who was no longer around to refute it. Unlike Jesus, who spoke to the masses in many places and repeated his
messages, Moses had few followers. The lie grew larger than the truth, as there were few to speak the truth.
The 10 Commandments show the hand of entities strongly in the Service-to-Self orientation, who answered The Call
of humans wishing to tightly control others under the guise of religious edicts. Thou shalt not ... thou shalt not ... thou
shalt not - where does it say love another as thy self? Where does it say to practice the Golden Rule, to do unto others
as you would have them do unto you? The 10 Commandments are almost entirely fear and rule based, leaving little
leeway for one to follow one's heart. Had the 10 Commandments not been packaged as the handiwork of Moses and
God's angels, with the necessity of keeping up appearances, the word love would not have made the list at all.
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ZetaTalk: Gods of Eden
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ZetaTalk: Gods of Eden
Note: written Oct 15, 1995
The premise stated in the book, The Gods of Eden, is essentially correct in that it points to the hand of alien entities influencing human history. However, the mechanism has not been correctly presented, as the author, like most humans,
gave too much power to alien entities and almost none to the humans in fact at the helm. The process is that humans
give The Call, and thus may receive advice and counsel from alien entities, but it is by human hands and human hands
alone that human history is affected. The author also stresses almost exclusively the results of humans having called
those in the Service-to-Self. Just as many examples could have been given where benefit to mankind in the form of
technological assistance or philosophy or insights into problems plaguing mankind came about as a result of The Call
to those in the Service-to-Others, but none were listed.
Were aliens called at key times in mankind's history, and did they have an affect? Absolutely, just as they are being
called and having an affect today. Where the author traces certain symbols and names of individuals or secret
societies, the redundancy of these symbols or names is more often the result of common occurrence, not linkage. The
word brotherhood, for instance, is as common a word as the word family, or friendship. The Swastika as a symbol is
common because it represents the wheel that primitive cultures used to harness beasts of burden to when creating a
primitive torque. This symbol is as common as the circle or fork. Once used, names and symbols pass forward, as
languages and verbal history do, from person to person, old to young. Is it a conspiracy that all cultures today use the
wheel, comb their hair, brush their teeth, and sleep on beds?
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ZetaTalk: Visit from Kladen
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ZetaTalk: Visit from Kladen
Note: written Oct 15, 1996
Among the many true visitations recalled by the contactee and told to others was one that occurred in the 1970's in
Canada, and the contactee has been an activist ever since. He had given The Call due to an intense desire to make a
name for himself in the field of science, and thus the call was taken by those in the Service-to-Self. Where the
contactee planned to use his visitors to further his ends, they likewise intended to use their contactee to further their
ends, and they succeeded.
Weaving just enough truth into what they told him to perpetually spur him on, they told him about the coming passage
of the 12th Planet in graphic detail. Then they lied and told him he could escape the cataclysms by joining them on the
safe side of the Sun, on the Earth's twin, where they do indeed reside. Such an escape is not possible for those inclined toward Service-to-Self, but broadcasting such a message succeeds in focusing human energies in the wrong direction
and increasing a sense of hopelessness when the cataclysms are upon them and the humans find they are not to be
rescued. Like Tesla, the contactee has been energetically trying to build what he was assured could be his escape ship.
Where he has not and will not succeed, he has succeeded in building a following.
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Document Outline
ZetaTalk: The Call
ZetaTalk: The Call
ZetaTalk: Equivalents
ZetaTalk: Who Takes The Call
ZetaTalk: Lightworker
ZetaTalk: Service-to-Self Call
ZetaTalk: Unaware
ZetaTalk: Intuition
ZetaTalk: Curiosity
ZetaTalk: Prayer
ZetaTalk: Seances
ZetaTalk: Incantations
ZetaTalk: Emblems
ZetaTalk: Awaiting the Call
ZetaTalk: Without Delay
ZetaTalk: Prime Targets
ZetaTalk: Trouble Makers
ZetaTalk: Lot of Man
ZetaTalk: Just Say No
ZetaTalk: Contactee Call
ZetaTalk: Pre-Birth Agreement
ZetaTalk: Technological Call
ZetaTalk: Close Encounter
ZetaTalk: Enlightenment
ZetaTalk: Scallion's Predictions
ZetaTalk: Edgar Cayce
ZetaTalk: Prophecy
ZetaTalk: Simultaneous Call
ZetaTalk: Collective Call
ZetaTalk: Leadership Call
ZetaTalk: MJ12 Call
ZetaTalk: Zeta Call
ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Call
ZetaTalk: Awareness
ZetaTalk: Aftertime Calls
ZetaTalk: Hitler
ZetaTalk: World War II
ZetaTalk: Satanic Rituals
ZetaTalk: Origin of AIDS
ZetaTalk: Spreading AIDS
ZetaTalk: Targeted Continent
ZetaTalk: Ebola Virus
ZetaTalk: Human Condition
ZetaTalk: Upper Hand
ZetaTalk: Cornered Victim
ZetaTalk: Spirit Guides
ZetaTalk: Antichrist
ZetaTalk: World War III
ZetaTalk: Devil
ZetaTalk: 10 Commandments
ZetaTalk: Gods of Eden
ZetaTalk: Visit from Kladen