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Up until the banking system is in a steady slip toward a crash, the facade that money can be provided to bail out

bankrupt countries will be maintained. The banking industry relies so heavily on confidence, as does the Stock

Markets, that even when a slide is well in place they will deny. When the slide is accelerating, they will disappear into

"no comment" and be out of the public eye. The exact time and date of an economic crash is something we are

frequently asked about. This is in the hands of man, in the main, and could be delayed by months past a predicted

point based on newscasts, and the sacrifice of various wealthy individuals willing to dispel some of their fortunes

toward this end. Then there is the issue of erroneous reporting, as today, where crops shortages are simply not

reported, and weather changes and the rising seas swallowing islands in the Pacific are simply not reported. If an

economic crash is well in process, but the news does not report it, then to you, this is not yet occurring.

Thus, unless one has inside information, and knows what signs to look for, the slide will not be evident. Our best

advice to the public, anxious to make best use of their funds, is to not invest in the Stock Market, not hold back from buying solid material items that can help them, such as seeds or camping gear or tools. How can you go wrong in

learning to garden, or planning to get close to nature? These are in any case good investments, not so much to make

money as to improve your life! Spend time with your children in the woods, learn simply survival techniques like

eating weeds and fishing under primitive circumstances. This is a better vacation, a better use of your time and funds, than sitting on the sofa and counting riches you probably don't have today! Paper money, and stocks, give a false sense

of security, as history tells you. Get real!

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ZetaTalk: Establishment Reaction

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ZetaTalk: Establishment Reaction

Note: written during the July 2001 sci.astro debates. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Over the past 50 years, during the time that a small group of individuals within the US government and NASA were

aware of our warning of a pending pole shift in 2003, their stance has changed. At first, there was incredulous

disbelief, and the argument that we must be lying to them for all manner of dark reasons. Due in no small part to the

predictable and measureable slowing rate of the Earth, which we predicted at the start of our dialog with this group, we

gained credibility. The sighting of the inbound Planet X by the IRAS team in 1983, at our very coordinates, clinched

this. At this point, this group's reaction turned primarily from discussions on whether it could be so, to be

predominantly what to do about it.

1. The first reaction was to save their own skins. This had been a theme all along, but reached a fever pitch. Going

to Mars to escape the carnage and return when the dust had settled is a highly visible escape plan, as it requires

public funding for the mission, though the sponsors are trawling about among the rich, feverishly. This plan is so

fraught with risk that has never been the main trust for those determined to save their own skins at all costs, and

to hell with the general public. Underground complexes developed during the cold war were more seriously

considered, as they were in existence, secret, well stocked, and under the control of those who were aware of the

inbound Planet X's existence. But in view of the severe earthquakes that will accompany the passage, this escape

plan also carries risk. The caverns could become tombs, burying those seeking shelter there alive.

2. The second reaction was to divert or destroy the inbound Planet X. Nuke it. Push it. Perhaps even move the

Earth out of the way. The public face of this plan is the Star Wars press and movies such as Deep Impact and

Asteroid and Armageddon, wherein NASA et all save the day. If the White House is casual about Global

Warming, supposedly causing all the weather irregularities, they are intense about Star Wars, risking a breach

with other major powers to push this forward. They have no workable plan, nor will any succeed, but they want

the infrastructure in place as an option anyway.

3. A third reaction, given the failure of an viable escape from or diversion of Planet X, is to remain on top during

any survival, to rule as kings in the forthcoming era. This requires that the public consider the government as

leaders, information sources, caretakers, and responsible. If the government is seen as lying to them on many

fronts, the opposite will occur. In that the alien presence is increasingly becoming accepted by the general

public, though mass sightings and open discussions the government and major media have no control over, they

determined they should stop lying so broadly about this issue. In that Planet X is now visible by observatories, as

an object now lacking in the star charts, and will soon be visible to the general public, the cover-up on Planet X

is not only due to fall apart, it will prove to be a reason to distrust the government.

Thus, the public is being treated to an expedited education on matters the elite have been aware of for some time.

Intelligent life exists elsewhere in the Universe. Many lifebearing planets exist, and nearby. Traveling planets such as

Planet X, and smoldering brown dwarfs, are possible. Stay tuned, as more deliberate leaks bring you closer to what the

major powers and elite have known for some time!

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ZetaTalk: Nervous Establishment

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ZetaTalk: Nervous Establishment

Dated March 23, 2000

It is becoming increasingly apparent that blaming the sun or blaming global warming as distractions and

disinformation to confuse the populace as to the changes that the Earth is undergoing is not going to last much longer.

It may be that odd weather can be explained away, or an occasional satellite malfunction can be explained away, but

when it gets 20 times worse for the next 3 years running, exponential increases to some extent, how it this going to be

explained? The government is going to be wrong, and people are going to begin to discount the government.

Therefore, a more honest statement about certain factors is the only thing that is going to keep some governments

holding the confidence of the populace. In shrill backroom arguments, statements are made that unless a government is

more honest about these factors that people are just going to discount the government and listen to it at all, and then

it’s an unpredictable sea of chaos and change.

Those who go into government service and the military are not that dissimilar from those who go into religious

institutions because they want to be in control and want consistency and sameness and absolute security. They fear, to