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ZetaTalk: Seances

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ZetaTalk: Seances

Note: written May 15, 1997

Talking with the dead has been a time honored endeavor, and all human cultures have terms for and tales about this

common human experience. Most of the tales are told by those who recently lost a loved one, and the bond continues

for a time due to unfinished business and concerns that the recently deceased has about those still living. The most

famous tales are told about hauntings, where a particular spirit hangs about a location such as a house, wanting some

kind of justice done or lingering due to past attachments. Seances, where the dead are deliberately called, are a form of

The Call, and as such fall under the rules whereby more than the loved one called can arrive. Thus, a seance can bring forth the spirit called, other restless formerly human spirits, and various visiting aliens who may or may not

materialize depending on the setting.

A group of people fervently asking a spirit to manifest, to communicate with them, will reach that spirit by one means

or another. That the spirit does not manifest is due not to The Call failing to reach this spirit, but to reluctance or

disinterest. If the spirit has incarnated again and is caught up in a new life, they may dismiss The Call to them without

giving it a thought. If the spirit was tired of the talk about a subject or obligations that were imposed by those who are

now calling it, the spirit may turn its back and refuse to participate, free at last in death. If the spirit likewise has been longing to communicate, it may take the opportunity, or may decide that a one-on-one with this or that individual is

preferable and make their own arrangements later, haunting the one they wish to communicate with.

When The Call is given to a spirit that incarnated as a human, this spirit can being called for its most recent life, the

most recent incarnation, or can be called for one of its past lives. All are remembered by the spirit as vividly as the most recent incarnation. However, this setting is virtually begging for interference by Service-to-Self aliens looking to

influence humans at every opportunity. Most calls to spirits who incarnated famous or influential humans in the past

are done not for altruistic reasons, but for personal gain. Where did you bury the gold, what was the missing piece to the puzzle that would allow an idea to be patented, where are the manuscripts stored, etc. Thus The Call has been

given to the Service-to-Self, who are notable for lying and leading astray. Pretending to be the spirit called is easy,

and feeding the self-serving tendencies of the humans giving The Call easier still.

Identity cards cannot be checked at seances, so anyone and anything might manifest, pretending to be the spirit called!

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ZetaTalk: Incantations

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ZetaTalk: Incantations

Note: written Jul 15, 1996

Permeating human culture is the notion that one can influence events with magical words - prayers, mantras, voodoo

spells and black magic. Advocates point to what they consider results, where a practitioner mutters the right words and

afterwards the desired effect occurred. Much of the desired effect is brought about in the human giving the chant or his

audience, due to suggestion. The practitioner and his audience believe the effect will occur, and adjust their lives and actions to the degree they can so that this will occur. Thus if the chant was to make an ill person well, the person will announce that they indeed feel better and their care givers will affirm this. Since heath is as much in the mind of the

patient and his attendants as in the actual physical state of the patient, an observed improvement is quite possible.

What lies outside of the practitioner's control falls in the realm of possibilities in any case, so that when things happen they are attributed to the chant, not chance. Thus an incantation to generate rainfall will be credited with the next

storm that occurs where in fact rain was pending anyway.

Incantations can also be The Call, if done with a sincere wish for assistance outside of oneself. Ordinarily the

practitioner and his audience are fervently desiring the outcome, and thus The Call is being given. Here something

extraordinary may occur, as multiple calls have been given and all may be answered, simultaneously. Each individual

in this drama may thus have a different mind-set as a result of their individual conferences. They may have received

new information or new insight into matters. The synergy of this change within several individuals can result in

extraordinary activity on the part of the group, activity that results in an outcome not previously possible. Should The Call have been from a seashore community suffering from poor catches, and many individuals in the community

suddenly realize they have been fishing in the wrong place or at the wrong times, the catches may improve

dramatically. All is attributed to the incantations, when in fact the exact words had nothing to do with the process.

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ZetaTalk: Emblems

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ZetaTalk: Emblems

Note: written Oct 15, 1996

As with incantations, emblems do not in and of themselves affect change, but effect change by their effect on the

humans who view them. Emblems are not themselves inherently good or evil, as they simply stand as a symbol.

An emblem signifying the Sun, for instance, could carry a message of warmth, reliability, and the beneficence of an

abundant harvest. It could likewise signify drought, searing heat, and a persistent dominance that those in the desert

cannot escape. Where emblems are associated with results, they can incline a human to give The Call when in their

presence. Such is the case with many religious emblems, but emblems and their effects on humans permeate human

society beyond what they would suppose. The babe gazing at empty baby bottles washed and ready to be filled is

reacting to them as an emblem, anticipating being cuddled and fed. The emblem of the Red Cross, for instance,

inclines toward giving The Call to the Service-to-Other, as it signifies caring for others during times of great need and

brings these thoughts to mind. The Nazis swastika, in approximately the same shape, has become an emblem for those

espousing elitism and cruelty to those outside the elite circle and brings these thoughts to mind. Thus emblems create

results only due to human motivation and mental associations.