ZetaTalk: Noah
Note: written on Jan 15, 2001. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Noah was an individual who built a boat and pulled his farm animals onto it, and his family, in an attempt to escape what he anticipated would be heavy rains and flooded farmlands. How it is that Noah’s neighbors were not so prophetic, and did not have his insight? Noah was indeed warned, by a Spirit Guide, because Noah gave The Call intensely. He was a caring person, evidenced by how much of his family and farm he saved. He took his responsibilities seriously. Noah had a high level Spirit Guide who answered his call and advised Noah because his call for these contacts had not been given due to selfish interests, but due to concern for his family and others. He also warned his neighbors, who treated him with disdain. So Noah’s call was deemed a high level Service-to-Other call and as such he received attention from a very high level Service-to-Other entity who knew of the coming passage of the 12th Planet, which caused the Flood.
Many people today are being warned about the coming changes. In contact groups, contactees say it is remarkable that they have found someone who has had the same kind of dream, perhaps a flood dream or a need to move away from the coast line, maybe a sense that something is coming or that they will have to take care of people, that it will be a time of emergency. They can’t put their finger on it, but often they have shared the same visions and they realize they both have been warned. In these cases these individuals are caring, have a sense of responsibility, and are getting the same warning from their visitors.
ZetaTalk: Moses
Note: written on Jan 15, 2001.
The story of Moses is written almost with complete accuracy in that the Jews were forbidden to lie in anything they put into print and the story in many cases is bolstered by Egyptian writers who were recording the cataclysms that struck Egypt at the same time. Velikovsky did a good job pointing this out. So was Moses lying when he said he had a guide? He went to the mountain top. He prayed fervently for guidance. He had a large charge in the number of people he felt responsible for. He was in desperate need to get them to safety as they left Egypt, knowing the retaliation that would come to escaping slaves, and his heart was in this throat the whole time. Needless to say, a man of this quality, who gave this Call, was given Spirit Guides who responded to him. There’s been a lot of discussion about why the Red Sea separated and how he could have found his way.
What was the pillar of fire? In fact, there was a space ship with a light pointing down, showing him where to go. This was a time of great darkness, in which they were stumbling over rock. In many cases, because of the earthquakes, new rocks with very sharp edges had been tossed, and the old paths were no longer walkable. So they were stumbling and climbing and it was important to lead the lame and the small children, the cattle and sheep in tow, and perhaps an ox cart - to find a path where they all could flow over and struggle forward and not find that they were faced with a cliff or huge boulders that they would have to climb over. So the light was directing which way to go as they approached. In the past, ZetaTalk was unable to explain the degree to which Spirit Guides and visitors could assist humans during times of trouble, so as not to interfere with the sense that humans in 3rd Density are to have that responsibility for their life is in their hands, and that they will not be rescued by parent figures or those they might consider gods. We, the Zetas, sought and were given special permission from the Council of Worlds to detail how Noah and Moses were assisted, as it was deemed that ZetaTalk has a following that is already taking responsibility for the path their lives will take, in the main.
ZetaTalk: Ancient Maps
Note: written on May 15, 1997.
An unanswered puzzle that cartographers struggle with is the presence of ancient maps that indicate the equator and the poles were not always where they are today. The accuracy of these maps, detailing land masses and their placement as they are essentially known today, cannot be denied. These were not fantasy maps, but were drawn with markings that relate to the placement of stars and compasses, the guides sailors use when far out at sea. There is no ready explanation, as the detail and consistency do not indicate confusion, and a matter as central to map making as the placement of the equator and poles would not likely be confused. The obvious answer is staring these cartographers in the face, but the reason they fail to consider the answer is due to the anxiety it engenders. Pole shifts occur often, have occurred in recent time, and could occur again!
ZetaTalk: Pole Shift
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
When the giant comet positions itself exactly between the Earth and its Sun, things change. The Earth then has its greatest advocate for its previous alignment, the Sun and its magnetic alignment, negated. The Earth hears only the magnetic voice of the giant comet, so to speak, which stands between the Earth and its former magnetic commander, the Sun. You are aware that your Earth is heavier at its molten core, which is rumored to be composed primarily of iron. This is not entirely untrue, but regardless of the composition, the Earth's core is more sensitive to the magnetic alignment than the crust. The core grips the crust, and is not as liquid as one might think. There is friction. There is the tendency for the whole to move as one, despite their differing magnetic allegiances.
The pole shift is in fact a movement of the interior of the Earth, the core, to come into alignment with the giant comet. The 12th Planet, due to its massive size in comparison to the Earth, dominates the magnetic scene, and it is in this regard that gravity comes into the pole shift equation. The Earth's crust resists aligning with the giant comet, being caught in a web of magnetic pulls from its immediate neighborhood. In other words, the Earth's crust wants to stay with the old, established, magnetic pull, while the core of the Earth, having less allegiance and attachment to the neighborhood, listens to the new voice. There is a great deal of tension that builds between the crust of the Earth and the core of the Earth. This tension is released when the core of the Earth breaks with the crust, and moves. However, the core of the Earth drags the crust with it as it turns to align anew.