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ZetaTalk: Earth Twin

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Just as your Sun has a dead twin, the second focus of the 12th Planet's orbit, likewise your Earth has a dead twin that shares her orbit and is placed so exactly opposite the Earth that it can never be seen. Theories about the Earth's dark twin, which does exist, have been around for decades. They emerged because of the observed perturbations of the planets. This twin is close enough, within your Solar System, to be visible by the reflected rays from the Sun, if it were not hidden behind the Sun. That the dead twin matches pace with the Earth is not by coincidence. During the period when the Earth was knocked out of her initial orbit by a clash with one of the 12th Planet's travelers, the Earth found an orbital niche around the Sun that was appropriate for her size and composition, a niche, not surprisingly, that the dead twin likewise fits. Why do these matched planets place themselves exactly opposite? Any less than this creates an imbalance in the many forces that control orbits, such that there is pressure and nudging and pulling and increased or decreased speed on one or the other until this is perfectly balanced.

Put two ball bearings in a circular track and spin this, and you soon find that the balls are opposite each other. Just so do these two evenly matched planets find this position opposite each other.

Why did the ancient Sumerians, quoting from the visitors from the 12th Planet, not count this twin? As they counted the Moon, for instance, it would seem too great an oversight for them to miss a planet the approximate size of Earth, and since they counted dead planets as well as those holding life, the Earth and Mars, there would be no reason for the oversight. The visitors from the 12th Planet were concerned with counting major road signs. Were you to travel cross country without a map, your directions would include major cities along the road, or major landmarks along the road, and the approximate distance between them, but there would be no necessity to go into detail about any given landmark, saying, for instance, that this city was larger than another. The cities would be known as the city by the river, or the city in the clouds, but not as the city with an equally large suburb nearby.

Their shuttles took them from their home, the 12th Planet, to the Earth or Mars or the Moon when the 12th Planet was crossing through the orbital plane. Coming in from the outer solar system, at an approximate 11 degree angle from the orbital plane, and peeping through their version of telescopes, the hominoids on the 12th Planet could identify the planets by their relative position from the Sun. Why was the Moon counted, and not the Earth's dead twin? They not only landed on Earth, they landed on the Moon where they had a telescopic station clear of the Earth's ever cloudy atmosphere. In fact, one of the reasons for recording the Moon was to differentiate it from its dead twin. It's the one in that position that has a Moon, not the other. Were they not interested in the dead twin, for mining? As it has no atmosphere, and no water to speak of, it was considered inhospitable. Mars was used until they ruined it, and the Moon was a stopping point only briefly. Their mining operations were a 3,657 year stint, a long time for living off supplies.

The Earth’s dead twin has likewise been omitted from astronomy lists due to the unease those who were involved in Alternative 3 have about their past actions. Mankind’s awareness of this dead twin arose during the discussions that MJ12 had early on with aliens in the Service-to-Self just prior to the time of Roswell. During that time, all information learned from aliens was withheld from the public, and after the debacle that Alternative 3 became, releasing any information at all about the Earth’s dead twin was doomed for the lifetime of the participants. In the same manner that the records on JFK’s assassination will be sealed for several more decades, these records were sealed, to protect the guilty during their lifetimes. Who is aware of the Earth’s dead twin? NASA and JPL and a handful of astronomers working at the major observatories. Just as the approach of the 12th Planet, i.e. Planet X, is known to these individuals and kept from the public, information on the dead twin is a forbidden subject. This is termed a matter of national security, subject to imprisonment and other harsh punishment, and as those who enter into this realm soon discern, even an accidental death at the hands of those who fear the release of this information. Thus, the common man, without access to the information that NASA has but won’t allow the public access to, has no facts by which to arrive at the truth

ZetaTalk: Oil Deposits

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Oil, gas, and coal deposits are indeed the product of biological elements decomposing under great heat and pressure, but this is not the only source of these products. They form in the atmosphere under certain conditions, where intense heat from exploding volcanoes and continuous lightning create the equivalent of petrol-chemicals from the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the atmosphere. Those who doubt this statement may point to modern day volcanic eruptions and lightning storms, which give no evidence of such formations, but the modern day environment is not equivalent to what is present during a Pole Shift, during the trauma that the Earth undergoes during the passage of her brother, the 12th Planet.

Why is it that oil and gas deposits are not forming today? Is the climate so different from the climates of the past? Do not earthquakes bury forests and does not lava flow over grasslands? The theories on oil and gas formations could be put to the test daily, during this modern day, but no such proof has ever been proffered or in fact even sought. Oil and gas do not form under normal circumstances, they form under extraordinary circumstances, and for the Earth most often these circumstances are presented during a pole shift, where forests do get sandwiched between layers of rock and lava floods over broad areas. Petrol-chemicals that form in the sky, where they fail to burn due to lack of free oxygen, soak into the fractured ground and become trapped during the settling process that afterquakes provide for many years after a pole shift.

In most cases, such petrochemicals formed in the atmosphere during pole shifts and seeping into the fractured ground are broken down by the normal process of decay of organic matter. Oil that humans find today was protected from this process by being sealed off from the air, creating a tomb where bacteria could not proceed unabated. On land, this quick seal occurred because the massive tidal waves that accompany pole shifts would smother the fractured ground in a stagnant layer of trapped sea water. This, of course, would evaporate over time, leaving a salt cap over the oil deposits, and thus the association of oil with salt deposits.