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financial markets. The fed funds rate is the central bank's main tool to affect the economy. Lowering

the rate pumps money into the economy by reducing the borrowing cost on a broad range of loans,

including credit cards, home equity lines and many business loans. The moves were made in

coordination with other central banks around the world including the European Central Bank and

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ZetaTalk: Market Crash

Bank of England. The Swiss, Canadian and Swedish central banks also made cuts.

Markets Routed in Global Sell-off

October 6, 2008


Across Europe, governments followed Germany's weekend move to guarantee retail savers' deposits,

with similar steps taken in Denmark, Sweden and Austria.

Germany Takes Hot Seat as Europe Falls into the Abyss

October 6, 2008


Chancellor Angela Merkel has been forced to pull her head out of the sand, guaranteeing all

German savings, a day after she rebuked Ireland for doing much the same thing. During the past

week, we have tipped over the edge, into the middle of the abyss. Systemic collapse is in full train.

The Netherlands has just rushed through a second, more sweeping nationalisation of Fortis. Ireland

and Greece have had to rescue all their banks. Iceland is facing an Argentine denouement.

Federal Reserve Unveils Short-Term Loan Plan

October 7, 2008


To help ease credit stresses, the Fed announced Monday it will provide as much as $900 billion in

cash loans to banks. Most of the loans are for 28-days and 84-days. Some are shorter, 13-day and

17-day loans.

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Note: written during the Jan 7, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

NESCARA [National Economic Stabilization And Recovery Act] is a concept only, being floated out to determine

interest in such a concept by the establishment who is aware that the common man will increasingly experience

personal loss, and become increasingly desperate.

Taking the US as an example, the Fed has cut interest rates to a low not experienced since WWII, and is

practically giving away money.

Bush and the GOP, against their usual inclinations to support only the rich and powerful, have decided to allow

federal funds to be paid to the unemployed, who have recently run through their compensation and are now

without weekly checks of any kind.

The economic indicators are all down down down, though the "experts" pronounce otherwise, with one company

after another going belly up or laying off workers.

Workers from private to government jobs are taking pay cuts or declining wage increases, even when warranted

by cost of living increases, in order to retain their jobs at all.

The Stock Market, maintained under tight control by money managers given firm orders not to sell but to buy, is

floating where it is only because of a monumental control efforts, and would crash if neglected for a day.

The public did not buy for Christmas, in spite of promises in the media that this would be a big spending year,

and as soon as 4Q results are in, the stocks will start plunging again.

Bankruptcies are at a record high, and will soon overwhelm the courts.

What can the establishment do to forestall panic, riots, placards waved in the air over angry heads in front of the White House, a story that would surely get in the news somewhere, in spite of media control, and the cat out of the bag.

Would the public buy that some general amnesty was about to be issued? Would they even consider such a concept? If

rumors were to circulate, on the Internet, would this get around, get mentioned at coffee houses, at bars, at the

workplace? If so, then such rumors are worth floating, if not, then another tack needs to be taken.

NESCARA was such a test ground, and determined that where this was highly attractive to the man on the streets,

none of whom are without debts, it was deemed impractical by any but the most childish. Who would buy that banks

would forgive all debts? This is how they make their living. Who would buy that politicians would resign? They fight

tooth and nail to get into politics, where they are in the power structures, on the stage, and must be pried away from

this life, in the main. And how to adjust the inequities? If one man owes another a debt, is this not absolved, while

debts to the banks are? Where is the line drawn? Rent past due? Home ownership recently arranged forgiven the same

as home ownership one payment from completion? The concept is ludicrous, when examined as to workability, and

after an initial perk of interest, soon falls into this type of discussion on how it would be implemented. Thus, the

establishment has determined that other means, such as frank payment of unemployment benefits, an extended

coverage, needs to be done.

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ZetaTalk: New World Order

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ZetaTalk: New World Order

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

There is much discussion in the world of UFOlogy and beyond about the New World Order and various establishment

elites who want to remain in control during and through troubled times. They are on top now, and want to remain

there. They fear social unrest in the extreme. Any alternative to losing their control is acceptable, and the misery of

others is the least of their concerns. These elites can be members of a government who enjoy power and influence due

to their authority, the wealthy who enjoy an easy life and can generally buy their way out of troubles, corporate heads

who are used to the concept that they command, military leaders who can't imagine anyone else in charge, religious

leaders who fear to stand alone in the world not clothed in the reverence people cast their way, and any others in a

particular position of power, for whatever reason. As being an elitist is an attitude, not all in these categories, of

course, are elites. Just what the establishment groups are called, and who the current members are, is not as important

as the issues and trends. We are telling you that names can change, and membership can change, but if you know them