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the shift as any other exigency, like a hurricane or dread illness or accident, and simply react in like manner. Unless

young, strong, in good health, and lucky, they will not survive. This is especially true if they do not hear about the pole shift, with tides and winds, as they will have no way to calculate what to do, and will be taken by surprise.

Those aware will fall into two groups, in the main.

1. those who had very early knowledge, due to MJ12 membership or a leak from these sources.

2. those who learned due to communication methods at least a year in advance of the shift, the likely passage and

past geological history to support such a theory.

Those with very early knowledge have been preparing, and are now only concerned with hiding their preparations

from the mob, preserving them for the elite. This includes the elite within the Bush administration planning to go into

their bunkers if they cannot escape to Mars, British elite who plan to go to Australia, and Russian elite going into the

Urals. This path is well known and anticipated. They will guard their perimeter with military, and shoot civilians

trying to reach them for aid. Wealthy elite also are in the know, and have their enclaves established, stocked, and are

where they can be found today, their remote resort areas, and will meet their demise in time as the starving mob will

hunt them out in those well known places.

Those who are aware of the likely passage, at this time, are divided further into those with the capacity to plan and

those without. Those with the capacity to plan are getting camping gear, water filtration, buying vitamins and beans

and rice and protein powder, and connecting with others of like mind. Unless prevented by something unforeseen, like

being wiped out by fire, their plans are likely to proceed and in the main get them through the first few months, at

least. Those unable to plan or prepare are doing so emotionally, preparing for death or starvation and in the main being

remarkably mature. Almost no panic in the streets has arisen since the word of Planet X passing has become a common

discussion point, in outlets such as Art Bell. Most people entertaining the possibility have one foot in the real world of

today, supported by their religion and government and society, and the other in the possible world where ZetaTalk and

Planet X predictions are true. Thus, they have not sold their homes, their cars, quit their jobs, moved to the woods, or anything that drastic. Unless they have enough money to build a shelter, well stocked, they have at most put together

plans, and these plans are yet to be implemented.

Will anything occur this last year to prevent those plans from being implemented? Yes! A collapsing economy, lost

jobs, lost income, stocks and bonds proving worthless, insurance industry unable to compensate for increasing quakes

and weather problems, etc. Thus, even those who have prepared, to the extent they have, may find themselves losing

ground. What to do? All should plan, and at least mentally prepare, for being without any material possessions

whatsoever. Where does this put the average person who has prepared, and has the health to life in the Afterime, and

knowledge of what they will be facing?

1. they may have to sleep in the open, rather than under shelters, so should plan to be able to cobble together a

shelter from the woods or junk at hand, as well as clothing.

2. they may have to eat what they can find, and should familiarize themselves with what that might be, and what

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ZetaTalk: Last Year

cooking or eating methods are to be used.

3. they may have to drink whatever water they can find, and should consider no filters or electricity or fire

available, and how to purify the water in those circumstances.

If one makes those mental preparations, then they are prepared for the worst. As matter are likely only to get worse in

all lives, this last year, not better.

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ZetaTalk: Organized Religion

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ZetaTalk: Organized Religion

Note: written Dec 15, 1996.

One of the big and early losers during the Transformation will be the organized religions of the world. They are

already losing membership, though this is rarely reported, and anxiety is gripping those in the corridors of power as a

result. The Catholic religion has long experienced depletion of their ranks in the United States, and as entrenched as

Catholicism is in South America, this continent is not far behind. The trend toward tolerance and open mindedness

does not incline one toward rigidities and the acceptance of authority that organized religions rely upon. Where there

are enclaves of control, as within Islamic states, the rest of the world has shown a steady trend toward free thinking

and independence from the mandates that organized religions impose.

What does this mean for the church? Shrinking membership means shrinking profits, but for many organized religions

this does not represent a pinch as the numbers interested in devoting their lives as free workers to an organized

religion are also shrinking. The Catholic church has long had a much underreported exodus from the priesthood and

nunneries, and other religions with rigid doctrines have experienced similar trends. The ranks grow older and new

members from the youth of society join less often. In many enclaves of the devout, there are none but the old, and the

entire establishment will close when the geriatric members die off. Thus, where the corridors of power are still filled

with the same iron grip of the power hungry, the empire they rule continues to shrink.

Thus, in those rare instances where church and state merge, such as some Islamic states, the church can do naught but

fret. Changing the message to one of tolerance fools few and actually raises more suspicions than it dampens. For the

Catholic church to accept the concept of evolution, when it tortured scores of humans during the inquisition for free

thought now routinely accepted by the scientific community, is considered hypocrisy, which it is. No one is fooled, and

if anything these false maneuvers turn away those who looked to the church for a sense of continuity and security.

Even where church and state have temporarily merged, this is subject to change, and can suddenly be upset so that the

church is again reliant upon the diminishing faithful.

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ZetaTalk: Wealthy Elite

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ZetaTalk: Wealthy Elite

Note: written Sep 15, 1999.

The wealthy elite are sitting on top of the pile and are not interested in losing this position. They have heard, either