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Burn NASA, burn the White House, and move on.

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ZetaTalk: Walk-In President

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ZetaTalk: Walk-In President

Note: written during the Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Ruth Montgomery is a valid channel but is in touch with entities other than ourselves. Thus, to dissect her channeled

reports is to step in and speak for these entities, who would understandably resent this. Any channeled work done in

the past is also subject to change, when the actions are in the hands of man, as we have repeatedly stressed.

It is a logical, and predictable, assumption that given the polarization to Service-to-Self the Senior Bush as President

had, and the behind the scenes maneuvers, the extremely harsh treatment of Clinton during his era, that Service-to-Self

humans would attempt to take over the Presidency of the US going into the shift. 40 million dollars was spent on

finding criminal actions of Clinton re 40 thousand dollars, yet the Enron connection to the current President, his

criminal accounting during Harken Energy, Chenny's criminal accounting during Haliburton, are all excused. This is

an example of the determination of the Service-to-Self humans currently in charge of the White House to gain power,

and their intense resentment that Clinton withstood them as long as he did. Pollution is on the upswing, forgiven to a

horrific degree by the former Governor who had the largest polluting record, over Texas, of any other state, but this is overlooked and never mentioned by the media. More homeless, in states strapped for funds to feed them, while the

Military is being beefed up so the Bush family and cohorts can gain control of Iraq oil, and no one mentions this in the

media. Now, given such a mind set in control, why would a walk-in occur?

Those choosing the Service-to-Self orientation are not strong types, they are the typical bully who is endlessly cruel as

long as they are on top, but who whimper and plead the moment the tables are turned. Cowards, at their base,

pandering to their comforts and changing loyalties freely. Given the situation where a President, predictably Service-

to-Self at the time Ruth's prediction was made, would be faced with maintaining a public face to a hostile public, what

is to be expected? This is tense, the public face needing to be empathic yet maintaining the lie, the demands from

various Service-to-Self advisers and handlers in conflict, all demanding cooperation. There is no one boss in this

matter, so dissension is rift, yet grabbing the bottle or snorting cocaine is not allowed! This type of situation is

something a highly Service-to-Other person could and does frequently tolerate, in order to achieve a mission, but the

Service-to-Self are a different lot.

They want quick gratification, and go for it, and when these maneuvers don't win, they show their resentment. When

they present their irritation, this is counter to their handlers demands, as they are expected to pretend they are empathic to the lot of the public. Thus, this is stressful on an Service-to-Self puppet, such as the current President, the Junior Bush, represents. Given that the spirit can decide to leave the body, and have a conference with their Spirit Guides on

this matter quite outside of the awareness of human handlers present, an exit can occur. If the body is void of an

incarnating spirit, it is open to volunteers, and since the Service-to-Self spirits would be loathe to enter into this

situation, painful for an Service-to-Self spirit, it is an opportunity. Whether such an exit and potential walk-in occurs

is in the hands of man, or certainly in the spirit incarnated in the Junior Bush and his henchman Chenny, so is not

something we care to predict.

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ZetaTalk: Explanations

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ZetaTalk: Explanations

Note: written during the August 3, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

When Planet X becomes visible in the Fall leading into 2003, to amateurs, it will be called alternatively noise, a

fleeting comet, a fleeting nova, or a delusion. Only images can register something, and few amateurs have the

equipment to register an infrared object. Also, the bending of red light, which allow the amateur to find the object

when he/she looks around the spot, will continue to support ridicule so that it is stated that different objects are being sighted. But as Planet X becomes visible in the skies to amateurs during the Fall leading into 2003, and increasing in

size so that those without the aid of scopes can see it by Spring of 2003, and as the weather extremes increase to the

point of making the general populace frantic, demanding explanations from scientists, and as earthquakes increase in

frequency, destroying cities, and bridges and rail lines continue to fault, without explanation of the human scientists

who are at a loss for why this is occurring now, the establishment will increasingly look to explanations to give to the populace that will placate them.

In a Christian nation, such as the US presumes to be by its controlling ultra right political structure, this will be

that the End Times are upon mankind. The hope here is to drive the public into their churches to pester their

leadership, and the answers predictable. Pray. Australia will do a dance similar to the US, in refusing to address

any discussion of Planet X officially, which throwing the public to the Aborigine stories. The US will deny, but

push Troubled Times and sites like this to address the panic of the public, and hopes the public rushes to the

Churches during what they take to be the End Times. Australia will likewise refuse to explain to their citizenry

the real causes of Earth changes, but will publicize Aborigine myths, and folklore. Those in the know will go

into the elite enclaves, the rest of the populace be damned and can go to the Aborigine to be taken care of. Such

is the mindset of the ultra right.

For those logical thinkers, educated and reading broadly in the news and on the Internet, other explanations will

be given. A current theory, only somewhat in the press, is that there are periodic climate changes, cycles, and

this is one of them. Data will be dredged forth, newly interpreted, supporting this, with the reassurance that these

times will pass as they have in the past.

In tightly controlled countries like China, where the populace is intelligent but access to news around the world

limited to what the government wants the populace to know, each local is to believe that their local is afflicted,

as occurs during normal times, and the big picture will elude the poor citizenry until the last moments.

Countries that care for their citizenry, in general, will find heavy discussion in the news, the talk shows, where