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and grab a thing, so they will not be left with worthless paper promises, all want to move first in order to get a thing before the other financial giants beat them to it. They are holding notes, and at the base these notes translate to land,

buildings, inventories, oil deposits, ships, food stocks, herds, and virtual slavery of those who cannot pay but need to

eat and have shelter. Indentured servitude, returned. We have mentioned that the pending pole shift has resulted in

Leveling Wars between the Puppet Masters and their restless Puppets seeking to become opportunists during times

when their masters might be unable to retain control. These wars will result in the pact of cooperation between creditor

countries and corporations and those who own them cracking. Fail to cooperate and I’ll call your notes due, and while

you struggle under a rain of failures I will pluck what I wish from the pool and emerge owning you once again, but

with you wasted and discredited, is the threat.

Thus, where banks default because those they have loaned money to are going into bankruptcies, and where at base

this is due to collapsing economies struggling with the effect of the current Earth changes, natural disasters, there is

also the element of warfare among the Puppet Masters and their Puppets. To the extent that the rebellious Puppets are

the political power in a country, that country may find itself fiscally undermined and corruption within that power

structure exposed. To the extent that the rebellious Puppets are corporate heads, those corporate heads will find

themselves unable to get the loans they need to continue, and forced into bankruptcy court. To the extent that a Puppet

Master, and there are many, senses that the enemy is another Puppet Master, the property holdings of that Master will

be undermined, whether this includes a country, a corporation, or financial holdings such as bonds. Watch closely,

during this war of the titans in the financial realm, and you will see the swords flash and parry.

Signs of the Times #1119

BofA isn't likely to face big losses [Sep 14] Bank of America Corp. is a major lender and a credit

card partner with US Airways, but does not look to be a big loser in the airline's bankruptcy filing.

[and from another source] The ongoing economic/financial collapse continues. The world's central

banks have been in discussion, since Sept. 11, 2001, about this onrushing problem. Internally,

secretly, many banks are going into bankruptcy, and the people who know about this do not want

this information to come to the surface into the public. Part of this scandal has to do with one or

more of the following: the housing market, derivatives and/or an immense default by someone or

company or country! It is all linked to the banks. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?

read=55620 [and from another source] Lots of significant economists agree that there is a major

major correction coming. Citibank is one most at risk. Soros, Buffet and Gates are investing for a

crash. [and from another source] Letś see if we can name some of the chief variables to the

economy. Inflation, recession, real estate bubble burst, derivative market, stock market, bond market

(the world stops buying bonds), and the list goes on and on. We’re on the knife edge and its only a

matter of time. [and from another source] Lets see, the various Airlines are laying of 10,000 people.

ESD is laying off 15,000 nationwide and a lot of Banks are consolidating or over their heads in

Monopoly Money.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta156.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:23 AM]

ZetaTalk: Economic Collapse

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ZetaTalk: Economic Collapse

Note: written Dec 15, 1996.

The world banks are justified in their constant fretting about the health of their industry during the panic that will

occur going into the cataclysms. The worth of paper money is a fragile thing, based more on confidence than anything,

paper money can plunge in value overnight, and often does in unstable countries where printing more paper money is

seen as the solution to underfunding of government ambitions. History has shown that banks and the value of the

dollar fall during economic depressions, and the years preceding the coming cataclysms will see crop failures in the

face of atypical weather and intractable droughts, insurance company failure due to weather and earthquake severity,

and a general lack of confidence.

In the face of lack of faith in the paper money system the world banking community has come to rely upon, there will

be a return to the simple method of barter - you give me a bushel of apples and I’ll give you two gallons of milk.

People long reliant upon credit and shopping will begin to lower their debt and begin to rely upon themselves, leaving

the banking industry without customers. This will of course create a panic of sorts within the banking industry, which

like organized religions are seeing their economic base shrinking. One can expect anxious maneuvers like forced

participation and alliance with various large corporations, but this is only a stop-gap measure and such maneuvers will

be challenged. Most people, if speaking truthfully, express only resentment for their bankers, who are seen as a

parasite on the backs of the working folk.

Note: below written during the September 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

We have predicted a collapsing economy, to the degree that it would drop to 1/4 of its strength as it stood at the end of

1999. It is not there yet, and will continue to fall, each country’s problems impacting the others, each failing company dragging others down. During the Great Depression and Stock Market crash, people in fact did not die because of the

lack of strength in the economy, but lived more simply. Of course, there were the elite who jumped out window rather

than face the horror of living a simple life and actually working for a living, but we are not considering these in our

statement above. We are here talking about the innocents of the world. During the Great Depression, banks failed but

were not called to account, mortgages late by foreclosure in the main not done, and all rode until times got better, in

the main. There are stories about failures, foreclosures, families losing homes and farms, but the vast majority simply

looked the other way and rode it out. Why foreclose when there are no buyers? Why close the doors of the bank,

revealing a failing, when other banks are in the same stance?

The barter system emerges, people working for each other on a day by day basis, for food or an exchange of goods.

We anticipate a real impact where storms and quakes take out cities, insurance companies fail, and the government

must step in or the homeless population increase. Those countries where the population is allowed to die, starve, get