom and knowledge, and the spread widens as time passes. Should the laggardly entity begin to view itself as falling behind, this takes up all its concentration and falling behind increases due to neglect. This is not a desirable situation. In fact, all are equal, as the laggard may surge ahead at a later time. Better to put comparisons behind, and concentrate on the important issues, the lessons. Therefore, love yourself and your family and have self respect, as all are truly equal.