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comment because they are busy, trying to effect rescue and safety and the like. Thus, expect any government not being forthcoming to its populace to be increasingly unavailable, no comment. When rotation stoppage comes, there will be

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ZetaTalk: During 2003

military assigned to keep mass civilians quiet, such as in tent cities surrounding collapse cities. When the military

discovers that something they had not been informed of is in process, then they do not stand their posts. Thus vacated,

true migration by the populace and the military occurs, all running in any and every direction. If no one knows what is

safe, they run from where they are, to anything else. Thus bridges will become clogged by cars moving in both directions, both in and out of cities, for instance, and abandoned by those in panic who can no longer sit in stalled cars.

This situation is described by us in detail, in the Countdown Signs, in the Most Terrible Day, and other ZetaTalk pages already provided.

But imagine that this situation can occur before the week of rotation stoppage if the situation in a local warrants. Thus, signs to watch for, that your locale, your country or city, your government, is about to go into these final hour stances, are important, as you may find yourself locked into panic tides early, depending upon where you live and work. If your government is increasingly unwilling to speak to the media, about significant catastrophes happening within the

country, this is a warning sign. If your government has assigned military to dislocated citizens, to prevent looting and

keep the peace, and the military in these areas is looking distressed, uneasy, this is a warning sign. Thus, we repeat our

advise that those wanting to survive, who have established the locations and life style they think fits this outcome,

should not tarry, holding onto comfortable lifestyles or endless denial. What have you got to lost by relocating early?

Only money and status. What have you got to lose by delaying? Your life, your health, and that of your loved ones

who are depending upon you to make the proper decision.

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ZetaTalk: Safe Havens

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ZetaTalk: Safe Havens

Note: written Oct 15, 2001

Where we have mentioned that increasing polarization will occur, between those in the Service-to-Other and Service-

to-Self orientation, this will become noticeable and even publicly announced during 2002. The population of the Earth,

to the extent that it could travel and move about or establish economic interests in a country of choice, has been

polarizing for some decades, such that the Scandinavian countries have become supportive social democracies and the

entire continent of Africa has been enslaved or brutalized for economic reasons. On a local level, communities living

almost within shouting distance of each other have likewise polarized, families choosing to move or maintain

friendships based on their orientation. Thus, within a city, one suburb may be strongly Service-to-Other in their

support of community needs while another is filled with self focused individuals ignoring each other and intent on

personal agendas. So how does a community announce that it is of a certain orientation, if this is to occur?

Sensing that troubled times are soon at hand, many strongly in the Service-to-Self will attempt to line up a soft life for

themselves, where they can be in control of others and dictate the daily events. This takes the form of attempts at

leadership, and offering a safe haven to desperate people unable to do anything but grab a life-line. These safe havens,

of course, will be anything but that, and are in essence slavery and abuse. Such offers, to the public at large or to

selected groups recently made desperate by disasters in their communities, take the form of offers of assisted

relocation, guaranteed work, loans with easy payment terms, and joining a community of supportive individuals. A

quick determination of the sincerity of such offers can be done by gauging the longevity of the organization. How long

have they been in business? If new, why have they not formed earlier when human suffering is not new?

Organizations offering self-help, where those in need are empowered with no strings attached, are relatively safe.

Organizations which would put the individual or family in a potentially stranded situation are highly suspect.

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ZetaTalk: Individual Preparations

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ZetaTalk: Individual Preparations

Note: written Oct 15, 2001

On an individual basis, the subliminal mental and emotional preparations done by many who have sensed that

something momentous is about to occur, will move into the overt. Individuals who have been watching the news,

seeing the erratic weather and the increasing inability of scientists to explain the changes and the impotence of

governments to address the obvious implications for their citizens, will decide to take action. In the main, these

individuals are not contactees, though many are as they have given The Call due to their concerns. The steps that an

individual takes will differ, depending upon the individual’s spiritual orientation.

Those in the Service-to-Other have considered changes in light of family needs, such as the need for children to

receive the best education, or the need for a particular family member to receive expert medical attention, or the need

for employment to support the family at a comfortable level, or the need for able-bodied members of the family to be

close to those needing physical assistance. Often these individuals have lined up an alternative site as a vacation home

or second home, or made contacts during business trips so as to be able to move if the need arises. Those in urban

areas are most likely to be struggling for alternative living, as well publicized riots in heavily populated areas have

brought home the danger when times turn ugly. Those living along coastal areas subject to tearing tides or on fault

lines subject to increasing quakes likewise increasingly consider their alternatives. The Service-to-Other guided

individual or family will make their move not when the opportunity arises, but when the advantages to moving offset

the advantages to staying. This varies, and can be no more a trigger than the loss or threat of loss of a job, or the end

of a school year, or the failure of a family garden.

Those in the Service-to-Self are looking to either perpetuate their life style and control over others, or in some cases to

take full advantage of the distress that many will be under to create an essential kingdom for themselves. Those