strangers, like long-lost brothers. Both find the other has been thinking about the same problem and one has a solution
the other is seeking. This may seem like a remarkable coincidence, but it is not a coincidence at all. Various humans
have given The Call, and various alien visitors have listened to this call. It's a request for information, for a
conference, for counsel, or for opportunity. It's no different than knocking on a door or writing a letter except that this
is done without the human's conscious knowledge. The human has subconscious knowledge, and certainly his soul
knows. The Call is simply a more diverse type of communication with other entities.
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ZetaTalk: Who Takes The Call
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ZetaTalk: Who Takes The Call
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The Call is answered by all sorts, depending on the nature of The Call. When The Call is issued in the Service-to-
Other, ourselves and our brethren in the Service-to-Other answer. The choice of whom a given caller is dealing with is
not made by anything so arbitrary as take-a-number, or dividing up the cities. The choice is by type of activity, and if
The Call one gives falls into a certain category, then that particular Service-to-Other alien group responds. Although
there are many Service-to-Others groups at work, hundreds, in fact, this is far easier to maintain, as the group's scan
can be set for certain types of thoughts, and all who trip the scan will receive a response. This is simple and direct.
When The Call is given in the Service-to-Self, unpleasant visitations can arise. This may confuse some people who
feel that they were sincerely calling out of concern and love, in a prayer, for instance. Prayer is often encapsulated in a
request to be saved from distress, so it is easy to see how self concern can creep into such a Call, even though this Call
is structured in what some in human society would term as a loving or religious way and not at all self centered. Fear,
in and of itself, is a mechanism that those in the Service-to-Self use to drive those leaning in that direction, those
contemplating those thoughts, further in that direction. Those who are fearful are very much looking out for
themselves. Yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater, and how many people think of others. They think of themselves.
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ZetaTalk: Lightworker
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ZetaTalk: Lightworker
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Humans are familiar with the term caseworker, as one who works on a case such as a welfare case, a child abuse case,
a probation case. Caseworker is a term used in a sociological context. Substitute caseworker for lightworker and you
get the gist of the meaning of the term. The term lightworker refers to one who is working to bring mankind into the
light, or into knowledge of how the Universe works. Contactees use this term loosely to refer to their contacting alien
or spirit. It is not a bad analogy, and is an apt term, as all aliens working on Earth are here to influence mankind in
some manner. Lightworkers sometimes refer to themselves as being in the family of light, which is just their way of
saying that they are a group.
As some aliens are here to influence mankind to join the Service-to-Self orientation, we feel the term lightworker
should not be applied to them, but humans sometimes have difficulty differentiating and those in the Service-to-Self
can use very deceptive inducements at times. All who claim they are lightworkers should not be given the benefit of
the doubt without some scrutiny first. What are their motives and methods? What seems to be their goal? Humans
should take charge of their contacts, and be discerning.
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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Self Call
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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Self Call
Note: written Jun 15, 1996
Where visitors in the Service-to-Other keep rapt attention to the thoughts of those who are preparing to give The Call,
those in the Service-to-Self find such attention to others not of their liking. They delegate. Their minions, who cannot
object on pain of torture, are set to monitor for the signs that someone is giving The Call to the Service-to-Self. This is
done not by telepathy but by computer, which traces, surprisingly enough, a brain wave configuration generated when
humans are dealing either with rage or intense defensive postures. This brain wave is generated almost continuously in
those strongly in the Service-to-Self, as they are constantly enraged that their surroundings aren't placating them! It is
not the level of this brain wave that is monitored, it is the constancy, and when located this individual is watched more
closely. They may get a specific invitation, periodically, as their brain wave configuration has marked them as one in
the Service-to-Self, in essence giving The Call continuously due to their frustration. Of a like mind, one might say.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:26:58 AM]
ZetaTalk: Unaware
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ZetaTalk: Unaware
Note: written Nov 15, 1995
Humans are astonished to learn they have given The Call and can dismiss alien encounters at will, as they have no
awareness of this. Being unaware, they assume that someone else is in charge. However, even though the visit was
recorded only in the subconscious there are definite signs that The Call has been given, and answered.
Take the example of a small town banker, who late in a life of quiet adherence to all the rules of social propriety and
fiscal responsibility begins to seethe. Life has passed him by and he sees his declining years before him with no chance
of a reprieve. He wants to break out of the mold but doesn't know how. He feels angry at his stocky wife, with whom
intimacy long ago died, and wishes to be rid of her. He approaches stop signs in his conservative car and brakes
reluctantly, wanting to gun through the intersection, non-stop. He finds himself staring at the balance sheets that pass
before him, musing about what money can and can't do for a person. In short, he is at one of those times that occur
several times during a lifetime when he is giving The Call, whether he is aware of it or not.
Now, since the banker is focused on himself at this time, The Call has been extended to those in the Service-to-Self
orientation. He is perhaps visited in the bank while working after hours, and is encouraged in his line of thinking. Take