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ZetaTalk: Banned Message

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ZetaTalk: Banned Message

Note: written Jul 15, 2000. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The simple message of ZetaTalk - that the Earth indeed has visitors from other worlds, that cover-ups of this fact and

the desire of some in the US Military to gain their technology, that the Earth periodically undergoes cataclysms during

the passage of the 12th Planet and certain elite in power positions are aware of the next pending passage in 2003 [Note:

see 2003 Date explanation] - has not been considered a threat up until and even past the millennium. The reason for this was also simple - ZetaTalk contained no truth, or made no statements, that could be verified. Predictions were made, about

weather changes and crop failures and earthquake trends, and matters were veering in this direction, but still the

weight of ridicule vs. substantiation was on the side of those who would keep the public unaware and placid until the

last days before the pole shift. This weight has recently, in mid-2000, shifted to substantiation of ZetaTalk, thus

making it for the first time a threat, rather than a worry.

What substantiation has occurred, by mid-2000? As has been carefully documented by our emissary, Nancy, in her

ZetaTalk What’s New pages and on the Troubled Times pages by her fans, ZetaTalk has been highly accurate in predicting:

the weather changes, hotter winters and colder summers, alternating deluge and drought

the effect of these changes on harvests worldwide, to the year that shortages would occur

the continuing heating up of the core and its effect on volcanoes

the remarkable effect that locked plates have on earthquakes, such that they domino, and the year this would


higher tides, unaccompanied by and thus unexplained by earthquakes or storms

migration of peoples uneasy, at a subconscious level, with what they sense is coming

increased illness among animals and humans alike

an increase in albinos, such that the White Buffalo would not stand alone in its appearance

ZetaTalk is due to come under increased attention, due to the accuracy of these predictions. Questions will be raised to

those in power, who are ill prepared to answer them honestly. In those countries where the flow of information is

tightly controlled, the media well in hand and the populace used to having their lives controlled on many fronts, the

reaction will be suppression of the message. In those countries where there has been a decision to allow the ZetaTalk

message, and its accompanying Troubled Times information, to receive additional attention, there will be no change, as

all preparations for the increased attention have preceded the arrival of ZetaTalk prediction substantiation. The reaction of the public has been gauged, measured, and the answers to be given to the public well rehearsed - a clever call, a

remarkable woman tapping many great minds with her psychic ability, predictable from the trends, luck, or whatever.

Ridicule is not anticipated, as those in power in these countries, who control the media and have agents everywhere

ready to weigh in on any Internet discussions, have determined that the populace is best prepared by hearing the

message of ZetaTalk and the simple solutions that have been so thoroughly documented on troubled Times.

All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com

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ZetaTalk: Targeted Message

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ZetaTalk: Targeted Message

Note: written during the Aug 24, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

What is the glue between the various Sources targeting ZetaTalk, all claiming that ZetaTalk is wrong, or claiming it is right but having some lack of integrity factor that one can see is to rub off on Nancy and ZetaTalk. Glue is often hard

to discern, and most often is not what one would assume.

In the case of Hazlewood on Art Bell, it is not Art at all that is being manipulated, but friends in the music field

who then lean on Art. Don't those in the media have friends, family, and those they socialize with? Mark

Hazlewood is the son of a famous musician, Lee Hazlewood, known personally to Art Bell, and thus, this string

is pulled easily.

Sitchin as we have stated from the beginning of ZetaTalk has personal reluctance to realize the horror will occur

in his lifetime, the not-in-my-lifetime response. Thus, any fact in the confusing mix will be used to assure him

that it will not come in his lifetime. He additionally does not want to be the bearer of bad tidings, and even when

convinced he has been wrong, will not say so, leaving this to others. Thus, pressing him to state 2003 or not has not been hard, as when pressed he would, of course, say not. His preference was, obviously, no comment, but he

was not allowed this option by those who knew which way he would jump. Carrying great weight, his words are

hoped to weight in among the crowd of lesser folk, discrediting ZetaTalk or at least discouraging the public from

taking it seriously.

Jason Martell has long lectured about Planet X to MUFON, and has been long respected for his web site on

Nibiru. Since he claims that Sitchin is the authority, would he be expected to say otherwise? Sitchin is pressed,

Martell follows along, and all this is predictable.

McCanny, long in the science field, is more manipulated by his desire to be center stage, the important one, than

any deception. He is sitting on the fence, hoping to be right, to be able to claim so, no matter which way the

outcome. Thus, when the weight of evidence leaned against 2003, he stated this, but when earth changes started

weighing in, he dithered, and one can expect him to dither back but eventually to support ZetaTalk and claim he

said so all along when the time comes. Thankfully, he is on film on the Planet X Video, stating 2003 will not

occur, so he himself can be discredited, by his own words.

NASA has long been so tight in their Planet X cover-up that they can hardly reverse, but are doing so in the

kiddy corner. Talking to kids, who talk to their parents, is allowed. They will claim it is the Sun, a comet, a

nova, until the Spring of 2003 when another excuse will be generated. To shelter the elite in bunkers, they may

claim an aggressive asteroid, outgassing and moving directly toward Earth, or a close passage. This would allow

all manner of movement of military and the power mongers in Washington DC, as well as those in Russia to

move to the Urals, the Brits to Australia, and the wealthy to their spots, without delay. NASA is only addressing

the issue in the kiddy corner, to have a place to direct those asking, just as the elite are expected to direct the

desperate to Troubled Times and ZetaTalk when asked what they, their governments, are going to do to protect

and help them during these times.

The Norlock claim is obvious. It appears, on its face, to substantiate ZetaTalk, and should Nancy claim it, she