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progress of late. If one takes note of the physical signs and follows them to their source, one can almost delineate the

boundaries of spiritual separation. Signs of transformative change!

Note: below added during the Dec 28, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Sessions.

Polarization in the main goes on undetected, with humans migrating to areas they sense will be more compatible with

their thinking. Humans join groups, decide what shops to shop in, take walks in this or that park, all based on

orientation, increasingly. Political groups, religious affiliations, all are affected by orientation leanings. Decisions as to

what groups to belong to, what locales to live in, what employer to work for, are made daily based on the sense the

human has that their chosen orientation fits in.

If a group plays ball, hard, with ridicule of those losing, and another plays ball for exercise, and ensures that all

attending get a fair physical workout, these are attended by humans with different leanings.

If a political party is elitist, cruel to those in need and giving increasing power to the strong and ruthless, this is

not a Service-to-Other oriented group.

If a church is so rule oriented that the elders cannot be challenged even when they rape children, and refuse to

be called to account, this is not a Service-to-Other oriented leadership.

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ZetaTalk: Gradual Change

At a certain point, during a polarization period, these trends are noticed, as they become extreme. This is the point

reached today, thus noticed. In the past, where the vast majority were undecided, only the occasional fully developed

Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other would be about to influence matters. Jesus, or Genghis Khan, so their influence

was obvious. During the Tranformation, where an influx of Service-to-Other Star Children, including Walk-ins that

increase their numbers dramatically without the birth or maturation of children being required for influence, those in

the Service-to-Self are threatened. The percentage of Service-to-Other on the Earth is tipping, and the Service-to-Self

among humans feel uncomfortable. They group more tightly, to be with their like kind. They seek more control, get

more shrill, dictate more rules, and restrict access to themselves. This is all to increase their comfort level, to return to

the comfort level they remember in prior times. This desire for control, to return to the good-ol-days, is what in fact

drives the polarization, as the Service-to-Self willingly separate!

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ZetaTalk: Mixed Groups

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ZetaTalk: Mixed Groups

Note: written Jun 15, 1996.

In a mixed orientation society there are several barriers to the complete polarization that is the end result of the

Transformation process. As might be expected, these barriers are all to the favor of those in the Service-to-Self, who

prefer to have those in the Service-to-Others around, as prey. Beyond the obvious fact that the two orientations can

physically intermingle in a mixed orientation setting, there is the tendency of those in the Service-to-Others to feel

responsible for others, and to linger. Ultimately, through death and the sorting out that goes on prior to the next

incarnation, the orientations do separate, if only because all those not in the Service-to-Others have been removed. Is there nothing a responsible human in the Service-to-Others can do during this time to avoid the traps being continually

laid for them?

As life on Earth will get increasingly desperate, with food shortages and injuries and a continual high level of panic,

those in the Service-to-Others will feel strongly drawn to remain with those in need. In truth, there is not much that

can be done to change the circumstances, as life will be rough at best and subsistence about the best that can be hoped

for among humans not living in hybrid communities. But what can be adjusted are attitudes and expectations, which

can be adjusted to reality and in anticipation of future circumstances.

Separation of the orientations is inevitable, and any guilt trips those in the Service-to-Self try to lay on

conscientious humans should be put firmly into this context. Humans are not in charge of this separation

process, and cannot influence its outcome or pace. Those in the Service-to-Self should be thrown onto their own

resources, to fend for themselves, which in any event is the setting they can anticipate in the future. To placate

and wait on those in the Service-to-Self only creates, ultimately, a ruder shock in the future. Thus, it is in fact a

kindness to refuse to be their servant class.

The standard of living will drastically drop, titles and positions attained will lose their meaning, and any false

sense of security from savings accounts or possessions will shatter. Thus all those who survive the pole shift will

need to adjust to the new reality. Where this will be difficult for all, it will be most difficult for those who are

used to demanding service. Their demands will increase in proportion to their sense of deprivation, which will

be acute. Exhausted and half starved themselves, stoic humans in the Service-to-Others orientation will find

themselves surrounded by a chorus of wailing and angry demands. Do something about this situation, will be the

demand, when there is nothing to be done. Thus, those in the Service-to-Others orientation, anticipating this,

should learn to tune a deaf ear to all demands on them, as they will have their hands full simply doing what they

know needs to be done.

Self help, wherever possible, should be the rule, as the burden on responsible individuals in the Service-to-

Others orientation, attending to the needs of all around them, will be overwhelming. These individuals will be

the ones keeping the mechanisms of food and energy production and shelter construction in motion, who will do

the planning and organizing and rallying the distraught to address the steps that need to be taken. These

individuals need to keep themselves strong, else if they drop from exhaustion there will be no leadership. Thus

whimpering and ploys for assistance should be met with the counter demand that such assistance only be

requested when self help has been tried, and tried repeatedly, and given only when it is obvious to all that

assistance from others is needed.

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ZetaTalk: Separate

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ZetaTalk: Separate

Note: written Feb 15, 2002

In that the 3rd Density world that man currently lives in is such that they cannot easily group by orientation, into