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Pressure [Feb 17] 'Top political appointees in the NASA press office exerted strong pressure during

the 2004 presidential campaign to cut the flow of news releases on glaciers, climate, pollution and

other earth sciences, public affairs officers at the agency say. NASA officials said the intent was to

use the most general term to describe climate fluctuations. But other public affairs workers and

some scientists at the agency called it an effort to avoid mentioning that global temperatures are

rising.' [and from another] Greenland glaciers disappearing more quickly: study [Feb 16]

'Greenland's glaciers are dumping more than twice as much ice into the Atlantic Ocean now as 10

years ago because glaciers are sliding off the land more quickly, researchers said on Thursday. This

could mean oceans will rise even faster than forecast, and rising surface air temperatures appear to

be to blame, the researchers report in Friday's issue of the journal Science. Between 1996 and 2006,

the amount of water lost from Greenland's ice sheet has more than doubled from 90 cubic

kilometers to 220 cubic kilometers a year. Over the last 20 years, the air temperature in southeast

Greenland has risen by 5.4 degrees F.'

Signs of the Times #1547

http://www.michaelmandeville.com/earthmonitor/polarmotion/2006_wobble_anomaly.htm 'This

rather large anomaly began in the Earth's Wobble (in so-called Chandler's Wobble) approximately

November 1, 2005. It is currently at least one third of the average size for this phase of the 7 year

cycle in Chandler's Wobble. The IERS (International Earth Rotation Service) computer is still

gamely insisting that the wobble spiral will recover and look close to what it had predicted several

months ago.' [and from another source] This is DISINFO on the part of Mandeville, who is being

used as a stooge or shill, as he is not actually looking at what the Earth is doing, but is taking the

US establishment pronouncement, statistics via the IERS, as his sole baseline. A team measured a

strong Figure 8 wobble that developed in early 2004 and I collected about 18 months of this for the

Orbits section . The Figure 8 wobble had the globe wobbling up to 20 DEGREES, depending upon

location around the globe taking the measure and time of day. Astronomical measures are 360

degrees around the horizon. Each degree has 60 minutes, each minute 60 seconds. So if the

Chandler Wobble is measured in SECONDS, then this is TINY compared to the wobble many people

around the world have been measuring, in Scotland, Sweden, Italy, Hungary, New Zealand,

Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Brazil, Chili, Canada, and parts of the US. The big news is the Earth

wobble which is caused by the influence of Planet X. The Chandler Wobble is lost in this, and

anyone actually looking and measuring can see this. Thus, a statement by Mandeville that the

Chandler Wobble has stopped is naïve and confuses the issue, thus, disinformation either deliberate

or inadvertent. [and from another] 'Scientists have had the Chandler wobble under observation for

over a century. Its period is only around 433 days, or just 1.2 years, meaning that it takes that

amount of time to complete one wobble. The wobble amounts to about 20 feet at the North Pole.'

[and from another] http://science.howstuffworks.com/f 'This is the name given to the movement of

the earth's pole by 0.7 arcseconds over a period of about 14 months.'

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta262.htm[2/5/2012 11:12:58 AM]

ZetaTalk: When Lies Fail

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta262.htm[2/5/2012 11:12:58 AM]

ZetaTalk: Facilitate Discussion

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ZetaTalk: Facilitate Discussion

written June 12, 2004

If Venus did not appear to transit, all the amateur astronomers and viewers of the event would of been

screaming what happened? It would of had a bigger impact than pretending that it did? This alone would

have woken up the masses to what is going on. Imagine every amateur looking for the transit and not

seeing it? Goodness, heads would roll and our officials would be scrambling to explain. Many would have

doubted the explanation and really begin to believe. Why keep up the status quo?

The major powers of the Earth, those dictating financial and thus economic directions, installing puppets as

government heads and by their control of the majority of stock in corporations, corporate heads, are at a delicate

juncture at the moment. In the past they anticipated an escape to Mars or elsewhere, away from the Earth during its

pole shift spasms, but now realize no escape is possible. They have likewise come to realize, only of late, that

underground caverns are not safe either, and thus stuck on the surface with the common man, they are seeking a

stronger base there. Initially the plan was to form work camps, select out the best workers from the populace as slaves

and eliminate the rest, but such a plan requires invoking Martial Law at the right moment, and without a firm date for

the start of the cataclysms, this plan also was doomed to failure. Thus the establishment has been squeezed to the

conclusion that the common man should be informed of the coming cataclysms, at least to the extent of preparing in a

practical manner for survival and life afterwards, and that an awareness of countdown signs can reduce the state of

panic in the populace.

Changing a stance from a complete denial of the existence of Planet X to an open discussion of the possibility is

radical, and for this discussion we relate it to the denial of the alien presence, similarly resisted until very recently.

When ZetaTalk began in 1995, crop circles were discussed in the media only in the context of a hoax, made by men

with boards, none of the characteristics such as node growth and lack of foot prints presented. Now crop circles have

been mentioned in the media, photos shown, with an astonishing lack of debunking. When ZetaTalk began in 1995,

sightings, even mass sightings, were suppressed from the media or were accompanied by harsh ridicule. Now a rash of

sightings and photos is in the media, accompanied by substantial witnesses and almost no debunking follows. When

ZetaTalk began in 1995, we stressed that a light handed approach to introducing concepts such as the alien presence or

a pole shift had its value, in that an Element of Doubt allowed an escape, so that hard denial or escape into insanity or strong fear reactions could be avoided. One can see by the discussions on crop circles and mass sightings that this light