they no longer read sci.astro directly but go to the ZetaTalk website for a summary of what is worth reading! This was, of course, the reason for the press early last summer to have Nancy put all posting for a thread on her web site, an
obvious organized campaign as the email Nancy received on this matter were form letters, filled in! This is an
immensely important issue, none more important, to mankind at this time. This is in the skies at this time, available to amateurs, and should be the main topic on the sci.astro and related Usenets, not in the grip of paid debunkers, who seem to number only a dozen or so! Where is the public in all of this! Where is the debate! This is what we are trying
to encourage, and if our word on just which spot is it is always quickly forthcoming, then debate is stifled!
Thus, we have increasingly held back, especially since it is evident that the White Persona is on path with the
coordinates, and the Red Persona is subject to bending toward whatever side the core of the Earth is, at the time. Those in the southern hemisphere can figure this out, for them, etc. Likewise, we have allowed Nancy to look foolish, the latest session last Sunday when she shared her bumbling on asteroids with the public, shamelessly. The TEAM,
politely, informed her she was wrong, and she will post this to the web site during her day off tomorrow. This is not
the first time we allowed, encouraged, Nancy to stumble, to show the process, to be egoless in this manner, as this
encourages others to do likewise! The teacher who is perfect, insists they are perfect and cannot make a mistake,[2/5/2012 11:13:17 AM]
ZetaTalk: Debate
creates a suppression in the classroom where students are afraid to raise their hand. The teacher who is tolerant of their
own mistakes, the process of exploration, finds the classroom buzzing! Thus, we expect, and hope, that if man is
uncertain, and Nancy is imperfect, that debate will ensue, which it should!
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:13:17 AM]
ZetaTalk: Disclosure
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ZetaTalk: Disclosure
written October 29, 2009
There is the rumor that Obama will give a speech to the world population on all TV channels on Nov 27.
Anything true in this rumor? What will he speak about?
Disclosure has been gradual, country by We predicted at the start of ZetaTalk that
country, the most recent reported to be
sightings would be on the increase, and
Sweden. This trend will continue. We
they have increased. The major media is
have explained that any mass landing, or now reporting these incidences, allowing
well publicized contact between aliens
the public to see the videos and photos
and humans, will not occur. This is due
and hear the full reports of the witnesses,
to the rule that the Awakening must be
where formerly this was not done. That
gradual, and not induce extreme anxiety
there is a weak protest from some
in the populace. Contactees are on the
government agency, some flimsy excuse
increase, and mass sightings likewise on of what it might be, should be ignored.
the increase. Periodically there are
The public is not fooled. Classified
predictions about some sort of coming
documents will never be released, unless
out where aliens will stride in front of TV discovered blowing in the wind after the
cameras and all will be known. This is
pole shift. But you don't need these to be
not how it will happen.
released to know the truth.
ZetaTalk Prediction 5/9/2009
ZetaTalk Prediction 1/26/2008
The alien presence has been denied for
It is not the difficulty in explaining the
decades, since the time of Roswell, and
alien presence that is holding back full
aggressively so. The individuals who
disclosure. It is fear among the elite that
perpetrated this cover-up are still in the
they will fall from grace, from their lofty
main alive, and do not want egg on their perch. Certainly, an admission that
faces. What would they say to the public, intelligent life exists elsewhere would not
that the common man could not take the
require a full discussion about the
information without going insane or into pending passage of Planet X and its
a panic? This is laughable in view of the potential destruction. But UFOs have
large number of mass sightings which
been called "swamp gas" and the like for
have only resulted in curiosity and
decades with a softening of the stance of
increased desire for contact. To save
most governments only coming about
face, these individuals demand that the
lately because mass sightings have
cover-up continue.
become so common that the cover-up is
ZetaTalk Prediction 5/2/2009
ridiculed by their public.
ZetaTalk Analysis 5/24/2008
As one country after another opened their UFO files, one stood apart - the United States, the country with the most
official information on the existence of the alien presence. During the life of MJ12 the US had extensive contact with
aliens, and examined their ships. The US has relics from that era, including mummified alien bodies. But where the
US has the most to present to the world, has proof positive, they are the also the most reluctant. We have stated, when repeatedly asked about this issue in the past, that such disclosure would deeply embarrass those officials who were at
the forefront of denial over the decades. In that the highly popular and well known ZetaTalk website holds proof of a
kind in the ZetaTalk Accuracy record, there is an additional fear. If the alien presence is acknowledged, then is the