rules would have been such that humans could not be contacted by aliens of either orientation. Where the birth of the
AIDS and Ebola viruses were assisted by information, pointers, given to members of the CIA who had given The Call
to those in the Service-to-Self, and where the Nazis who conducted so-called medical experiments on those interned in
their death camps were likewise advised on how to create the deepest sense of helplessness in their victims by those in
the Service-to-Self whom they had called, nevertheless the equation computing overall impact must take into
consideration the countervailing activities of those in the Service-to-Others. Vaccines, high yielding domestic plants,
anti-pollution measures, and the social structure you term democracies all have the stamp of aliens working in the
Service-to-Other who have responded to The Call from humans of like intent.
In any major conflict, such as a war or the imposition of repressive social measures, one can find aliens in the Service-
to-Self working in the background to create or enhance the environment that reaps the most recruits for their
orientation. Controlled, repressive environments, where free thinking and freedom of action is limited or made
difficult, where the individual feels abandoned and frightened, where the focus is perforce on the self and thoughts of
others crowded out, all these favor the development of recruits in the Service-to-Self. But likewise, in major conflicts
or working quietly behind the scenes are those in the Service-to-Others. Where new laws or policies favoring freedom
of thought and action, information flow, and development of technologies or methods that serve the common good are
being developed, we of the Service-to-Others are there. In sum, it balances out, else the rules would not allow such
activity, being a breach as it would be of the Rule of Non-Interference.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:27:04 AM]
ZetaTalk: Lot of Man
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ZetaTalk: Lot of Man
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The lot of mankind, including the pain women bear in giving birth to infants with heads seemingly too large for their
pelvic opening, has come under a lot of speculation. This has been ascribed to Eve's role in the Fall, as her
punishment, for instance. Likewise, much speculation abounds about some of the diseases that mankind suffers. Lepers
are quite often banned as unclean, with their lot blamed on the lepers as a curse brought on by their sins. Cancer
victims are often treated in a like manner, as though they have a sin to hide, not just a disease to bear. If not the
sufferer, then perhaps another has caused the infliction by casting a curse. Voodoo tales abound along these lines, with
curse casters capable of inflicting death from afar.
Painful childbirth, like many peculiarities of man, is the result of genetic engineering. Leprosy is just a simple
infectious disease, like the common cold, common to all who are unfortunate enough to encounter it while in a
susceptible state. Cancer, of course, is a natural occurrence, and the cancer simply the failure of the body to rid itself
promptly of a mutation. Voodoo victims cause their own deaths, their hearts stopped by intense fear, nicely
cooperating with the curse. Why do humans persist in wanting to ascribe suffering to someone's will or deed? In part
they are sensing the motives of those in the Service-to-Self, who reap recruits both in those rejected and in those
rejecting when despair and hopelessness abound, and find themselves less influential when humans are comfortably
with each other.
Where the Service-to-Self crowd has had little to do with mankind's unhappy lot, they have on occasion answered The
Call and assisted with the spread of disease and despair. War and the debasement of others is commonly the route
used, however, and disease is seldom considered. The reason for this is not only that disease affects all, and as with
biological warfare, the threat of self infection is so great, but also that the ability of men to create biological weapons is recent. Where diseases have been around for centuries, they are not candidates for suspicion as biological weapons, but
where a disease is newly emergent, this is certainly a possibility.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:27:05 AM]
ZetaTalk: Just Say No
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ZetaTalk: Just Say No
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
As spiritual entities allowed to have contact with humans are either Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others, their
orientation is acute and easily discernible. One has but to pay attention. Even the spiritually immature can decipher the
difference. Your human archetypes suffice. The Service-to-Self entities that respond to The Call of humans are not in
need, and any bid for sympathy or rescue is just a ploy. They are physically mature, and among cohorts. They are on
the hunt, looking for prey, and the humans vulnerable to their domination and control are the hunted. You should not
allow yourself to be overpowered, as you can decline, or to be engaged with bids for sympathy.
The human too often does not understand that non-humans are not allowed to overpower humans except by
permission. Where with humans the unreasonable demand is often supplanted with amelioration, this is not the case
with non-human demands from the Service-to-Self. Their demands are insatiable. And to give in to these demands
only leads one to join their ranks. A firm line should be drawn. If one has determined not to join the Service-to-Self
orientation, and is leaning toward cooperation and empathy with other entities, then the line should be drawn,
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:27:05 AM]
ZetaTalk: Contactee Call
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ZetaTalk: Contactee Call
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The Service-to-Self oriented, which we cannot address in great detail due to the Rules of Engagement, should not be
confused with ourselves. Many abductions where there are genuine complaints are due to The Call being given to the
Service-to-Self. Our treatment of our contactee and treatment at the hands of the Service-to-Self are wholly different.
Our hybrid program is carried out by volunteers. The cries of distress by our contactee-volunteers are no more than the
complaints made after vaccination by your military volunteers. Our actions are not harsh or inflicting permanent or
great harm. We will address some of our actions, as examples. We accept the gift of genetic material, most often in the
form of sperm or ova. We accept the offer of the use of a donor's womb, in the precious early weeks which are so
crucial to the very young. The donor's womb is the least harsh environment, as there is genetic compatibility beyond