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as to answer The Call in the strongest manner possible, to leverage every opportunity to the max, as you say. Is there a

single individual who will incarnate at this time and lead, as some have speculated? No. As we have explained, unless

this occurs due to a walk-in or possession, Service-to-Self entities from other worlds cannot incarnate into human

form at this time. Only those in the Service-to-Others can do so, as this is the overweening orientation of the Earth and

also the Earth's future.

The Antichrist concept, being vague, has taken shape in the minds of those who hear this prophecy as either a single

charismatic leader, a group following such a leader, or property and people who carry an ownership mark - the mark

of the beast. None of these are true, as the battle is on an individual basis, within each individual human encouraged to follow the Service-to-Self path. The Antichrist represents, by parable, what is occurring now and has been for some

years - the battle for men's souls during the end time - the time going into the cataclysms - and the years in the

Aftertime, all of which is the Transformation period. This time is now.

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ZetaTalk: World War III

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ZetaTalk: World War III

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

There has been much speculation about a possible World War III because of phrases in the Bible and interpretations of

some of Nostradamus' quatrains. Let us restate that outside of plans in the hearts and minds of humans now living,

there is nothing that will affect the future of the Earth or the affairs of man. The future is not written as yet. The potential for a nuclear holocaust is with you today, and even with the promising disarmament steps being taken, and

even in the event of total disarmament among all the super powers, this threat would still exist as it takes but a single

fanatic with the intelligence and resources to compile an atom bomb to create this scenario. The reader should not

slack off in their efforts to promote world peace, feeling that all may be naught due to prophecies. The future is written

only in the hearts and minds of those now living. It is up to you.

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ZetaTalk: Devil

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ZetaTalk: Devil

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The Devil is reputed to be a red creature with a pointed tail and two horns, most often carrying a three pronged fork. Is

this a mythological creature, or does it have a basis in reality, and if so, how did it come to be associated with evil? In

fact, the Devil is not far in description from a real creature, who lives and breaths today, albeit not on Earth. This

creature visited Earth in the past, and, to say the least, made an impression. Why the three pronged fork, and does the

number 3 have a significance? It does indeed.

The Devil of lore is a fairly accurate picture of an extraterrestrial who visited Earth millennia ago, briefly. This visit

preceded the time when the Bible was to be written, and thus the memories of this entity were fresh and strong. This

was a 4th Density entity, who came alone except for his entourage, in answer to The Call from a group of humans

strongly oriented toward Service-to-Self. This call was given in mid Africa, but once called this entity roamed about a

bit, answering The Call from others in the vicinity. He is indeed red, all over, and to humans in close contact he would

seem to exude heat. Thus he was associated with the concept of fire, as one who could live comfortably within fire.

His personality, to those in contact with him, seemed fiery also, given to flashes of temper and severe punishments -

the Devil.

This entity came to Earth with an entourage, a threesome, who carried pointed sticks used for communications. They

stood at attention, to the rear or side of their master, as the Service-to-Self orientation requires a strict pecking order.

Their sticks were all in a row, pointed upward. Humans saw this as a threat, as weapons that could be pointed toward

them or used to prod them. Thus the 3 pronged pointed fork.

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ZetaTalk: 10 Commandments

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ZetaTalk: 10 Commandments

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Moses was a man gifted with an ability to look beyond trials and travails and to focus on the big picture. His time was

a post cataclysm time, so many stories about Moses relate to events that occurred during and after the last pole shift.

The parting of the Red Sea was not due to anything more than heaving of the Red Sea bed and the normal heaping of

waters attracted to the pull of the passing comet. Just as water drops have surface tension, so do these water heaps, and

Moses waded through where he perceived there were shallows, leading the way. He scarcely had a choice. Certain

death, in the form of the Egyptian army, was at this heels.

Why did Moses lead his people to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Well, they were just doing what everyone

does after a cataclysm - wander. Life isn't good anywhere, so everyone is on the move, hoping. Velikovsky is an

author who correctly understood the relationship between the story of the Exodus and the last pole shift. The gloom,

the waxy carbohydrate condensate that melted in water to form what looked like milk - the land of milk and honey.

Moses felt his people, the Jews, must be special, protected in some way, because they survived. He was not altogether

mistaken, as he gave The Call almost continuously, while wandering around in the gloom worrying about how to feed

his people, and as one genuinely in the Service-to-Other orientation, he was assisted. This situation should not be

construed to mean that the Jews are in any way special or assisted, today. One hesitates to give up any such title or

perception, even if it has become but an illusion.

Did Moses descend from the mountain top with the 10 Commandments carved in stone, having spoken to a burning

bush? Yes and no. Moses often climbed mountain tops, which in the desert are more like hills, and did so to get the

view. When he relayed that he spoke with an entity in the bushes, which he could not make out but which was of such

bright light that he could scarcely look at it, how did this translate over time? The bush was so bright ... folks who had

never seen an entity in light form could only assume a fire. And did Moses descend with the 10 Commandments

written in stone? This was the last thing Moses would have been inclined to do, as he was not a control freak or given

to hauling stone tablets around on top of all his other burdens. This story was cooked up later, and attributed to Moses,