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Thus, they have made their plans too, for a bunker government, a carry-on government. It is no secret that the Urals

will remain well above water, and has been a site of intellectual and scientific personnel for some decades. It is no

secret that members of the Russian government are moving there, increasingly, stocking supplies there, and all this

without explanation to the public, as with Kokomo Indiana in the US. If pressed, they would simply give some

muttered excuse about atomic bombs, or terrorism, or contingencies, all of which sound reasonable.The Urals are

inland, for Russian, above flooding, and since it has become the site of many enterprises in the recent past, a logical

place to increase such activity.

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ZetaTalk: Catholic Church

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ZetaTalk: Catholic Church

Note: written during the Jul 6, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The Catholic Church, long in the know about the possibility of the passage, has also been making their plans. The

Fatima warnings, which they have withheld from their flocks, combined with confessions by high level Catholics

which were relayed to the Pope, have convinced the inner circle around the Pope that this is a likely scenario. They

have two choices, to:

1. inform their flocks and go through the distress with their flocks, and

2. to save their own skins and emerge as leaders of those left living.

They have clearly chosen the latter, in that they announced the Fatima warning as a planned assassination of the Pope,

and are willing to risk the loss of membership in the scandals surrounding the priesthood lately, in preference to

closing the inner circle. Cleansing the church, at this time, would remove too many of the inner circle needed for a

tight cover-up into the end times. Thus, pedophiles are protected, and victims paid off, as the higher priority is saving

the skins of the inner circle. They will not do this in Rome, likely to be a mess of volcanic ash, but will move to a site

as yet undecided. Likely sites are Africa, in places where the church has dominated the local folk, or South America,

in countries where they feel an allegiance with the government. Their expectations that they will be leaders in the

future is of course absurd, but arrogance seldom is realistic. They will be on the streets, with those of their flock they

have abandoned, no better off, and not at all able to deal with the situation. Thus, an ignominious end, to an

ignominious life.

The Catholic Church is unique in knowledge due to the grip of fear they place around those born into the religion.

Confession, without which the poor souls are told they will burn in hell, is mandatory. Those who state that

confessions are confidential are lying, as information deemed important to the Pope, to the inner circle, to maintaining

the wealth of the Catholic church, is passed on. Corporate heads, government heads, in confession, are deemed thus,

and get confession by special priests in many cases. Other religions do not have such information inroads. Given the

information the Catholic Church gained, who said what when, they then had blackmail to learn more, and did gain the

information they sought. Those giving them the information had their confidence, as they had mutual goals:

1. maintain the wealth,

2. maintain control and leadership,

3. save their own sorry skins before those they are responsible for, such as the flock or the public in the case of


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ZetaTalk: Border Conflicts

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ZetaTalk: Border Conflicts

Note: written during the Jul 6, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Current conflicts around the world, such as the Arab/Israeli or India/Pakistani conflicts, long standing and based on

religion or jealousy or lust for a neighbor's assets, will not go away in the year prior to the shift, but will continue. The difference is that fewer and fewer resources can be allocated to such conflicts. Starvation is increasingly affecting

populations, and crashing economies will do likewise. Thus, we predict an essential standstill, for such conflicts, unless

catastrophes such as floods or quakes create an opportunity for one party to push against another. Giants in isolation,

such as China, will likewise not reduce their isolation, as they control panic or movement in their populace by

restricting information. As they become more insecure, they tighten the noose, a common tactic. We have predicted

that countries will get more isolationist, more focused internally, while at the same time rattling sabers so as to distract their populace.

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ZetaTalk: End Game Postures

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ZetaTalk: End Game Postures

written Jan 25, 2006

I'm Canadian and am somewhat concerned about Canada's new elected conservative government. A

Conservative victory ends nearly 13 years of Liberal Party rule and shifts the traditionally liberal country

to the right on socioeconomic issues such as health care, taxation, abortion and gay marriage. Harper is

expected to renew talks on North American star wars program with the Bush administration. Also, our oil

sands are worth something like 2 trillion dollars at current oil prices, which Cheney recently visited this

last summer. Can the zeta predict how this will all turn out for the Bush Administration, although Canada

just a fly on a elephants back, so to speak.

Our predicted Earth changes have arrived to the extent that they are obvious, and cannot be explained by Global

Warming or other such excuses proffered by the establishment over the years to explain the trends. Weather is

extreme, the swings extreme, 2005 the warmest year on record, the worst hurricane season on record. The number of

active volcanoes 50% higher than only 8 years ago, and rising, with no relationship to Global Warming possible as an

explanation. The Torque Effect we predicted has appeared and is regularly creating stretch zone evidence in the US

and the African Rift area. But where these Earth changes have become obvious, they are only the start. Meanwhile,

humans in the know or deliberately kept unaware are getting increasingly nervous, seeing the trend, and posturing for

the end game.

We have stated that saber rattling would occur as times got tense and restrictions imposed, but little actual warfare as each country would focus their resources inward with war unlikely to bring any relief. That the US will be forced out