the money and run; pick up someone young and appreciative elsewhere; money can buy love - that type of
encouragement. Two possible outcomes are most likely. In one, the banker, emboldened by the unhesitating
encouragement he has received, embezzles. Finding this deed undiscovered the next day, he embezzles more, and then
feeling that he has tempted fate after a few days or weeks, he bolts for the border. In the other outcome, the banker
allows himself to contemplate the results of his planned actions but is distressed at the thought of his friends and
neighbors having to make up the loss. He puts his rebellious feelings aside, and distracts himself with a new hobby
such as gardening.
In both outcomes the banker has marked a change in his life as a result of having given The Call. His friends and
family notice that he moves from brooding and irritability to either acting out of character by absconding with the
money or for unexplained reasons becoming a more devoted husband and gardener. In like manner, humans who have
given The Call to those in the Service-to-Others orientation may suddenly find courage to confront oppressors, give
away possessions to others in need, or rescue others they formerly ignored - all the while unaware.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:26:59 AM]
ZetaTalk: Intuition
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ZetaTalk: Intuition
Note: written Dec 15, 1995
Humans are accustomed to suspecting their thoughts and conclusions, and learning of the alien presence only adds to
this unease. On top of having a subconscious they find they can't deal with directly, and a conscious that is selective in
what it will entertain and is prone to modifying memory, they now learn that aliens are slipping in and out of their
view. Can one trust one's own perceptions?
In all of this there are several solid anchors, which cross levels of human consciousness and the various densities that
incarnated entities can reside in. Where the human conscious is fickle, the subconscious neither forgets or lies, and
where ordinarily a human can only tap the subconscious through the veil of consciousness, the voice of the
subconscious is never silenced. Some humans call staying in tune with their subconscious intuition, or following their
hunches or gut feelings, but all this is just a sense that what is consciously presented may not be all that's going on. In like manner, those who are spiritually aware are keeping their mind and spirit in close touch, constantly updating the
human subconscious with what the spirit perceives inter-dimensionally during communications with other entities of
whatever density.
Thus intuition can serve as the glue by which a human stays consciously in touch with activities it is not consciously
aware of, as lack of faith in one's intuition can leave one open to surprises. For example, a non-intuitive contactee who
has given The Call to the Service-to-Self for assistance with a neighborhood confrontation may be surprised to find
himself resorting to violence and threats with slight provocation, and even more surprised to find this leaving him
feeling alienated and isolated. In the same example an intuitive contactee would have a hunch that he was planning a
different course of action, by listening to his subconscious which has registered the visitation, and would likewise
anticipate that the power and respect he had hoped to achieve would come at a price, having observed the emotional
climate surrounding those who answered his call.
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ZetaTalk: Curiosity
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ZetaTalk: Curiosity
Note: written Jul 15, 1995
The ancient Greeks studied more than philosophy in their debates. They studied the ways of nature - physics,
astronomy, and chemistry. In those days the going opinion was that the world was flat, and the heavens were doing a
dance at the whim of the gods, whoever they may be. They had no microscopes, no accelerators or centrifugal
machines, and were incapable of separating chemicals to test out their theories. They did not even have a concept of
subatomic particles. How could they, when matter was only falling into categories of solid, liquid, vapor, and spirit.
Yet one man, Democritus, hypothesized that matter had the same base component, and that these were tiny balls in
clumps of few or many. Tiny balls that moved swiftly or stood still, and clung to each other or had a life of
independence - molecules! How did the concept rise in one never exposed to even the concept of a solar system,
orbiting planets around a central sun, much less the elements in the Atomic Table and their theoretical subatomic
structure. Democritus was given to quiet times in his garden, where he pondered such simple wonders as rain drops
and the ripples they caused in puddles. In essence, he gave The Call, and was heard by aliens who spent many hours
with him, on repeated occasions, demonstrating how things work. Democritus would be returned to his garden, where
his wife thought he had been all along, to sort this all out. Where the aliens answering his call may have found a ready
student, Democritus was not so lucky with his fellow man, who ridiculed him for what they considered his
preposterous positions.
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ZetaTalk: Prayer
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ZetaTalk: Prayer
Note: written Jul 15, 1995
When one sends a prayer aloft to their God, are they in essence giving The Call? Depends on the prayer, and on the
intent behind the prayer in particular. Many prayers are routine, done in the same hurried manner as brushing the teeth,
to put the task behind one. Other prayers, though routine, are done in a fond manner, full of feeling, and this may or
may not be The Call. Does the prayer simply give thanks for home, health, and bounty? This is then in the same
category as meditating on one's circumstances and acknowledging that much of life is outside of one's control. Where
prayers are put forth with feeling and include a request, this is in essence The Call, and regardless of the words used,
or to whom the prayer is addressed, the one answering The Call will be responding to the intent, not the words. Should
one ask, with words, that one's little sister be protected, but ask in the heart and mind that she meet with an untimely
death, one has not given The Call to the Service-to-Others. Likewise, prayers that ask for blessings for the self are
most likely to bring the Service-to-Self in answer.
Sincere prayers for others, on the other hand, are a call to the Service-to-Others, such as ourselves. For those who say
that in this statement we are asserting that we are God's angels, we would respond that all God's creatures who respond in love to help another are God's angels, including humans now on Earth. What is an angel, after all, but one who waits