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can act as kings or lords over those whom they anticipate will straggle in, desperate, in the last weeks. Prices

will be sky high for any goods they have to offer, and enslavement the agreement for a meal and a bed. If

working for the government, they are planning work camps and confiscation. As the signs increase and shortages

develop, these individuals begin to savage each other, fearing takeover, so that by the time the last weeks arrive,

their noisy warfare has revealed their intent. If not able to compete in this manner, selfish individuals will either

try to attach themselves like lampreys to the good hearted or simply plan to party hard until the end, living for

the moment. In either case, they will be predictably in place, scheming or partying, until the last days.

Those in hard denial will get more hardened, attacking the messengers, refusing to contemplate the news, getting

more red faced and angry as the facts press in. This group will likewise be in place, going through their daily

routine, unlikely to change even when the last weeks show the pole shift to be inevitable. Even when the sun

refuses to rise past mid-morning, they will go through their routines, as the routine comforts. Given that the

majority of mankind will be in this category, government operations will in the main continue apace, up to and

including the hour of the shift. Those of good heart who have prepared will leave in the last weeks to take their

loved ones to safety. Those self serving will likewise devote themselves to their schemes or good times. So the

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ZetaTalk: Until the Last Days

ranks will be diminished, but government offices will still be trying to function, staffed by those in denial or

those with a mission to either help or take advantage of others. Government services will, thus, likely be

available until the last weeks, deteriorating rapidly into the shift.

Opportunistic looting will of course occur as it does today. Looting occurs after fires or quakes or when rioting

overwhelms the police system. Camps to take in refugees from quake ravaged cities or drought or flood ravaged

regions will be on the increase, with food shortages affecting these camps and riots breaking out. These will be

handled in the same manner as today, with riot suppression and allowing those outside the camps to simply die of

hunger and exposure. This goes on today, in Afghanistan, in the Sudan, in Korea, and among the homeless in

American cities. The wealthy will increase their defenses, hiring patrols and building fences. Cities will become more

dangerous, those with criminal tendencies seizing opportunities. Reaction to any gangs that form, intent on preying on

others, will include not only the police and military assigned to keep order, but militias determined to defend their

communities. This will occur in any case after the shift, so is a prelude to life after the shift.

When the last weeks arrive and the monster is writhing in the skies and the N Pole of Earth tips away into 3 days of

darkness, the Earth changes will increase dramatically. Renting quakes, collapsing cities, monstrous tidal waves, and

disruption of services - power, gas, water, and phone. Bridges will be down, roadways torn, the atmosphere so volatile

that planes cannot be safely lofted. The drama then switches to the local arena, which depending upon the polarization

that occurred may be good hearted or self serving or full of panic stricken people who neither planned nor plotted

ahead of time. Those in hard denial will continue to plod through their life as though nothing were happening, walking

like automatons amid the din and the melee. Insanity will take a sharp up-tick, with many losing touch with reality,

sitting in stunned silence or preaching their version of reality. The last weeks will in essence be an exacerbation of the

behavior each has assumed months before hand, those preparing taking their final steps, those taking advantage seeking

to reap riches and control from others, those uncertain before in panic, and those in hard denial shrill and insulated.

We have predicted that

As the pole shift approaches

In spite of denial and

mankind in the main will go

and the earth changes

suppression of talk about the

into the pole shift unaware.

heralding the shift can no

approaching cataclysms, when

Most of the world has no

longer be ignored, the peoples the earth slows and then stops

access to the media, or the

of the world will find

in its rotation the truth will be

Internet, and relies on the

themselves at varying levels of known. There will be in general

senses of seers within their

preparation for the coming

two responses in those

culture or their own intuition. horror. In most cases, the

previously unaware or in denial

Most hearing about the

populace will find themselves

- flight and paralysis. If they

coming changes are not

barely able to get past a

have been informed, but

planning any action at all. The stunned awareness that life as scoffed, they may know what to

first thought is that action

they have known it will not

do and where to go, and

should be taken. The next step continue. Where an individual attempt to do so in great haste.

is denial. Distraction is the

has taken the warnings

If they have not been informed

final and lingering step that

seriously during the months

they will attempt to flee

those in denial take. Work,

and weeks leading up to the

anyway, going in all directions.

play, overeating,

shift, there will be a grim

ZetaTalk: Last Minute

overexercising, or getting

enactment of a plan.


drunk or dopey.

ZetaTalk: Level of

written Aug 15, 1995

ZetaTalk: Personal



written Aug 15, 2000

Our prediction that quakes

written Mar 15, 2002

would increase in both Richter

What will happen in human

and frequency, in a linear

If living in comfortable

society as the cataclysms

manner, has been proven true.

circumstances, young and with approach and become