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into an Engagement in order to interact with each other. These Engagements are overseen by the Council of Worlds,

and proceed within rules such that chaos does not reign. Unless an Engagement exists, the orientations do not interact.

However, in 3rd Density, in the main composed of undecided entities not fully leaning toward either orientation, all

interact without Engagements. The Call, which is a type of Engagement between an undecided entity in 3rd Density

and a visitor, is also controlled by rules, such that the visitor cannot simply have their way with the immature entity.

Service-to-Self visitors are thus not allowed to invade, occupy, eat, or otherwise have their way with humans who give

the Call to them. The Call is a conference, solely. In the situation we have described, where Service-to-Other

communities of humans form after the shift, and are joined by Hybrids or visitors from many worlds, what rules will

apply? This is in fact no more complicated than situations on Earth today, where many Star Children are incarnated

with developed spirits form 4th Density or higher, yet are living among humans in human society.

If a Star Child gives the Call, which happens even in higher densities, this is covered by the Rules of

Engagement among visitors, as a visitor is what they are.

If a human in a group gives the Call to Service-to-Self visitors, yet others in the group are giving the Call

simultaneously to visitors in the Service-to-Other, then great care is taken to ensure that the Service-to-Self and

Service-to-Other visitors responding to the Call of these individual human are not using the humans for a type of

Engagement between themselves. Suffice to say that if visitors are not careful about these matters, they are

promptly removed from the vicinity, expelled, so care is taken and humans are not used as a type of hand-length Engagement.

In the Service-to-Other communities of the future, after the shift, where Hybrids and visitors from other worlds

and humans of good heart are all living together, in the main this will be uncomplicated. A human in this setting

gives the Call to the Service-to-Other, and a neighbor steps up for a chat!

If an immature entity is among them, perhaps a child depending upon parents, and gives the Call to the Service-

to-Self, then this situation would be treated as mentioned above, with care not to cross boundaries. The child

would be taken outside of the community, in some manner, for the conference. If this child persisted in his

Service-to-Self leanings, he would be encouraged to leave the community when adulthood was approaching.

Such situations are not expected to arise, due to the polarization ongoing today.

It is likewise possible for an Service-to-Other human to find themselves in mixed company after the shift. This

is certainly no different than the daily grind of Service-to-Other individuals today, in mixed society.

Thus, increasingly, this sorts out so that human survivors are talking to their nieghbors, not visitors, which is the rule in 4th Density spiritual societies.

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ZetaTalk: Hitler

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ZetaTalk: Hitler

Note: written Jun 15, 1996

Most often those strongly in the Service-to-Self do not announce themselves to the world, but prefer to hide behind a

buffer, preferably a shield that can become a scapegoat if necessary. When one is pulling power plays, the battle can

get bloody, and the scapegoat is then the one meeting with an accident. When one is going on a personal power trip by

torturing others, the victims can escape and return seeking vengeance, and the scapegoat is then the one savaged. If

one is operating outside the law, the operation can be discovered, and the scapegoat goes to jail. If one's behavior is

scandalizing society's sense of propriety, the scapegoat is left to explain.

Thus, not surprisingly, the most hated Nazi leaders were not necessarily the driving force behind the worst of the Nazi

deeds. The gas chambers and experiments on human subjects were not matters ordered or even conceived by Hitler,

who was a charismatic speaker but basically a man without much backbone. His rumored suicide was an act this weak

man would not have been up to - it was murder, to silence his blubbering mouth. The true perpetrators were in the

main secret members of the Nazi elite who met quietly in small groups and were never in the spotlight. If Hitler's

guard was running him as a puppet and considered him to be their buffer, then the real driver considered the guard

their buffer, and thus to this day history does not blame them.

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ZetaTalk: World War II

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ZetaTalk: World War II

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

As with affairs of today, interference by alien groups with the progress of World War II occurred only through

humans. If a human gave The Call, and requested information or assistance from an alien group, such as the Service-

to-Self or Service-to-Other entity groups, this would have been answered then as today. In fact, throughout human

history the same rules have essentially been in place regarding contact with humans. The Call was given to both

groups, but a stronger call was given to the Service-to-Self groups by, primarily, members of the Nazis and their allies.

They wished for power and tools of destruction. They wished to learn how humans could be put to death so that death

was not quick or painless or without anxiety for loved ones. The humans who gave The Call to the Service-to-Self

entity groups were concerned with how to produce the strongest sense of helplessness in humans, so as to produce, in

the future, the strongest harvest for those in the Service-to-Self orientation. We need not detail what the Nazis did,

under Himmler and his aids, along these lines. Humans were not only systematically starved, and beaten, knowing all

the while they were headed for the gas chambers, but they were given possible outs. They could turn on their friends

and family, on strangers poignantly in need. They could brutalize each other to spare themselves a little bit. As with

cattle mutilations today, and the implicit treatment of humans, violations were done to humans who were then allowed

to live and contemplate these violations, their horror. Violated humans were returned to the masses awaiting an end to

their torment, so that these anxious souls would see what the Nazis could do to one of them.

All this treatment, calculated means to destroy the will of the soul so that it becomes resigned to being dominated by

others, was by design. Senior members of the Service-to-Self orientation were in attendance to assist those humans

who gave The Call to them.

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