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The pole shift is therefore sudden, taking place in what seems to be minutes to humans involved in the drama, but which actually takes place during the better part of an hour. There are stages, between which the human spectators, in shock, are numb. At first there is a vibration of sorts, a jiggling, as the crust separates in various places from the core. Then there is a Slide, where the crust is dragged, over minutes, to a new location, along with the core. During the slide, tidal waves move over the Earth along the coast lines, as the water is not attached and can move independently. The water tends to stay where it is, the crust moving under it, essentially. When the core finds itself aligned, it churns about somewhat, settling, but the crust, more solid and in motion, proceeds on. This is in fact where mountain building and massive earthquakes occur, just as car crashes do their damage on the point of impact, when motion must stop.

Weak spots among the Earth's crustal plates give way. The Pacific Ocean will shorten, and the Atlantic widen. Subducting plates will subduct greatly. Mountain building will occur suddenly, primarily increasing in areas already undergoing mountain building. All told, the better part of an hour, but at certain stages, only minutes. Plants survive as they are rooted and their seeds are everywhere, and animals including man survive because they travel with the moving plates of the Earth and experience no more severe a shock when the plates stop moving than they would during a Richter 9 earthquake. Where mountain building occurs when the plates stop moving, the stoppage is not simply a sudden jolt, like a car hitting a brick wall. All is in motion, and the stoppage is more like a car hitting a barrier of sand filled plastic barrels - a series of small jolts, occurring in quick succession.

At this time we estimate that the giant comet will come to within 14 million miles of the Earth. The strength of its magnetic field at that distance will be such that the comet's North Pole, angled essentially in the same direction as the Earth's North Pole, forces the Earth's North Pole to evade the pressure and accommodate its larger brother by swinging south to the bulge of Brazil. This alignment will not change if the distance between the sibling planets changes, but the speed and vigor of the shift would be so affected by a closer passage. The height of tidal waves and consequent inland inundation would be so affected. The heat of land masses above subducting plates where friction can cause the ground to melt, would be so affected. And the violence of shifting winds would certainly be so affected.

ZetaTalk: Tidal Waves

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

As great as the danger to humans and the fauna and flora of the Earth that earthquakes bring, greater still is the devastation that the shifting waters will bring. There are several factors at play. Water is more liquid than the core of the Earth, and certainly more liquid than terra firma. Where the Earth, dragged by its core, is Shifting into a new, albeit temporary, alignment with the giant comet, its waters resist greatly. Thus the waters slosh over the nearby land, in the direction opposite to the shift. This is lessened by a tendency of the waters directly under the giant comet to rise up to meet the comet. The waters heap up, in what appear to be giant waves. This tends to lessen the sloshing over a shoreline on the comet side, but has no effect on the water's movement on the dark side of the Earth.

The Earth's record of gigantic tidal waves, which the establishment is desperate to explain in other than pole shift terms, is caused by the frequent pole shifts. This is the case even in situations where a plate adjustment affects hundreds of miles of ocean bottom, creating a massive line of compressed water which promptly moves in the only directions it can - to the right, left, and up. In the depths of the ocean, this causes a tidal wave of perhaps 20 feet in nearby shores. Where items are dropped into the ocean, such as the honeycombed ice of a former South Pole did during the Flood, the displaced water cannot go down, so must go all four directions. In instances such as this, the resulting wave is in proportion to the object dropped. A continent sized object caused the Flood, a meteor a mile in diameter would hardly cause more than a high tide, despiteZetaTalk: Rebirth

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

The Earth of the future will clear up. There are several factors that affect the Earth's health. For one, the cataclysms will make changes. The Earth's population will reduce by 90%. Polluting practices, such as burning oil and chemical additives, will essentially stop. Life, such as continues, will be primitive. Massive land changes will occur, with land rising from the ocean depths and existing land sinking below the sea. Rain fall will be almost continuous, washing the newly raised land of its salts. Pollutants, such as chemical processing plants, will be dispersed worldwide. And the atmosphere, with its many problems, will be reformed afresh.

The Earth recovers from a shift in relationship to its location relative to active volcanoes, in the main. The skies clear first where this dust is in the high altitudes, not in the wind-drift from fresh ash just raised. 5 years after the shift, even 2 years after the shift, some sporadic sunlight will warm the Earth. Those areas not getting direct, unclouded, sunlight will notice an increase in intensity, through the clouds. It is possible even under clouds to get a sunburn, so clouds are not a death sentence to vegetation. 10 years after the shift, many parts of the globe will consider themselves back to normal, although their memory will be failing them in this regard. So much better than before, that it seems like heaven! Other parts of the globe, in the down-drift from volcanoes, will feel like Moses, enduring 40 years in the Valley of Death, where nothing lives.

Edibility and availability of native weeds and grasses after the shift, as a source of food for humans and livestock and even wildlife, depends upon the location, entirely. In some parts of the world, life will virtually close down. This is near volcanoes, under the drifting ash, or where polar cold descends. In other parts of the world, there will within two years be abundant grasses or weeds. For instance, the new land emerging between Antarctica and Africa, will be moist, temperate, highly fertile, and without competition from livestock or seed from most weeds. Any seed landing there will flourish!

In areas not in the path of volcanic ash, but affected by the overall gloom, one might estimate a 50% reduction in sunlight and crop success. For instance, if a crop needed strong sunlight to flourish, it might barely get to producing seed before the season ends. In nature, this would reproduce the weed, but for crops, it would not be a return. Survivors will soon find what crops manage to give a return, and what not! Another factor is rot, the moisture level, which will be extreme. Mold will be everywhere, dampness, bugs, and those crops that tolerate damp conditions coming through, others failing utterly. Root crops, where they provide a survivor in the evolution chain due to the energy in these roots or tubers, do not do well enough after a pole shift due to the wet ground and mold about.