Stage 2 is timing, as the recent X Class alerts demonstrated. For a NEO or X Class flares to cover
for Planet X caused events, their timing needs to be correlated, and in this they need Planet X to
cooperate or a accurate understanding of the factors that are causing Planet X related events. The
establishment has neither of these.
Stage 3
Given failure to explain earth events in light of the favored excuses, solar events and NEO asteroid
passes, reducing panic in other ways is required. Panic includes panic in the heads of state in
countries around the world that have been bullied into remaining silent with the panacea that Planet
X would simply pass, and panic with resultant riots and looting the real danger. Stage 3 was to be
instituted due to either a failure of the public to buy into excuses for earth changes or due to earth
changes to the extent that panic occurs anyway because of flooding, volcanic eruption, quake
damaged cities, starvation incited riots, and the inability of governments to placate and reassure the
public. Stage 3 is to include reliance on religion where this reliance already is in place, but this is
not deemed in place in the western world to any appreciable degree. Where brutal dictatorships are
in place, repression of panic is assumed to be done by increased brutality. Immigration attempts
handled by slaughter. Rioting controlled by mowing the rioters down under gunfire. None of this is
To keep the wheels of society running in those areas where the establishment lives, so they can have comfort up until
the last moment, requires something else, however. It requires more honesty, and a plan, so the public will not panic.
The establishment has neither of these. Honesty requires they admit they have been lying, an impossible step. In
addition, credibility will not lie with liars. The establishment also does not have a plan, outside of saving themselves
and continuing their comforts at all costs. They cannot offer a plan, nor even conceive of one, as their minds do not
work in that way. Thus, they will increasingly give into what will be considered the lesser evil to them, allowing the[2/5/2012 11:12:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Lesser Evil
truth to come out, and survival plans to be discussed in the media. This will be closely monitored for its effect.
Reducing panic and keeping people walking in their ruts, like mindless drones, will be the criteria. Desertion in the
ranks of the working mass required to keep the establishment in comfort and their assets secure will be considered a
failure in this regard.
To the extent that more honesty and frank talk of survival plans is considered no less an evil than the current course of complete denial, it will be encouraged. The establishment has determined, through various tests, that when informed
and having a plan for survival, workers tend to return to focus on their jobs, versus endlessly distracted with worry
about an unseen and unknown event heading their way. Sacrificial lambs will be offered, from the ranks or the
establishment controlled political parties or industries. Heads will roll, be blamed, and these hardly the worst offenders
but likely candidates. Thus, where a media head controlled the media cover-up, it will be interim managers who are
sacrificed. Where the banking system is very much top down controlled, it will be the heads of arms of this large
system that are found to be thieves. Where NASA has been completely controlled for decades, part of the cover-up, it
will be found that certain nervous managers have been withholding data.[2/5/2012 11:12:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Clash of Agendas
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ZetaTalk: Clash of Agendas
written Nov 15, 2003
As the Earth changes leading up to the inevitable passage of Planet X with cataclysmic effects on Earth increases,
pressure by all to promote their agendas increases, leading to a clash of agendas. When times are comfortable the pace
can be slow, without pain or anxiety, but when time seems short, or when all seems to be crashing and about to be
lost, agendas are pushed aggressively. What are these agendas, and in what way do they clash? Since those in the
Service-to-Other work cooperatively, and do so increasingly in emergency situations, we will address primarily the
agendas of those in the Service-to-Self, as affected by increasing Earth changes and awareness of the big lie by the
general public.
Puppet Masters
As we explained during the Elite Exodus on June 11, he with the gold, rules. The public assumes a
broad ownership of corporations and media outlets, when the opposite is true. A very few
individuals control the wealth of the world, install politicians to their pleasing, create global
conflicts and create or destroy the fortunes of countries as well as individuals in the chess games
they play with their control, and thus operate as Puppet Masters during the cover-up. Their agenda
is to retain control, retain their position, and thus as their gold rules, they want minimal impact to
their financial stature. No bank failure. No drop in stock value. No corporate bankruptcies. And as
they assume this would occur if knowledge of a rogue planet in the inner solar system were to be
broad, they consider hiding this as long as possible of prime importance.
Promised wealth, power, security, and opportunities outside of what their natural talents would
afford them, puppets invariably allow their strings to be pulled. They are chosen because they can be
controlled, by blackmail, by bribery, by intimidation, and if disappointed with the role they are
assigned, they are alternately threatened and placated by their puppet masters, else eliminated.
Puppets run amuck of their masters when they sense their world will not continue, and make
demands. Occasional restless puppets are expected, with alternatives waiting in the wings, but when
puppets panic en mass, malfunction, are absent, and many replacements are happening
simultaneously, the chess game the puppet masters play does not go as planned. We then have the
masters emerging to act, without cover, as in the takeover of Yokos stock by Jacob Rothchild when
the Russian oil appeared lost. This makes the puppets nervous, as they sense they are dispensable.
Comfortable Class
Accustomed to being secure due to ownership of goods and the power this brings, the upper class or
moneyed class will react with more than shock when their property, whether corporate interests or
stocks and bonds or real property, is flushed down the toilet during the increasing changes
pummeling the Earth. Insurance companies will go under when their insured base surpasses their
wealth, corporate bankruptcy will ensue when all but the corporate name have been washed or
blown away, and clutching jewels and artwork, they will stand and wail. Banking empires,
government security blankets, all run by puppets of the puppet master, will receive demands to do
something to return the comfortable class to their comfort. Simultaneous demands on nervous and