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will do when they go bankrupt. Melting poles and glaciers? This is talked about as though just another odd aspect in

the weather pattern, not projected as to where this might be leading nor to cause. Meanwhile, as during past years

when the media could only talk about a Presidents Oval Office escapade, we are now treated only to nightly coverage

of where Bin Laden might be hiding.

Thus, the public becomes increasingly uneasy, as they sense something larger than the weather or melting polar ice.

They sense a cover-up, and are thinking, at least subconsciously, of what this might mean. They are dealing with life

as many contactees must, daily. Living two lives, and trying to act as though this were normal. If they share their

concerns, they fear being called odd, so stay silent. Worries not shared are increasingly distracting, and lead one to

make mistakes on the job or elsewhere. Thus, accidents, bloopers, slips of the tongue, and absentmindedness are on the


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ZetaTalk: Proof

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ZetaTalk: Proof

Note: written during the August 10, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

In 1995, when ZetaTalk began, we stated that weather changes, increasing earthquakes, and an almost imperceptible

slowing of the Earth were signs the passage was approaching. As the Weather in those days was debatable, although showing up in charts done by dedicated Troubled Times members during the years leading up to the Year 2000, and

Earthquakes likewise have been blurred by underreporting of quake magnitude and incidence, the slowing rotation is a sure sign. During this past year, on sci.astro debates and ensuing research, it became evident to those looking for

evidence that the US Navy was well aware, in some circles, that the Earth would be slowing, and had planned to blur

this from public view as early as 1994. This is well documented in the Slowing TOPIC of Troubled Times, where the Moon cycles were pre-adjusted so that calendars reporting Moon phases would not allow the public to become aware

that the Earth was moving more slowly, in relationship to the Earth, than before. These graphs, of the Navy's hand, is

proof that the elite, in power, in the US and other areas where atomic clocks are maintained, knew that this would

occur. Few hands were in this, and the Navy maintains the master clock by which all sync, so this conspiracy was


In these days, the signs that the passage is approaching are many, more than were listed by ourselves in 1995. If one

looks to the behavior of the Bush Administration and their cronies, as an example, one can see an almost careless

disregard for the future. Supposedly the weather is caused by Global Warming, but they care less about reducing

pollution in the nation most creating this pollution. Clearly the Stock Market is teetering, inflated with hot air and false reports, but they still espouse letting the little man put his Social Security funds into the market. This allows the rich to

run off with funds and maintain their status longer, but in future years would doom the Republican party! They clearly

think there will be no future elections. Beyond the geological changes, political actions and the actions of those in

power are showing you that the passage is imminent. This will soon be replaced by the most convincing evidence, a

moving reddish object in the skies, which will have faint explanation that stands before a questioning mind.

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ZetaTalk: Changing Captains

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ZetaTalk: Changing Captains

written July 11, 2003

July 9, 2003 ABC News Poll, 16,781 polled:

- think war was good idea: NO 48% YES 41% (n/a 11%)

- think there should be consequences for lying about WMD: YES 69% NO 28% (n/a 13%)

- is it worthwhile for US to stay in IRAQ? YES 18% NO 79% (n/a 3%)

July 10, 2003 CNN Poll, 21.269 polled:

- Did Bush make an honest mistake, or deliberately mislead the American public about Iraq?


What might the public expect as the cover-up over Planet X unravels? How will the elite react? In simple conspiracies,

when there is danger in being discovered, scapegoats are targeted, evidence is destroyed in great haste, and those in the

know eliminated so there is no chance they will talk. This is the mode when there will be another, and another, chance

to gain what the conspiracy was all about. Given that Planet X is looming literally at Earth’s doorstep, there is no time

to retool and regroup and start over. They must make the grab for world power, the kingship of Earth, and protection

of the elite during the coming times work, now.

The Fist

The original plan assumed control of the worlds major military powers, which were secured when

the White House was taken by political appointment, not popular vote, in the 2000 Presidential

Election. Thus, losing control of the good ship USS United States is not in any reworked plan. They

want continuing control of the White House because the US Military has been built up to be a

power greater than the combined power of all other countries.

The Counter

Because the pole shift has been delayed long past our staunchly predicted date of May 15 or shortly

thereafter, the US Military has lost respect, utterly, for the Commander in Chief. The military was

reluctant to go into Iraq, its advice ignored and its leadership treated like robots expected to follow

orders without question. Rebellion, at the highest levels, is seething just under the surface.

The Energy

The original plan assumed that enemies could be eliminated, resistance intimidated, the weak bribed,

and the media controlled. This has proved to be the case, with resistance under reported, Congress

in the US and Parliament in the UK becoming sheep barely bleating a complaint and rubber

stamping Iraq invasion despite the warning signs. The power grab for Middle East oil was

considered a success.

The Counter

The original plan assumed an ability to plant evidence, and here they have hit a snag. Imagine a

world where Weapons of Mass Destruction had been found in Iraq as predicted? Imagine a world

where repeated terrorist attacks on the US had occurred. Instead the raw hand of greed reaching for

the major oil fields of the Middle East, Iraq and the Saudi fields, stands exposed.

The Economy

The original plan assumed that in any economic hardship, corporations could be propped up and

would hold, so that leading in to the cataclysms the elite would still be comfortably perched on the