ZetaTalk: Suicide
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
We, the Zetas, believe in the right to suicide. Whose life is it, anyway? Suicide has been given a bad name in human societies, by association. The mad man, convinced he has committed crimes in fact not done, destroys his good life. A waste. In fact, this seldom happens, and is much more dramatized in fiction than occurs in fact. Most suicide is undertaken after much agonizing and debate. Most suicide is undertaken when life is truly intolerable, because of never ending pain or because the life circumstances cannot and will not change and are emotionally and mentally intolerable. The humans have cast about for years, seeking solutions, and none are to be found. They are in agony, and wish release. Most suicides do not even hamper others, but are seen as a relief. At last, the others no longer need participate as spectators in the agony. The tortured is at rest.
Why is this so resisted in human society? It is the control factor, the concept that one's life is not one's own. Organized religion, and controlling establishments, view the human populace as their herds. The herds cannot escape their bounds, and must resign themselves to their lot. Contemplating escape is not allowed, lest the herds begin to expand their horizons. Therefore, there is no escape. Pay your dues, work hard every day, pay homage, and obey. This is the theme. Suicide angers the religious elite and the establishment elite because it represents an escape. For no other reason.
ZetaTalk: Indestructible Soul
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
What you call a soul is composed of substances, just as your physical body is. These substances are just as complex as the molecules and cell structure your physical body is composed of - in their own way. However, these substances cannot be destroyed by such things as atomic explosions or even entry into a black hole. The soul is durable and indestructible. Souls are born, and evolve and grow, just as in your physical world you find plants and animals springing up from seed, from a single cell. This does not happen haphazardly, and only happens on worlds in 3rd Density. When an entity is incarnate, what you call the soul suffuses with the physical body, spreading throughout all the parts of the physical body.
The existence of the soul, that part of a human remaining after the physical body expires, has been measured as a tiny adjustment in the weight of the dead body, happening at the moment of death in most cases. We say in most cases, as the soul may depart earlier, seeing the trend. For instance, where individuals go Out-Of-Body during trauma, the soul has already left. Nevertheless, there is some small scientific aspect to support the general human perception that they have a soul. In fact, so prevalent is this feeling or belief in humans, that one stating the opposite comes in for some heat. Religions invariably espouse the soul and an afterlife as a reality.
ZetaTalk: Abortion
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
We, the Zetas, hold all life in respect, even such life forms as plants and insects. In creating nourishment for ourselves we destroy as little life as possible and are essentially vegetarian in our practices. We most certainly do not hunt or fish for pleasure, and the thought of harboring domestic animals in boring or unhealthful quarters horrifies us, to say nothing of the virtual torture done in the name of food production by many humans.
It is not surprising that we therefore view abortion with alarm. The tiny life, in truth only a potential, represents the most sentient kind of life among the life forms on Earth - a consciousness aware of itself as well as its environment. However, the matter of abortion is not so simple, as there is more than one life to consider. The mother, whom anti-abortionists consider not at all, bears at least equal importance. Should she not be considered? To fail to consider the mother's situation deems her inconsequential, and herein lies the crux of the abortion issue. It is not over abortion at all, but over control of the decision making process that mothers, fathers, and humans in general hold. Where anti-abortionists cry they value life in the extreme, their practices are the opposite.
Much is made of the moment when sentient life begins. When does the human embryo embody a spirit or soul? At the moment when genetic material from the mother and father combine to form the potential for human life? Most certainly not. At the point in fetal development when the fetus could potentially live outside the mother? This argument also is absurd, as this point in the past was close to term and now has moved along the continuum to just past the second trimester. Have God's birthing envoys moved the point when a fetus is joined with a soul to keep pace with modern medical advances? Clearly these arguments are not logical nor are they meant to be. Anti-abortion arguments are meant to intimidate, not clarify.
So when does the fetus become human, filled with a spirit and deserving of the same consideration given to living births? This varies, but generally it is no earlier than birth and frequently sometime after. We will explain. The tiny fetus, in the early months, does not provide the entity waiting to incarnate with a learning experience. This is also true of severely injured bodies, in coma or gravely injured so as to be focused incessantly on pain management. The entity leaves, to observe from the sidelines. Likewise, before birth the entity becomes familiar with its future home not within the tiny fetus, who lives helpless amid surging fluids and in an environment where the lessons of life cannot be learned because action and accountability are impossible. And does the life of a tiny infant present much else? Sleep is the order of the day, and when not asleep the infant is consumed with hunger and security concerns. The entity waiting to incarnate is allowed to be Out-Of-Body for some time, months in fact, before being required to take up residence full time in its new home.
Abortion, therefore, should be viewed not as an imperative, where something irreplaceable is taken away from a soul, but as a change of plan that nature frequently makes when it washes away an imperfectly forming fetus. In particular, when the fetus is incapable of even the thought processes a fish or amoebae might possess - instinctive adjustment to one's surroundings - the mother's needs should be given absolute precedence. Is she not sentient, capable of thought, and possessed of a soul?
ZetaTalk: Reincarnation
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Reincarnation occurs because special envoys from the Council of Worlds, loosely termed birthing envoys, gather up disincarnate entities and discuss the entities progress and growth. You may think of this as a school conference if you wish, where the young entity and its guides have a conference with the birthing envoys. The lessons to be learned are formulated, with the most pressing lesson taking priority. In this the entity itself has little input, just as young school children have little input into their curriculum. Many call this karma, where what one did in a past life comes back to haunt one. The entity cannot end an incarnation, except through death or the temporary vacating of the physical body during Out-Of-Body experiences.