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It is at the moment of passage

money and opportunities for

increasingly clear, even shrill, that the Earth most reacts, and

amusement, they may just

in their warnings? Families

prior to this, it is twitching, so

remain in their setting until

will increasingly be forced to

to speak. Until the planet hoves

surprised by the week of

rely upon themselves and the

into view, is approaching so

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta270.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:38 AM]

ZetaTalk: Until the Last Days

rotation stoppage going into

community they live in.

rapidly that the earth is slowing

the shift. They will party,

Increasingly polarity will

by minutes and then hours a

hard, into the end. Whining

intensify, such that some

day, and then stops in rotation,

demands will increase. The

communities share and

there will not be any more than

steps toward preparation, in

support each other more,

linear increases.

the main, are not preparation while others close their doors

ZetaTalk: Certainty,

but merely reaction.

to each other with brutal

written Dec 7, 2002

ZetaTalk: Individual



ZetaTalk: Likely

written Oct 15, 2001


written Nov 15, 1999

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ZetaTalk: Rescue Expectations

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ZetaTalk: Rescue Expectations

Note: written Feb 15, 2001

As the cataclysms draw near, those who have taken the ZetaTalk message about the coming pole shift seriously will

make their plans. For many, when these plans fall short of their expectations for a standard of living, or comfort, or

security - the gap is filled in with their rescue expectations. Perhaps they live in an urban setting where they have

never had to scrape for food or bother to think about anything more than going shopping. Perhaps they have a high

tech standard of living and can’t imagine being without what technology provides in communication and entertainment

and labor saving devices. Perhaps they are indolent and want someone else to provide the missing pieces, to provide

security and comfort and by all means a good meal at least once a day!

As concern that the ZetaTalk message might be true, to distress when the predictions seem to be occurring in the time

frame predicted, to anxiety that their personal plans will not meet their expectations, rescue expectations, a form of

denial, rise up. What are these expectations, and how likely is rescue going into or during the pole shift, or shortly after

in the Aftertime?

The Lift

Having read that those who are categorized as future residents of the Earth, those firmly in the

Service-to-Other, have been offered a lift during the pole shift if they desire to live through the

shift, many assume this rescue has been offered, or will be offered to them. And by the way, can

they be dropped back onto a safe place, into a good-hearted community waiting with open arms for

them. Surely they are Service-to-Other. They are always polite and never try to offend, don’t rob

banks or enjoy sadistic games, so surely this means they are of the Service-to-Other orientation! As

we have with great detail explained, this cannot be superficially determined by the actions a human

may take to avoid trouble with society or the police, or the posturing a human may assume, or any

title they may place upon themselves! Simply stated, if one is looking to the Lift for salvation, they

are not of the Service-to-Other orientation - so don’t count on this as a rescue.

Government Operations

In countries where social services exist, those desperate for a rescue will begin to assume that the

government will act, perhaps at the last minute but in time to rescue them. Announcements will be

made to peacefully evacuate cities and coastlines, tents will be erected, and the populace resettled

after it is all over with the worst of it the beans and rice endlessly served for supper. The military,

politicians, and those holding stakes in the cities and coastlines being deserted will put selfish

interests aside and become humanitarians, in the end. For those clinging to this hope for rescue, we

would only point out that the governments today do not act in this manner, but leave many starving

children and injustices in their wake, daily. Stressful times will not create heroes, it will create

slamming doors. Simply stated, if any are looking to the governments to rescue them, and move

close to government operations in the hopes this will occur, they will not only be disappointed, they

will become slaves or worse at the hands of those determined to remain in control during the


Space Brothers

A theme of many discussions on the role aliens are playing, during visitations, is rescue. They are

benign space brothers, here to rescue mankind from destruction from atomic bombs, pollution of the

environment, or whatever. Surely, in the face of something as devastating as a pole shift caused by a

passing planet, steps could be taken! Divert the course of this planet! Carry mankind away in space

ships to temporary safety! For those entertaining such an appeal, we would point out that most of

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ZetaTalk: Rescue Expectations

mankind is starving, today, and disease and hardship abound. Rescue is not occurring today, for the

simple reason that life on Earth is a learning experience for growing souls, as we have explained,

and the passage of the 12th Planet is considered a natural occurrence not unlike hurricanes or

tornadoes or disease. Simply stated, humans are to rise to the occasion, and help each other, during

these times. Outside of the help given as a result of a truly Service-to-Other call to help another, no

help will be given. In these cases, another, not the self, is assisted.

Right Neighbors

Since our descriptions of the Transformation include humans and hybrids living near each other,

such that the human communities can benefit from alien high technology - those desperate for

rescue assume they can move in with the right group, and shortly after the distress of the pole shift